

In Realmshaper III, a dedicated gamer under the name "UwUE-kitten" with a catgirl figure has managed to grind his way into the leaderboard for top 100 assassins. However, disillusioned by the fact that he joined the game too late and has missed out all the good opportunites, he has decided to quit the game. However, to ensure everyone remembers him, he has decided to make a global announcement to give his account away. SYSTEM WARNING: “USER WILL BE TELEPORTED TO THE STARTER VILLAGE IN THE GAME IN 10 SECONDS TO RE EXPERIENCE THE FUN AND WARMTH THIS GAME HAS TO OFFER.” Do you think I will believe that? Wait, why am I actually scared right now. Waking up as a catgirl with pointed eyes and a furry tail, "UwUE-kitten" discovers that his account has been transported to the beta version of Realmshaper III. Alright, time to make up for all the regrets in my previous life in Realmshaper III.

Epinel · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: Hidden Quest? Let me Seduce the NPC then.

My mind is now swirled with endless opportunies I have ahead of me. Now that I have reborn into the beta stage of Realmshaper III, armed with future knowledge of undiscovered bugs and hidden quests, I have 3 goals that I am determined to accomplish. 

1. Become the first max level player (lvl200)

2. Rank up to TOP 3 assassins in Realmshaper III

3. Create the strongest clan in Realmshaper III

Yet a lingering suspicion in my heart is anchoring my progress. Since I am now physically the character in the game, what happens when I die? Do I completely vanish or respawn with a punishment? Until I unravel that mystery I would have to stick to safer quests. 

Fortunately I recall a hidden quest that suits my current situation. This will also be a good opportunity to test out my cat girl charisma, hehehe… I laughed while opening the navigation map in my personal system. 

System Notice: Calculating the shortest route to Enchanted Forest located in North Eastern side of starter village

20 minutes later..

System Notice: Navigation has ended. Destination reached. 

I started navigating through the dense trees of the forest, following the co-ordinate that I had marked on my navigation map. After some time maneuvering around the trees, I see a clearing in front of me. Walking past the clearing in the centre of the open space stands an ancient old tree with an elderly man sitting beneath the shadows. As human as he looked, I am sure that he is NPC I am looking for with a hidden quest to offer. 

The elderly man notices me so asks, "You seek strength and power, do you not? Knowing the correct answer from a "hidden quest dialogue solutions in Realmshaper III" article I read last life, I confidently replied with "Yes, it is a privilege that I well deserve" 

The elderly man then smiles and says, "To deserve strength and power, one must prove their worth." 

Instead of continuing to reply with the model answers I decided to take a different approach this time. This is my chance to test if I am able to seduce NPCs'. I purposefully chose this old man because he looks like a pervert.. SO PLEASE WORK! 

I took a few steps closer to the npc and replied with, "Surely someone as wise as you can see my potential already." I curved my lips revealing a playful smile then winked unexpectedly.

"Uhhhh, no, no I cannot do that.. You still need to prove yourself worthy..", he replied in an unconvincing and soft voice.


I pressed my excitement down and stepped even closer swaying my tail seductively behind me. I tilt my head forward next to his ears and whisper, "I'll do anything if you tell me where your hidden loot box is."

"Will you really do anything..?"

I stepped back and lifted the old man's chin up and replied with, "Yes, anything"


As soon as I recorded the coordinates down I sprinted off as fast as I can. The good news is that I found out NPC's can be seduced. Every hidden quest requires the player to complete some sort of goal, and these quests are often also very long. Yet I just bypassed this rule by seducing the NPC. But the bad news is also obvious. I am on the edge of puking right now. 

Seducing people is harder than I think afterall.. 

That old man better not trick me after all that, I thought to myself while opening the navigation map again to locate the coordinates of the hidden loot box.

Wow! You have decided to read 3 chapters of my book. Thank you very much :)

Please comment down any questions and I will try my best to answer all of them.

Hope you enjoyed my book so far and have a nice day!

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