
I Inherited A Dream System

Dreams, dreams mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To some dreams are nothing more than the mind playing tricks on you, while to others dreams are visions that show us our past and futures. But to Toby Robinson, dreams are a way for him to have fun, because ever since he inherited a Dream System from who knows where, he got the ability to journey into the land of dreams, and go on all manner of supernatural adventures. But where did this System come from, who created it, and who may be coming after it? These are not questions that our main protagonist is thinking about, but they will no doubt come back to haunt him. Join Toby Robinson as he learns to use his amazing System, which will one day decide the fate of his world, but he doesn't know that yet. With the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a fun loving teenager, find out if he actually has what it takes to be a hero. [Congratulations, You Have Inherited The Dream System] ******** This story is going to be epic, I will try my very best to make sure of that... Happy Reading.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Fantasy
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81 Chs


 Zeus Eduardo Everest has donned his Dream Destroyer armour, which makes him a seven foot tall behemoth. The crimson red armour of the Destroyer is pulsating with power, with it's visor staring directly at the King of the undead.

Dream Destroyer: Time to see what you're made of, big guy! (Zeus yells before he rushes forward, swating away the zombies in his way like they were mere flies)

Silas Gravestone: Incredible, so this is the power of a Dream Destroyer. (Silas says in awe)

Susie Walters: I am limiting my purification to only affect the Nightmares, so you don't have to worry about it affecting you. (Susie tells him)

Silas Gravestone: Purification energy, the power that almost killed my grandfather. Even my system is wary of it, which makes sense. Purification rivals corruption afterall. (Silas thought)

Susie Walters: I need this energy to survive in the Nightmare world, so I'm not going to waste it on you, trust me. (Susie tells him, angered by his wary gaze)

 Just then several zombies leap towards them, trying to rip them to shreds. But Silas quickly stretches out his hand, and a red blaze surrounds it.

Silas Gravestone: Corruption Blaze! (Silas shouts as he blasts the zombies with the red flames, incinerating their bodies in moments)... I do trust you, that's why I want you to keep your purification powers on hold for now, because I believe that we might be needing it soon. (Silas tells her)

Susie Walters: Why? (Susie asks, slightly confused by his words)

Silas Gravestone: Something feels wrong here, and I can't figure out why. So I need you to be ready for anything, your purification energy might be exactly what we need to get out of this in one piece. (Silas explains)

Susie Walters: (Chuckles) I'm surprised you figured it out. (Susie tells him with a smile)

Silas Gravestone: You know something? (Silas asks)

Susie Walters: I've known your grandfather for a long time, long enough to be familiar with some of his tricks. I just didn't know if you were in on it. (Susie explains)

Silas Gravestone: What is going on here, what is my grandfather planning?! (Silas demands to know)

Susie Walters: When you first told us that we were weak, and you were going to train us, I knew that it was only a matter of time before we were tested, to see if we were strong enough to exist in your grandfather's perfect world. I don't know what's coming, kid. But I know that whatever it is, won't be good for us... My advice to you, is to just go with the flow, we'll figure this out together. (Susie tells him)

 Red flames begin to surround Silas's body, constructing a suit of burning red armour onto his body. Silas turns away from Susie, now facing the army of undead creatures.

Silas Gravestone: You're absolutely right, I should just go with the flow. But if I'm being watched, then I'm going to put on a good show! (Silas yells before leaping into the air, desending down towards the army of zombies)... Activate Nightmare Blades! (Silas yells out, red energy begining to surround his hands and creating blades within them)

 But these were no ordinary blades, these weapons roared with the serrated edge of a chainsaw, because these were chainsaw blades.

 Silas lands on a group of zombies, cutting their bodies apart with absolute ease. He then rushes forward, using his Nightmare Blades to decimate more of the undead.

 Many of the zombies try to grab or even touch Silas, but the burning flames of Corruption surrounding his armoured body, forces them all back.

Silas Gravestone: Is this all you can do?! I am not impressed! (Silas yells as he swings his chainsaw blades, unleashing an omnidirectional blast of fire that burns the zombies around him, reducing them to dust)

Susie Walters: (Chuckles) What a monster. (Susie smiles at the display of power from the young man, but then she is reminded of another young man, who might also have great power)... I really hope you aren't a Dreamer, Toby Robinson. Otherwise, your carefree life will be over very soon. (Susie thought to herself, still unsure if Toby really is a Dreamer)

 Meanwhile Zeus Eduardo Everest, The Dream Destroyer, has finally made it to the king of the undead, but not without a swarm of zombies gathered around him, all desperately trying to hold him back.

Dream Destroyer: Get off me, you idiots! (Zeus yells as he pushes all the zombies away with his brute strength)... Let's dance, ugly! (Zeus yells as he rushes forward, cracking the king across the face with a mighty punch)

 The lower half of the creature was still in the ground, so only it's upper body is pushed back by the blow. But that is not the case for long, because the massive zombie quickly turns it's head to face the Destroyer, roaring at him with immense rage.

 "You dare strike me?! You're dead!" (The king bellows as he quickly grabs the Destroyer, lifting him off the ground with ease)

 The Dream Destroyer is about seven feet tall in height, but the king of the undead is a twenty feet tall monster, and that was still just it's upper body. The giant monster tries to bite into the Destroyer with it's massive jaws, but Zeus held open it's mouth with his incredible strength.

Dream Destroyer: You can talk... good! Now I want to hear you scream! (Zeus yells as his visor begins to power up, gathering an enormous amount of red energy)... Die!!! (Zeus bellows as he fires a powerful blast of energy from his visor, setting the head of the king ablaze after the blast had ended)

 The monster screams in pain, letting go of the Destroyer in the process. Silas sees what is going on, and instantly turns to Susie.

Silas Gravestone: Now! Attack it now! Use everything you've got! (Silas tells her)

Susie Walters: Purification! (Susie says as she quickly gathers purification energy around her staff, aiming it at the king of the undead, who was still screaming in pain)... Blast! (Susie yells as she fires the blast of energy)

 The Purification blast completely obliterates the head of the king, letting it's massive body fall to the floor lifelessly.

Dream Destroyer: Hey, what gives?! I had that! (Zeus yells in anger)

 The rest of the zombies begin to turn to ash, and for now it seems that the battle is over, they have won. Zeus is very angry with Susie, but Silas stops him from yelling at her.

 Seth, Shawn and Milady are just glad that it was finally over, they have conquered this Domain. But Silas does not believe that is the case.

Silas Gravestone: This fight is not over yet! There is something coming, something worse. (Silas warns them)

Zeus Eduardo Everest: What are you even talking about?! (Zeus asks, still angry at Susie at this point)

 As Silas is explaining his and Susie's suspicions to the others, someone is watching them from a distance, and the shadowy man has a smile on his face.

 "Clever boy." (The man says as he lifts his cane, pointing it at the direction of the group)... But let's see how you do against this. (The man says before he fires a beam of pure red energy from his cane)

 The beam strikes the earth where the king was slain, and the ashes of all the zombies begin to gather at that spot. A new creature is born from the ashes of the dead, and it's presence alone sends shivers down the spines of the weak, and makes the strong wary.

[Warning: You Are In The Presence Of An Extremely Dangerous Nightmare Being]


Next: The Unliving.