
I Just Have To Wait It Out

Ye Tian was transmigrated to a world of swords and magic. He became an apprentice mage with little to no talent. As one of the lowest-class members in the world, he activated the Immortal Body. Ye Tian decided to live a carefree life after that. Even if other people were to train hard aiming to become the God of Magic, they were still limited by how long they could live. On the other hand, Ye Tian could train forever. “You’re a Grade 10 Mage? Just you wait! I’ll come back 50 years later!” “100 years is a short wait for exacting my revenge!” “You’re the God of Magic? Let’s see how things will go 1000 years later!” “Everything in this world will die. I’m the only one who will live forever!”

Lord of the Ring User · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Imperial Guards Arrive, Inviting Ye Tian?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

There was dead silence. No one spoke.

Ye Tian's identity as a mage was no secret in Rock Town.

However, everyone knew that Ye Tian was expelled from school before returning to the town.

The current situation seemed to be completely different from what they expected.

A small flame could burn four living people to ashes in an instant. This did not seem like an ordinary spell.

"Ye Tian must have obtained a treasure from the mages."

"Is Ye Tian someone you can call by name?"

"That's right, call him Captain Ye!"

Everyone who had regained their senses looked in the direction where Ye Tian had disappeared and could not calm down for a long time.


On the other side.

Returning home, Ye Tian suddenly laughed and shook his head.

"Since when did I start to disregard life?"

Even Ye Tian was surprised by his own words.

He realized that although the four people he had just killed had ill intentions toward him, he really did not feel anything else.

It was as if he had stepped on a few ants on the road.

Ever since he found out that he had an unlimited lifespan, Ye Tian had a feeling that sooner or later, life would become insignificant in his eyes.

However, he did not expect that day to come so quickly.

"Windsor has been gone for nine years. I wonder if she's doing well."

Sitting at the door, Ye Tian looked up at the sky. Sooner or later, he would reach the clouds and enter another world.

At the same time, on the road a few hundred meters away from Ye Tian's house, a few old men walked over while chatting.

"Ye Tian, are you back?"

Near the door, an old man shouted at the top of his lungs.

The door was pulled open and Ye Tian leaned out, looking surprised. "Mayor, you're looking for me? What happened?"

The old man who was being watched by Ye Tian smiled. As he walked in, he said, "I came to discuss something with you today."

Ye Tian was a little stunned. He could not think of anything that he needed to discuss with him.

Back in the house, Ye Tian prepared to pour them a glass of water. After all, they were all respected elders in Rock Town and had to be respected.

"Ye Tian, stop working."

The old mayor waved his hand and gestured for Ye Tian to sit down.

"Ye Tian, we old fellows are already old. Sometimes, we feel powerless."

"You're too kind, Mayor. I think you're in your prime."

Ye Tian smiled.

The old mayor shook his head. "I'm old. We thought about it today. Ye Tian, I'll leave the position of mayor of Rock Town to you."

The mayor had a relatively high position. Under normal circumstances, he would be appointed by the empire.

However, the Empire was still fighting another opponent and had no time to care about the matters at the back.

Therefore, the old mayor took the initiative to look for Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was stunned when he heard the news.

"Mayor, isn't this too hasty?" Ye Tian asked hurriedly.

He was not interested in the position of the mayor because it was too troublesome. Usually, he had other things to deal with.

Now that he was the patrol captain and Rock Town was short of manpower, he just needed a job to make a living.

The old mayor said solemnly, "No, we old fellows have seriously considered it. Everyone has seen how much you've contributed to Rock Town over the years. No one will dare to complain when we appoint you as the mayor."

"Ah, this…"

Ye Tian opened his mouth, wanting to reject but unable to find a suitable reason.

In the end, the old mayor left with his men.

Ye Tian had never thought that he would become the mayor for no reason.

In the following days, he walked around the town and still patrolled every day. Other than the change in the way everyone addressed him, everything else was the same.

This made Ye Tian feel much more relaxed.

Days passed.

On this day, the sound of horse hooves could be heard outside the town. Some people looked over and saw a group of cavalry approaching with smoke and dust.

"What beautiful armor."

"These people don't look easy to deal with."

"Look at the symbol on their chests. I've seen it in the capital. It's the symbol of the Imperial Guards."

There was no lack of people who had traveled extensively in the town. When the cavalry walked into the town, someone immediately recognized them.

Hearing that it was the Imperial Guards, everyone held their breaths, their eyes filled with curiosity.

The Imperial Guards were in charge of the order in the capital. Why would they think of coming to a place like Rock Town?

"I heard that Ye Tian lives here, right?"

The square-faced man in the lead dismounted and asked the people around him in a gentle tone.

Perhaps it was his attitude that made many people lower their guard.

Soon, someone answered the man's question.

The man nodded and gestured for the person behind him to reward him with coins.

Then, the man took the opportunity to ask some other questions, but most of them were related to Ye Tian.

After that, the man went straight to Ye Tian's house.

"You are?"

Ye Tian, who was about to cook, saw the group of cavalry and was on guard.

"Hello, don't be nervous. My name is Goethe…"

The square-faced man introduced himself politely.

Goethe was the Head Knight of the current ruler of the Red Moon Empire. He was usually in charge of the Monarch's safety.

Not long ago, someone brought news from Rock Town that there was a powerful Mage here.

The Empire is in a state of war and in dire need of manpower.

When the Monarch heard the news, he immediately arranged for his right-hand man to go over, hoping to invite Ye Tian to join the army.

After understanding the situation, Ye Tian said straightforwardly, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to get involved in the war. I made you guys come here for nothing."

Goethe hurriedly said, "Ye Tian, the Monarch won't let you work for nothing. As long as you're willing to join us, you'll be able to enjoy endless glory and wealth after we defeat the enemy."

He thought that Ye Tian had misunderstood.

In reality, the Empire was short of people, especially powerful mages like Ye Tian.

The Empire would not use force. Instead, they would use wealth and status to trade.

Unfortunately, Goethe did not understand Ye Tian's situation at all.

Therefore, Ye Tian invited him out and closed the door. No matter what Goethe said, he did not reply.

For the next few days, Goethe did not leave. Instead, he enthusiastically persuaded Ye Tian.

A week later, the cavalry silently left Rock Town.

Goethe returned to the capital with disappointment in his eyes.

He did not understand. They all lived in the Red Moon Empire. Did Ye Tian not care about the Empire at all?

Ye Tian did not take this matter to heart and continued living his life.

At first, he was worried that the Empire would not give up so easily. He was already prepared to leave Rock Town.

In the end, a year passed, but there was no movement from the Empire.

Ye Tian heaved a sigh of relief.

Until one day, another murder case suddenly happened in Rock Town.

Ye Tian rushed to the scene and swept his gaze across the corpses. His heart, which had not fluctuated for a long time, suddenly rippled.

The withered corpse gave Ye Tian an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Mayor, we've already gone to get the mage."

Someone reported.

Ye Tian nodded without saying anything.