

Kane Black a 98 year old man who wanted nothing but the end unfortunately had his request denied so instead of once again hoping for his peace and quiet he decides to make it (Author note) leave me comments either on how bad i am or how to improve also if you just enjoyed it and this novel will have r+18 chapters later on you have been warned early

Tundra74 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Old Wounds New Scars (1)

Author talk* I'm putting this first because I'm sorry I disappeared without telling you i haven't been feeling well mentally and couldn't get myself to do any of the things I enjoyed but that doesn't mean I'm giving up on the story it just means chapters will be very slow till I feel better granted there isn't much to read yet and once again I'm sorry and thank you to the 637 of you who gave this book even a glance it means a lot more to me then you may realize -Tundra


After leaving the forest edge the carriage that had brought them to the town of red water was waiting for them so without a second thought Kane climbed in and fell asleep quite quickly even though the spider had not hurt him physically it had definitely taken a toll on his mental state

"take us to Yevet" Vincent said to the driver before he checked Kane's mana to see for damages to it

'Not even a small disturbance in it' Vincent thought after slouching back down

'we should have died because of my carelessness how could I have been so stupid' Vincent kept beating himself up over this thought for the whole ride to Yevet

Waking up from a bump in the road Kane took a look around before looking to his father Vincent who was talking to the driver at the moment

"we will be at Yevet in a few minutes if that's what your curious about" Vincent said while closing his eyes to rest for a few and he was right after 5 minutes of waiting the massive walls that surrounded a mountain that pierced the sky and clouds came into view to his surprise though they didn't have to stop at the checkpoint like the rest of the carriages they just rolled on through

After stopping to get some food and a surprise for Kane they arrived at the academy it was a white palace with dragon statue pillars holding the roof up along with dorms on the left and right side as he stepped out of the carriage

"I guess the wolves haven't died yet" a voice said coming from the front gates Vincent grabbed Kane and pulled him to whisper

"I have no power here but neither does Vulc so if you wish to make peace with them its your choice but remember don't start the fight or as you used to say 'Do no harm but take no shit'" Vincent said with a sinister smile and a wink as he handed Kane a black ring with a blue line through it before climbing back into the carriage and leaving

'so dad is more then what meets the eye' Kane thought before looking at Arthur Vulc the young man who just 'happened' to be walking by the gate as Kane arrived

[ He is a rank 3 mage be careful Kane ]

Hearing the system warn him Kane was a little confused why should he worry about a rank 3 mage I mean sure he couldn't kill him at least not in the open but aside from that why should he be careful

[ You haven't awakened a element yet but Arthur has ]

'Fuck of course he has' Kane thought

"what's wrong little wolf did father leave you too" Arthur snickered hoping to embarrass Kane at the main gate 'come on take the bait you damn mutt' Arthur thought to himself he wanted to cripple Kane but he wasn't willing to start the fight as fighting has serious consequences in the academy but Kane didn't even give him a glance as he walked passed which left him dumbfounded but there are a few things you don't talk bad about in front of Kane in his old life and this one 1 being his parents and 2 being his friends and girlfriend

'I see what Vincent meant now' Kane thought to himself trying to restrain his emotions after ignoring the problem

[ Host has received free roulette ticket would you like to use? ]

'sure why not' Kane thought but how did I get a free ticket

[ Host has received worlds will: active skill, suppress the power of others in a radius of the host, can control a target for a limited time ]

[ Host will not be able to use this skill for long so be wise when using it ]

After reading the systems message Kane couldn't help but smile 'well I guess I don't need to worry too much anymore' while Kane was deep in thought he had unknowingly walked to the sparring grounds there were a lot of people either sparring or watching a spar one of which was Lily who was using a rapier to attack her targets joints to slow their movement and stop their attacks

Lily was not the first to notice Kane but she was by far the happiest after countering her opponents sword before ending the fight with her blade pressed against his throat he promptly admitted defeat since the last exchange would have costed his life in a real fight

"I didn't know if I would see you here due to the circumstances" She said after sneaking up on Kane and giving him a hug

"I couldn't leave my fiancé to fight all of these people now could I" He said without needing to look around to see the boys staring at her body

"Besides I have a gift for you but you must wait till tomorrow I still need to get settled in" He told Lily before stealing a kiss in front of everyone leaving her bright red he almost thought he could see steam coming out of her ears as he walked to the dorms

After finding his room he decided to look through the ring his father gave him it had plenty of food for his pet when it hatches along with an ample amount of gold to use as his allowance

'I'm going to have a rough day tomorrow I can feel it' Kane thought as he drifted off to sleep since classes start early tomorrow