

Kane Black a 98 year old man who wanted nothing but the end unfortunately had his request denied so instead of once again hoping for his peace and quiet he decides to make it (Author note) leave me comments either on how bad i am or how to improve also if you just enjoyed it and this novel will have r+18 chapters later on you have been warned early

Tundra74 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The manor and young master

Kane groaned as he regained his consciousness he slowly sat up trying not to make his headache worse and took a slow look around 'that wolf brought me to a house but why I thought it wanted to eat me' thinking back to last thing he could remember 'the manor' Kane thought

[ Host has gained analysis skill ]

[ Now that host is awake would you like to hear what happened after you lost consciousness ]

'yes' Kane thought

[ The wind wolf that caught host brought him to the manor after reaching the manor the wolf gave hosts body to someone named Vincent who looked after the host checking for injuries coming to the conclusion that host was unharmed Vincent left a girl named Lily to look after host until he wakes up ]

'Am I in danger if I stay here' Kane asked

[ host is advised to stay under the protection of Vincent for the time being ]

'what should I do for the time being then' Kane asked

[ Host has acquired a new quest (find information about the world he is in) additional quest active: (find Information about Vincent and Lilly) ]

'alright then' Kane thought as he climbed out of bed pushing the black sheet from his body after checking his legs to make sure they were ok he started to walk to the mirror he noticed that he had a slim build with black short hair (yes that's his thing its in his name get used to it) with sky blue eyes he also noticed he was wearing no shirt with a new set of pants that were a perfect fit

'I look almost the same as I did when I was 16 a lot less muscle but still' he thought as he walked away to the door and slowly opened it peeking his head out he saw no one outside of his room so he slowly made his way down the hallway until he found a set of stairs as he looked around he noticed he had made it to the front of the manor he was only about 20 steps from being outside

Thinking back to what the system said he decided against it as he continued to look around the entrance to the manor he saw paintings of who he assumed was Vincent with the wolf next to him but to his surprise there was a painting of himself next to the wolf and Vincent as well but before he continued to look around his stomach rumbled so he decided to follow his nose after catching the sent of roasting meat

Kane kept his slow pace as he walked the first floor following the smell of the meat until he reached a door that was slightly open as he got closer he could hear people talking

"How is he" Vincent asked

"Still asleep its been almost 2 days I don't understand why he won't wake up" a feminine voice answered Kane could only assume this was Lilly

"He is already awake " Vincent said with a smile as he flicked his wrist and the door swung open as if it was obeying his command

Kane slowly walked into the room since he had been caught there was no use in running now as he walked to the table he looked at Vincent he looked identical to the painting he had a strong build, long black hair with brown eyes his hair was tied back into a man bun as he smiled at Kane with a soft expression

As Kane went to sit down Lilly went to get some of the roasted meat for him 'Im glad he's awake' Lily thought Kane looked at Lilly and smiled she looked to be about the same age as him she had white hair with emerald green eyes and an hour glass figure which complemented her soft looking body and after eating 3 plates of the roasted meat Kane was finally full and Vincent was the first to speak up

"why did you go to the forest Kane" Vincent asked with a curious expression waiting for his response

"I don't remember" Kane said which was the truth he had no idea why this Kane was in the forest

"Your going to have to come up with a better lie then that boy" Vincent said with a annoyed expression on his face 'my son has never lied to me why would he start now what happened in that damn forest'

Without skipping a beat Kane responded

"Then it sucks to be you the last thing I remember was falling after getting attacked and then waking up at the bottom of the cliff old man" Kane responded with his own annoyed expression

Vincent sat in his chair with little sparks of electricity jumping around his body but they kept getting bigger and bigger until they striked the table furious Vincent asked

"Did you see their face" he asked with a cold glare

Kane could only shake his head at the question he figured he would be honest to Vincent because of the way he acted just now so he took a risk

"I don't remember anything before the fall" Kane said while looking down into his lap

"You don't know who we are do you" Lily asked with wide eyes after hearing the words leave Kane's mouth and once again he could only shake his head

Seeing Kane shake his head Lily could only let out a single tear before running out of the dinning room crying Vincent also had a look of disbelief on his face while he looked at his son 'he doesn't remember anything my poor boy' Vincent couldn't hold back his tears either after hearing those words

Kane didn't say anything as he quietly left the dinning room listening to Vincent cry as he walked down the hallway he walked for about 10 minutes until he found a library he searched around for a book of the region after finding one he learned he was close to a mining town in the kingdom of Yevet he also found a section that talks about the four families The Snow, Black, Karth, and Vulc families looked after different parts of the kingdom after being rewarded In the Great Mage war

curious Kane asked 'can I use magic?'

[ Host cannot use magic as of right now ]

hearing that didn't discourage him cause it meant that he will be able to eventually 'slow and steady wins the race' he thought as a hand landed on his shoulder

"you truly don't remember anything" Vincent asked while Kane only nodded

"Then lets start with this my name is Vincent Black I'm your father the girl who was eating with us is Lily Snow she is your fiancé" Vincent said slowly

After hearing those words Kane was dumbfounded This man was his father and the Beautiful girl was his Fiancé he only looked at Vincent and didn't say anything back

"you are enrolled in the kingdoms noble academy of cultivation and magic its set to start in two days time and I planned on getting you a beast pet tomorrow but I understand if you don't want to go anymore" Vincent said

After thinking about it for a few minutes

"I'll go just because I lost my memories doesn't mean I'm not Kane and besides if I have to fight other beasts I don't want to be powerless like I was against that wolf" Kane said with a smile

Vincent nodded his head and told Kane to get some rest it will take a lot of energy to contract with a beast 'He doesn't even remember Iron will he really be ok at the academy' Vincent thought

before Kane went to sleep he opened his system to check the quests to his surprise they were gone and replaced with

[ Host has completed both quests rewards are as follows: Skill ticket (2), Item ticket (1) +2 to all stats ]

[ Name: Kane black

Health: 120/120

Mana: Restricted

Age: 16

System Named: Lucky King

Stats: VIT,7 DEX,7 INT,7 CON,7 CHA,7

Current Status: Fine

Skills: Analysis

Inventory: roulette ticket (skill (3),Item (2) ]