
I Just Can't Say Goodbye

"Jia, let's do the papers tomorrow. Let's get married." She's too humiliated. How can he say it when his wedding with his best friend is already set? After that alcohol intoxication loses its power, he'll surely forget it. And tonight will just forever be a memory... The Synopsis Indebted to the man who accepted and loved her unconditionally despite her dark past, Jia vowed to give her life to Jim forever. She had no reason not to, Jim loved her and her son like his own. She thought she was over with Anthon, the man who caused her so much pain. Yet, one day, their path crossed again and her heart beat for him again. Torn between the sense of indebtedness and her own heart's desire, choosing then became so complicated. As both men were fighting for her love, who would she choose? Would she listen to the desire of her heart, or would she keep her gratitude? NOTE: COVER PHOTO FROM PINTEREST Credit goes to the artist.

gents46 · Urban
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242 Chs

The Wedding

Mr. Wayne felt his heart was ripped unevenly. His stubborn trait was unexpectedly inherited by his son. How could he give him an advise when his own home was wrecked?

"Son, I know that forgetting and moving on is possible though I was not willing to do it myself. But I want you to be truly happy. Go and find your happiness. "

Anthon smiled. "Good night, dad! Don't worry about me. "

Mr. Wayne once again pulled him into a comforting embrace before he closed the door.

Anthon recalled everything while he lied down on his bed. Jim was exraordinarily good to him and he could no longer afford to hurt him. He planned to increase his manpower and resources to complete the project soon. The last thing he would be enduring was their coming wedding. After that, he would give himself the freedom. He would give Jia and Jim the peace.

He picked up the phone and did a video call with Giselle.

"Gis, which open country I should go? " He asked to a startled Giselle.

"What? "