
I Just Want Players to Save Money, They Insist on Giving Me!

Ke Jin transmigrated into an era where gaming was in utter chaos. Everyone here deeply believed in the notion of buying happiness with money, as game companies ran wild with various schemes to trick and force players to spend. As a game enthusiast from his past life, Ke Jin felt like he was in a world without sunlight. Luckily, he obtained the Free Game Production System! Players could get the ultimate reward of the "Complete Collection of All Game Design Schemes" without spending a single cent! Not spending money? How hard could that be? Heap on the benefits! Give away 50 consecutive draws during the summer heatwave! Give away 100 draws on the second day after the server opens! Due to the game reaching 50 daily active users, we are issuing a cool skin set originally priced at 999! The planner's niece just turned 17 years and three months plus 7 days old, so we're giving away 50,000 crystals! My sincerity is almost flooding the players. Surely nobody will spend now, right? Secretary: Mr. Ke, good news! Our newly launched game has just reached over a hundred million in daily transaction volume on its first day! Ke Jin: Huh? How is that good news... No, what about the other game? The one where we give full 100-99 discount vouchers upon starting, isn't its sales terrible? Looking puzzled, the secretary said while anticipating the boss's reaction: They've been shouting things like 'what a conscientious company' and 'if we don't spend, they'll go bankrupt,' so they just topped up. That game sold a whopping one hundred million copies globally. Congratulations on making a billion! "......" At 3:30 a.m., lying in bed, Ke Jin was wide awake, unable to sleep. He posted a status: Please, I beg you, stop spending. You guys are really making it hard for me... Player: Understood, Mr. Ke is hinting life is hard, brothers, let's step up! Charge it!

Chen Tang Resting on the Moon · Urban
Not enough ratings
328 Chs

Chapter 8: Game Consultant!_1

Translator: 549690339

The living room was dim and without light, the curtains drawn tightly shut.

A young man and a girl sat opposite each other by the coffee table, their expressions grave and tense.

Next to the coffee table, there was also a black safe.

"How did it go?" the girl asked in a cold voice.

"Miss, it was tight, the risk was high, we only managed this much," the young man said, looking around nervously: "There aren't any hidden cameras in the house, are there?"

Seeing the impatience on the girl's face, the young man didn't waste any more words and hurriedly opened the safe.

Suddenly, a box full of money was revealed in plain view.

"Wow, that's a lot... no, why is it only this much?" The girl had just put on a stern face when Ke Jin waved it off and said, "Cut!"

"Forget it, forget it. I can find a dog downstairs with better acting skills than you."

"Go to hell, be happy I'm even cooperating with you!" Ke Yu clenched her fist, looking for a critical hit point on Ke Jin: "I can't believe you made such a fuss about having a sense of ceremony for our first dividend. I thought it was going to be some high-end contract handover ceremony, but this is what, an underground, clandestine meeting ceremony?"

"Just admit it's got a sense of ceremony," Ke Jin said as he grabbed several bundles of bills from the safe— all brand-new one yuan notes.

7000 yuan, he had gone to the bank and withdrawn 7000 one-yuan bills, leaving the bank staff with an internal flurry of flowery greetings as he strode away lugging a small suitcase that his dad would only use when going on a trip.

Nothing else.

He was poor in his past life and had never seen so much money— was that reason enough?

"Childish," Ke Yu pouted.

"I think you just don't get it," Ke Jin stood to draw back the curtains, and warmth flooded the living room as sunlight poured in. He clapped his hands and turned around, arms raised high as if he were a renowned orchestra conductor, basking in the sunshine: "To the very end, a man is but a boy!"

Ke Yu watched her brother for a moment, puzzled.

She had to admit, from a certain angle, this childish jerk looked quite handsome.

But the next second, that impression of handsomeness was shattered.

"This 5000 yuan is your principal investment," Ke Jin returned to the coffee table and shook out dozens of one-yuan cash bundles, pushing them towards Ke Yu.

Then, he counted out ten more bundles— one thousand yuan.

"This is your investment dividend."

To be honest, Ke Yu was quite happy.

The denomination wasn't high, but there was a lot of it, and it made her feel rich, a little bit of happiness.

But just as she was about to reach out and touch the money,

Ke Jin stretched out his arms again, quickly gathering the money into his embrace and stuffing it all into the suitcase.

Ke Yu: "?"

"Just showing you. But our new project has started, and we need more capital investment. I'll have to take this back for now," he said.


Ke Yu, almost fuming with rage, thought of a heap of swear words but couldn't bring herself to say them, only clenching her fist and gritting her teeth.

"I curse you to not find a partner before you're 25!"

Thinking about it, she felt this curse was too mild.

These days, plenty of people haven't dated by 25.

"Then make it 26!" Ke Yu upped the number of her curse to one she was satisfied with.

"No problem, there's your best friend. When I'm 26, she'll only be 22, just right," Ke Jin said nonchalantly, unconcerned.

"You with my best friend? Don't even think about it! I would never let my best friend end up with someone like you, because!…" As she spoke, Ke Yu's cheeks suddenly turned red, and her voice grew quieter: "Because…"

Seeing his little sister's rosy cheeks, Ke Jin grew tense.

"Damn, you're not in love with me, are you? We're siblings… that can't happen…"

"Idiot." The girl, a second ago shy, now faced him coldly, expressionless, and raised her middle finger.

Ke Jin exhaled in relief.

Fortunately, his little sister did not harbor the type of forbidden love described in Qidian Orthopedic Zone.

Otherwise, that would have been more trouble than it was worth.

Wait a minute...

In the conversation just now, there were only two people.

One was him; the other was her best friend.

If she wasn't blushing because of him, then that meant...

Holy mackerel!

That's so freaking...ow, no, this won't do!

"Baby Yu, after all these years of your brother being single, I was counting on your best friend to help me escape the sea of suffering."

"You're young; you have plenty of youth to waste and countless romantic adventures awaiting you. Let your brother borrow your best friend for, say, sixty or seventy years."

"Believe me, I truly like her, and I will be good to her for a lifetime," Ke Jin stated earnestly and with conviction: "From the first moment I saw her ten years ago, I had already decided you would be my sister!"

"So before that, I wasn't your sister, huh," Ke Yu rolled her eyes.

At that moment.

"Bang bang bang."

There was a knock at the door.

Ke Jin got up, calling out 'coming' as he walked over and peeped out the peephole.

Holy cow! A beautiful older sister!

"Who is it?" Ke Yu called from the living room.

Ke Jin turned his head, not answering her question, but with a change of tone, spoke seriously.

"Baby Yu, you can have your best friend back."

Ke Yu: "???"

A second ago, he had promised to be good to my best friend for a lifetime. Then, just like that, he transferred her away?

My goodness! What you love is not the specific, but you equitably love every pretty girl you see, huh?

Such a Casanova!

By that time, Ke Jin had already opened the door.

A tall and curvy woman wearing a silver-grey pleated shoulder dress stood before the door.