
I Just Have To Wait It Out

Ye Tian was transmigrated to a world of swords and magic. He became an apprentice mage with little to no talent. As one of the lowest-class members in the world, he activated the Immortal Body. Ye Tian decided to live a carefree life after that. Even if other people were to train hard aiming to become the God of Magic, they were still limited by how long they could live. On the other hand, Ye Tian could train forever. “You’re a Grade 10 Mage? Just you wait! I’ll come back 50 years later!” “100 years is a short wait for exacting my revenge!” “You’re the God of Magic? Let’s see how things will go 1000 years later!” “Everything in this world will die. I’m the only one who will live forever!”

Lord of the Ring User · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Revenge for His Brother

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Coming, coming."

The middle-aged man had been paying attention. When he saw a group of people walking over from the corner of his eye, he hurriedly stopped the discussion and took the lead to welcome them.

"Superficial act."

The old man looked at the middle-aged man's back and snorted.

The young man didn't say anything and stepped forward together.

"Hello, sir. I'm the president of the Lam Society. You can call me Peter."

The middle-aged man smiled.

"President, this is Lord Todd."

The person of the Lam Society introduced Peter.

Todd glanced at Peter indifferently. He did not even have the intention to speak. He did not even take the two people behind him seriously and walked straight into the house.

"Good temper! I wonder how capable he is."

The young man's face was ashen and he could not help but mutter. After all, he was the leader of a group and had never been looked down on like this.

The old man smiled and seemed to be very calm.

Todd walked to the main seat and sat down.

Peter immediately went forward, poured tea for Todd, and handed it to him.

"Sir, I heard from my men that you want to find someone?" Peter asked after Todd took a sip.

Todd nodded.

Peter asked again, "Sir, do you have any information about this person? For example, what's his name? What are his characteristics?"

Todd shook his head and said, "I only know that he's a resident of Rock Town. More than ten years ago, my brother was killed in Rock Town. I'm here today to avenge him."

This was the truth. When the news of his younger brother's death came, he was about to break through, so his master suppressed the news.

The old, middle, and young exchanged glances with each other, revealing troubled expressions.

There was no information at all besides him being a resident of Rock Town.

If it was something that happened in a short period of time, it would be fine. How could it be easy to find a culprit from more than ten years ago?

The young man, who had been unhappy about being ignored, stood up. "I'm sorry, my lord. I can't do anything about this."

With that, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Stop right there!"

At this moment, Todd's slightly cold voice sounded. His cold eyes stared fixedly at the young man.

"You might not understand, but I'm not negotiating with you. Since you're the current leaders of the town, you have to find him."

The young man sneered. "Are you threatening me?!"

He was already the leader of a gang at such a young age. He had not been frightened since he was young!

Peter and the old man did not speak. Their gazes kept changing from the young man to Todd as if they were watching a show.

In fact, Peter also felt that this matter was tricky.

However, he had accumulated experience over the years and had seen all kinds of people. He knew very well that he could not act rashly most of the time. Instead, he needed to examine the current situation.

The old man looked interested. He really wanted to know what Todd, as a mage, would do in the face of provocation.

Soon, the answer was presented to the old man.

Todd raised his hand expressionlessly and clenched his fingers at the young man. Dense water droplets appeared in the surrounding air. Before the young man could react, they wrapped around him.

The young man kept twisting his body and struggling. The water droplets isolated the oxygen, making it difficult for him to breathe. The pain of suffocation made his face turn red and the veins on his neck bulge.

A few minutes later, the young man lost his senses.

After the water droplets disappeared, the young man fell to the ground. He was already dead.

"Gentlemen, is this a problem?"

After putting down his palm, Todd turned to look at the two people who were frightened and asked slowly.

"It's no trouble, no trouble at all."

Peter shook his head quickly, afraid that he would become the next young man.

The old man echoed.

To kill someone just because of a disagreement. Todd's cruelty and strength frightened him.

That was because the old man was not confident either. He did not think that his subordinates could protect their lives.


Peter and the old man trembled and looked at Todd at a loss.

Todd ordered, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and find it. I want to see news that pleases me before the sun sets."

It was already noon, and the sun was shining brightly.

However, both Peter and the old man felt a chill run down their spines.

The two of them quickly got up and found their trusted subordinates, instructing them to search as soon as possible.

During this period, Peter thought of escaping, but when he thought of the strength Todd had displayed, he immediately dismissed the idea.

If he escaped now, he would probably end up no better than Doron.

Doron was the young man.

This guy had always been arrogant and despotic. It was obvious that the three of them had set the rules together, but Doron always violated them. Peter had been angry about this several times.

Now, there was no need to feel angry for Doron anymore.

No one dared to neglect Todd. They served him good tea and water and all kinds of delicacies.

Until evening approached.

Peter and the old man walked into the house nervously.

The residents of Rock Town had already left three years ago. It was not easy to find someone who knew what had happened in Rock Town more than ten years ago.

Todd lay in a chair made of soft animal fur. Beside him, two girls were carefully massaging him.

Hearing footsteps coming from outside, Todd turned around. When he realized that it was Peter and the old man, he sat up.

"How is it? Any news?"

Faced with the two of them, Todd went straight to the point.

Peter smiled awkwardly. "Sir, we've already arranged for someone to look for it. There will definitely be news if we wait a little longer."

"Yes, my lord. Don't worry. Although more than ten years have passed, we will definitely find your brother's murderer."

Perhaps it was because of their attitude, Todd's expression softened.

"By the way, I haven't left the mountain for more than ten years. Are there any powerful experts now?"

Since he had nothing to do, Todd started talking about other things.

This time, going down the mountain was not only to avenge his brother but also to raise his master's reputation and recruit new disciples for him.


Peter was stunned. He frowned and pondered.

The old man beside him opened his mouth and said, "Sir, I don't know what kind of expert you're referring to. If it's someone who knows magic and is quite strong, there's actually one in Free Town who meets the criteria."

"You mean here?"

Todd was instantly interested.

The old man nodded. "When it was called Rock Town, there was a person called Ye Tian in the town. He was a mage. Six years ago, he was provoked and used a flame to burn four people to death."

"Was? Where is he now? Dead?"

Todd listened very carefully.

The old man shook his head and smiled. "In fact, five years ago, Ye Tian suddenly disappeared and set up a barrier outside his house to prevent anyone from entering. No one has seen him again and we don't know if he's dead. However, he was indeed very strong back then and no one in Rock Town dared to disrespect him."

"Hmph, a mere fire magic can easily scare you."

A look of disdain appeared on Todd's face. "Let's go. Take me to where he lives."