
I Inherited A Dream System

Dreams, dreams mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To some dreams are nothing more than the mind playing tricks on you, while to others dreams are visions that show us our past and futures. But to Toby Robinson, dreams are a way for him to have fun, because ever since he inherited a Dream System from who knows where, he got the ability to journey into the land of dreams, and go on all manner of supernatural adventures. But where did this System come from, who created it, and who may be coming after it? These are not questions that our main protagonist is thinking about, but they will no doubt come back to haunt him. Join Toby Robinson as he learns to use his amazing System, which will one day decide the fate of his world, but he doesn't know that yet. With the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a fun loving teenager, find out if he actually has what it takes to be a hero. [Congratulations, You Have Inherited The Dream System] ******** This story is going to be epic, I will try my very best to make sure of that... Happy Reading.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

The Dark Horse Comic Book

[You Have Gained 45 Dream Points From Killing Multiple Butter Ants]

[50/100 Dream Points]

[56/100 Secondary Dream Points]

Toby Robinson: Woah! Woah! Woah! (Toby yelled as he and Browny both fell to the ground, thanks to the butter from where they just came from)... Remind me to go back there, but next time with an army of giant bread loafs. (Toby joked as he sat up from the ground)

Browny: "Huff!" (Browny sounded in displeasure)

Toby Robinson: Don't worry you don't have to get up. I'll carry you this time. (Toby said as he stretched out his hand)

[Tamed Holding Activated]

Browny's body once again breaks apart, becoming particles of light which all enter Toby's body.

Toby Robinson: I'm getting good at this. (Toby said as he stood up, but almost slipped in the process)... I'm not too buttered up so I can walk. But where am I now? (Toby asked as he looked around, perplexed by how realistic this Domain looked)

The day was dark and the city was bustling with cars and people, this was the design of this Domain. Toby has never seen a Domain with real people before, they all spoke, their cars honked, and they laughed and argued just like real people did. With nothing weird to indicate that it was a Dream Domain.

Toby Robinson: This Domain is awesome! It's just like a real city. (Toby said with an excited smile)

Man: Hey! Get off the road! (A man yelled as he honked his car, which Toby was standing in front of)

Toby Robinson: Oh, sorry! (Toby yelled as he got off the road, allowing the car to pass)

Man: Freak! (The man yelled as he sped off in his car, leaving Toby even more surprised by how realistic it all was)

Toby Robinson: What should I do now? These people are probably Dream Beings, but I can't just kill them. They look so, human. (Toby thought to himself).... Wait a minute, if they were Dream Beings, why haven't I gotten a message from the System? I've already encountered some of them, so that message should have popped up by now. (Toby wondered)

Just then a light shot into the sky, illuminating it with the symbol of a horse shoe. Once the light appeared in the sky, everything and everyone stopped moving, almost as if time had been stopped abruptly.

Toby Robinson: What's going on? (Toby asked as he stared at the faces of the now frozen people)

[You Have Encountered A Strange Power]

[Be Wary]

Toby Robinson: Hmmm, that signal... I know that signal... That's the Dark Horse Signal! (Toby remembered)

The Dark Horse is a comic book character who fought crime in his Dark City, the city that knows no rest. The Dark Horse Comic Book is something that Toby had read a long time ago, so long ago that it wasn't even cool anymore.

Toby Robinson: Okay, now I get it. This is a dream based on the Dark Horse World. Which means at the top of that building, is Dectective Hornswoggle. (Toby thought with a smile)

As Toby made his way up the building, he kept thinking about the warning he got from the System. It was the first time he had seen such a message, so he decided to be ready for anything, prepared to release Browny at any moment.

Toby climbed up a lot of stairs, and eventually made it to the top of the building, where the signal was coming from.

Toby opened a door and entered the roof of the building. There he saw a man standing, waiting next to the device which made the signal in the sky.

[You Have Encountered A Strange Dream Being]

[Be Wary]

[Name: Detective Hornswoggle]

[Race: ??? Dream Being]

[Level: Low Grade Dream Being]

[Skills: ????]

Toby Robinson: Okay, this is a bit strange. But at his level he's barely a threat to me. I'll just see where this goes. (Toby decided)... It's nice to see you, Detective. (Toby said in a charismatic manner)

Detective Hornswoggle: What?! Who are you?! (The frightened dectective asked as he stepped back)

The Detective was a middle aged man, who wore a coat and a hat, just like he did in the comics. Toby knows that the good detective is probably expecting to meet up with the Dark Horse, not some teenager he had never seen before in his life.

But Toby already had a plan for this situation, and put the Detective at ease with his reply.

Toby Robinson: I am the Dreamer! The Dark Horse sent me to aid you in his stead. (Toby answered confidently)

Detective Hornswoggle: The Dreamer? But Dark Horse works alone, he would never send someone else to defend this city! (The detective argued)

Toby Robinson: It's true, in normal circumstances Dark Horse would never entrust anyone with the protection of this city. But he had urgent matters to attend to, matters that. Umm, could ruin his personal relationships. So he sent me instead. (Toby explained, hoping the Detective would buy this story)

Detective Hornswoggle: Personal problems huh? I understand, afterall he is just a man, forced to clean up this city's filth. (The Detective said somberly)... So what are you, his sidekick or something? (Hornswoggle asked)

Toby Robinson: Heck no! I am my own hero, I'm just doing this to help him out. (Toby explained)

Detective Hornswoggle: Then let's get to business. (The Detective said as he brought out a folder, containing information on the criminal he was after)

Toby Robinson: Whose causing trouble this time? (Toby asked as he approached the detective, so that he could get a closer look at the file)

Detective Hornswoggle: It's Big Papa Bear, him and his gang have been robbing a lot of banks lately, and no one can stop them. Thy usually strike at night. (The Detective explained as he showed Toby the file of the criminal)

Just then a loud explosion went off at another part of the city, the explosion being so big that it could be seen from the building they were on.

Detective Hornswoggle: That must be them now, you have to stop them! (The Detective said)

Toby Robinson: Aren't you going to come with me? (Toby asked)

Detective Hornswoggle: That must be them now, you have to stop them! (The Detective said again)

Toby Robinson: So, that's a no for your help? (Toby asked cautiously)

Detective Hornswoggle: That must be them now, you have to stop them! them! them! (The Detective repeated with a creepy crack in his voice)

Toby Robinson: Ooookay... I'm on my way. (Toby said as he went back to the door which lead to the stairs)... This is getting even stranger. (Toby thought worriedly)

Next: Big Papa Bear