
I Inherited A Dream System

Dreams, dreams mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To some dreams are nothing more than the mind playing tricks on you, while to others dreams are visions that show us our past and futures. But to Toby Robinson, dreams are a way for him to have fun, because ever since he inherited a Dream System from who knows where, he got the ability to journey into the land of dreams, and go on all manner of supernatural adventures. But where did this System come from, who created it, and who may be coming after it? These are not questions that our main protagonist is thinking about, but they will no doubt come back to haunt him. Join Toby Robinson as he learns to use his amazing System, which will one day decide the fate of his world, but he doesn't know that yet. With the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a fun loving teenager, find out if he actually has what it takes to be a hero. [Congratulations, You Have Inherited The Dream System] ******** This story is going to be epic, I will try my very best to make sure of that... Happy Reading.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Toby's Dream

Toby Robinson: So I had this dream, right. In it I was running in this strange place, and some strange people were after me. They all wore black robes, and I couldn't see their faces. But somehow I knew that they were trouble... I ran as fast as I could, but eventually they all caught up to me, and then I was surrounded... It seemed like all hope was lost, but then some kind of light began to shoot out of my body, and then Boom! I exploded into a million pieces!... And that's when I received a message saying, Congratulations, You Have Inherited, The Dream System... Do you know what that means? (The teenager asked his mother, after explaining his weird dream to her)

Sarah Robinson: Uuuuuh?... (Chuckles) I have no idea. (Sarah admitted with a smile)... Your dad used to have some weird dreams as well, but he always talked to Pastor Timothy about them, maybe you should too. (Sarah advised)

Toby Robinson: I don't really like it when you talk about Dad. But maybe I will talk to Pastor Timothy. (Toby replied)

Sarah Robinson: Whatever makes you happy. (Sarah said with a warm smile)

Suddenly a young boy rushes downstairs and joins the duo in the kitchen. Where Sarah was doing the dishes, and Toby was waiting for his school bus to arrive.

Billy Robinson: Mom! I can't find my bear. (The little boy complained as he came to pull on his mother's clothes)

Toby Robinson: You really shouldn't be taking that thing to school you know? (Toby said to his little brother)

Billy Robinson: You leave me alone! (Billy yelled as he pointed at his older brother)

Sarah Robinson: Alright Billy, let's look for your bear together. I'm sure we'll find it. (Sarah said as she held Billy by the hand, helping him to look for his teddy bear)

Just then the sound of the school bus honking could be heard, meaning it was time for Toby to get to school.

Toby Robinson: The bus is here! I'm leaving! (Toby yelled as he grabbed his school bag from the kitchen counter, and heads for the door)

Sarah Robinson: Have a nice day sweetheart! (Sarah yelled from Billy's room, still helping him look for his teddy)

Toby Robinson: I will! (Toby answered before shutting the door on his way out, and going into the yellow school bus)

While in the bus Toby kept thinking about his weird dream. He said it was him in the dream, but in truth he never really saw himself, just what his dream self was seeing and experiencing. This made the black teenager very uncomfortable, because the dream felt like it meant something, and he didn't know what it was.

After deciding not to think about it any further, a screen suddenly popped up in front of Toby's face, with a message reading.

[System Integration Pending]

[Progress: 66%]

Toby Robinson: This thing again? Now I know that I'm going crazy. (Toby thought as he swiped at the screen, trying to get it off his face)

"Are you okay?" (The boy sitting next to Toby asked)

Toby Robinson: Oh I'm fine, I thought I saw a fly. (Toby lied with a convincing smile)

"Oh, okay" (The boy said before focusing his attention out the window)

Toby Robinson: I might really need to see a Pastor after all. (Toby thought in defeat, being unable to get rid of the annoying screen)

This screen popped up immediately after Toby woke up from his dream, and it has been pending ever since then. With no way to remove it, Toby waited until it disappeared on it's own, which it had done before.

The school bus eventually reached it's destination, which was Pride High School, a decent school in that area. Stepping out of the school bus Toby in a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for another day of school.

"Toby!" (A voice yelled as a car pulled up behind Toby)

A teenager steps out of the car and then proceeded to shut the door. He was a good looking boy with short brown hair and a noble gaze.

