
I Just Like You!

In the beginning of my youth. I give away my heart to you. I always knew this love for you was just an hopeless wish. It was impossible for us. But I still couldn't stop this heart from beating wildly for you. In fact what I like is not you but your most beautiful moment engraved deeply in my heart. Whether you like it or not. I will always continue to guard that most cherished moment between us. Just let this liking of mine for you accompany me for the lonely second half of my life. I just like you. [Copywriter: Lu Jingran987] [Protagonist: Ran Quzi] [supporting role: Sam , Sarban , Chase] [Keywords] 1, This is a mutual but unrequited short love article. 2, This is Not Yuri.3, There is no Cp male lead. 4, Intention is to not give up your life even if you encounter set back in love life. 5, This is a inspirational unrequited youth love article. 6, Life is precious don't waste it on that name of love.

Lu_Jingran · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 5 I definitely won't cheat her

When his aunt asked him to stand for punishment Sarban didn't complain and obediently went at the back to stand for punishment. Standing behind Sam and Ranran.

At the back Ranran blinked and leaned close to Sam's ear.

"Do you know who the brother behind is?" Ranran thought she whispered in a low voice but in fact Sarban could clearly hear her.

Sarban openly and generously smiled at Ranran. Ranran shyly buried her whole head in Sam's chest in embrassassment.

Sam didn't look at Sarban and told the Ranran in her arm. "His name is Sarban aphelion Eloy. He is a first grader and a common window breaker. The grades are good and belongs from a wealthy family and is a typical bad boy." Sam emphasize the words "Window breaker" and "Bad boy" to let Ranran know she shouldn't involve herself with him.

Sarban who was leaning close to them heard his own introduction and smiled affectionately at Ranran.

Ranran buried her face again in Sam's chest with blushing cheeks. Sam glared at Sarban and Sarban look at her innocently.

Sarban continued to stare at Ranran back head with a uncontrollable smile.

Looking at these two interaction Sam heart is on alert.

Sam had a headache. She intuitively feels what she hold in her arm is not a stupid mushroom but a hard earned cabbage that can be fooled by male pig Sarban.

While Ranran from Sam's arms was secretly peeking at Sarban and would retreat back whenever Sarban caught her looking. Sarban smile generously at Ranran.

Sam three black lines on her forehead  and immediately put a distance between them and pulled the silly Ranran away. Looking at Ranran's silly and stupid appearence ,I suddenly remember how she was bullied by the group of Lila and Gina and immediately began to teach Ranran.

Sam dares to teach and Ranran dare to obey.

"Ranran ,if someone bullies you then you should fight back." Sam taught seriously. "How to fight?" Ranran with lollipop in her mouth given by her brother this morning asked with round clear cute eyes. Sam look at Ranran tender and delicate small hands and seriously fell in deep thoughts and suddenly said.  It's okay to beat them half to death."

Ranran bit the candy between er teeth and asked suspiciously." Beat them half to death?"

"Yes" Anyway being beaten half to death is others fault and not her Ranran's.

Behind them Sarban was using the back of his hand to cover his smile from leaking. His eyes were in Cresent moon.


Why is it so stupid and cute.

Sam saw Sarban's smile even if he covered it behind her and pointed her finger at him and taught the century old but the most important lesson.

"And Ranran should stay away from cheap scumbag like him. They will cheat you!" This time Ranran didn't replied.

Sarban's smile cracked and his eyes widen in disbelief and mouth was agape in shock of being identified as a cheap scum who cheats young girl. Sarban stabilized his expression and took a deep breath and seriously explained to Sam but looked at Ranran with his most serious eyes and said every word from the heart." I am not a scumbag.." he emphasized the word "scumbag" " ...And I definitely won't cheat her." He bite every word resolutely as if taking a oath.

Sam only didn't believe in Sarban's explanation and immediately her temper jumped up. She sneered "You still want think about cheating her? Dream!"

Sarban was about to argue back when a tender and soft hand caught his right hand and Sam's left hand was also held by the soft and delicate hands of Ranran. Ranran smiled sweetly and stupidly. "Don't fight."

Sarban and Sam tacitly didn't fight anymore. And quietly coveted Ranran's soft hands in their own.

From the window sun light poured on the three children and outlined their shadows. The faces of Sarban and Sam next to her side by side were charming and most beautiful.

The boy of age five with dark brown hair like dark chocolate and eyes held his left hand to a cute girl in strawberry skirt and delicate face. The girl smiled sweetly and foolishly holding her right hand to a girl with dark ink hair and eyes. The girl had an expressionless face but in fact she had a smile in her eyes.

The three looked a perfect piece of painting.

This was a moment , Ranran liked it very much.

On such a most ordinary day, Ranran found the two most important halves of her heart.

Sam and Sarban.