
I Just Like You!

In the beginning of my youth. I give away my heart to you. I always knew this love for you was just an hopeless wish. It was impossible for us. But I still couldn't stop this heart from beating wildly for you. In fact what I like is not you but your most beautiful moment engraved deeply in my heart. Whether you like it or not. I will always continue to guard that most cherished moment between us. Just let this liking of mine for you accompany me for the lonely second half of my life. I just like you. [Copywriter: Lu Jingran987] [Protagonist: Ran Quzi] [supporting role: Sam , Sarban , Chase] [Keywords] 1, This is a mutual but unrequited short love article. 2, This is Not Yuri.3, There is no Cp male lead. 4, Intention is to not give up your life even if you encounter set back in love life. 5, This is a inspirational unrequited youth love article. 6, Life is precious don't waste it on that name of love.

Lu_Jingran · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 I also have a father

The bell rang. The lunch time was over. All the children ran back to their respective classrooms.

Only Ranran was missing.

When everyone was talking about finding Ranran. With a crisp sound Lila slammed the table in anger.

Everyone was started and looked at eachother.

Lila smiled ,satisfied their attention was back at her and said some outrageous words unsuitable for a child of three year old.

"You all run around playing with Ran Quzi but do you know she has no father."

"What do mean?"Gina frown and ask back innocently at Lila and other classmates also asked curiously.

Gina is the girl who just before lunchtime enthusiastically played with Ranran.

Lila smiled" It's means she is a abandoned child disliked by her father!" Only when the teacher is not there can Lila presumably talk bad about Ran Quzi."Ran Quzi is a very bad child." Lila emphasize the words bad.

Gina tilted her head and didn't understand it. She bite her lips and thought about it.

Does it means you are bad if you don't have a father?

Then is Ranran very bad?

But her mother told her not to play with bad children it will also make you very bad!

Is she very bad now?

Gina panicked. Other also thought of it. Just then resolute words rang out

"No... Ranran is very bad we should not play with her!"

"Yes , just now I give her my favourite doll. It must have become dirty , I don't want it back!"

Everyone shouted back in agreement.

While Lilia was smiling satisfied at this response. Sam Blackbell was frowning at Lila.


"Thank you aunty!"

Ranran smiled and wave her hand happily at the clean aunt while going back in her class.

Ranran was locked in toilet stall when she went in the toilet. Somebody locked the door from outside. Ranran was squating in the bathroom for a long time before the cleaning aunt noticed and open it.

When the cleaning aunt was going through the toilet stall for clean-up , she opened the stall and found a child obediently squating on her knee locked inside.

The cleaning aunt was so frighten to find a child locked in the bathroom. Fortunately she discovered it in time and the child didn't faint. It was good the child is safe and didn't cry otherwise she didn't know how to explain to the teacher and parents.

Ranran didn't notice the strange and malicious glance from her classmates and was running back to her seat when a sudden foot stretch before her and she fall.

"Look! She fall down. It must be bad luck!"

"She smell like toilet! So disgusting!"

"Get her away!"

"Ranran is a bad child!"

"Yes , stay away from her!"

Everyone look back in forth at Ranran with disgust and malicious.

Ranran suddenly fall down and it hurts. She was squating at the toilet stall so her knee were sore and red. Tears were about to out come from how much it hurts.

Her ears were ringing from insult and head hurts from the disgusted glance from her classmates. She was lying down on the floor embarrassedly and no one helped her.

Before she could get up someone pushed her down again.

"Ranran you are so pitiful and bad! You don't even have a father!

"Yes! You are so pitiful!"

"I have a father but you don't!"

There was a row of oncoming insults. The words "You Don't even have a father" hurts so much.

Children at this age are full of curiousity and are like a blank page. They necessarily don't understand many things and words. They only repeat what they heard. That's why they don't understand how much harm can their repeated words and accuses can hurt someone.

With a woo Ran Quzi cried loudly. It was a heart wrenching and desperate cries.

"Wooohooo.... I don't wooohooo ...I-I have....also have father.... wooohooo... sniff .. wooohooo... You lie....wooo"

In the classroom full of malicious words Ranran's cry was the loudest.

"Hmp! , know how to pretend!"

Nobody help her up and avoid her like plague.

Ranran hurts so much and continued to cry miserably under the malicious eyes of her classmates.