Toby Robinson: What's up, Todd? (Toby said as he goes to meet his best friend)

Todd Forager: Nothing much, stranger. (Todd said with a smile, before the two pumped fists)

Timothy Forager: How's it going, Toby? (The man in the car asked)

Toby Robinson: Everything's fine, Pastor Timothy. (Toby replied)

Timothy Forager: That's good, you two have a good day at school. I'll see you at home son. (Timothy said before driving away in his SUV)

Toby Robinson: Shoot! I wanted to ask your dad something! (Toby said as he watched the car drive off)

Todd Forager: What did you want to ask him? (Todd asked curiously)

Toby Robinson: It's just about a weird dream I had. Don't worry about it, it's not important. (Toby said before heading towards the school)

Todd Forager: Come on, don't do me like that. Tell me more about this weird dream, maybe I could even help. (Todd said as he followed Toby into the school)

Toby Robinson: (Sighs) Okay! If you really must know, the dream went something like this... (Toby said before telling the whole dream to his friend)

By the time Toby finished telling his dream to Todd, they were already sitting opposite each other in class. With the teacher yet to arrive.

Todd Forager: Wow, that's some dream. But if anyone would be able to interpret it for you, it would be my dad. (Todd said confidently)

Toby Robinson: That's why I was going to ask him. But anyway, how was Bible Camp? (Toby asked)

Todd Forager: It was fine. But I would much rather have been at the arcade. (Todd admitted)

Toby Robinson: There's a new one that just opened recently. After school let's check it out. (Toby suggested)

Todd Forager: That would be awesome. (Todd said before the two bumped fists once again)

Todd and Toby have been friends for a long time, since they were kids. They met when Toby's dad had gone missing, and the church they were going to at the time helped Toby's mom cope with the disappearance of her husband. They provided support, food and whatever else they needed until Sarah eventually got enough money to provide a stable home for Toby, who then was an only child.

The Pastor of this church was Timothy Forager, and of course his son was Todd. Naturally the two kids developed a bond and became good friends, and it's been so ever since.

As the class started to get unruly due to the absence of their teacher, the teacher finally arrived. He was a young man with long blonde hair, and his sweaty face made everyone realise that he must have had trouble biking to school this morning, and that's why he was so late and sweaty.

Fred Clover: Sorry I'm late guys, saving the planet is not an easy task. (Fred said as he wiped his face with a handkerchief)

Stacy Long: You know you could just take the bus, right? That's still eco-friendly. (The teenage girl said)

Fred Clover: True, but my way is better, and healthier too... Now without further ado, let's get to today's topic. (Fred said as he began to write on the white board with his marker)

While Toby was looking at the board however, that annoying screen popped up once again. This time with a different message.


[System Successfully Integrated]

[Entering Dream State]

Toby Robinson: What?... (Toby said before his vision went completely black)

Toby's head then slammed against his desk as he fell unconscious instantly. Everyone in the class is more than shocked by their classmate suddenly collapsing like that, none more than Todd.

Todd Forager: Toby! (Todd called out as he hurried to help his best friend)

Fred Clover: Toby are you okay?! (The teacher asked as he rushed over, checking the body of the unconscious teenager)

Todd Forager: What's wrong with him? (Todd asks in worry)

Fred Clover: I don't know, that's why I'm taking him to the nurse's office... Everyone stay here! (Fred instructed as he carried the unconscious Toby in his arms)

Todd Forager: No way! He's my best friend, I'm definitely coming with you! (Todd said firmly)

Fred Clover: Fine! But the rest of you stay in class! (Fred said before he rushed out of the class with Todd following closely behind him, leaving the rest of the students to wonder what happened to their classmate)


Meanwhile, in a world filled with many colours. Toby laid on green grass, with his eyes loosesly shut. Toby eventually opened his eyes and saw the colourful sky above him, leaving him to wonder.

Toby Robinson: Where the heck am I? (Toby asked in a daze)

Next: Toby The Dreamer.

From the guy that brought you How To Be A Great Demon and Save My Planet. 'I Inherited A Dream System' is a story filled with action, comedy, and fun adventures. Well that's just my opinion, but if you want to find out for yourself, stick to this story, tell your friends and check out my other works. The next chapter is gonna be good. So look forward to it!

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