
I Inherited A Dream System

Dreams, dreams mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To some dreams are nothing more than the mind playing tricks on you, while to others dreams are visions that show us our past and futures. But to Toby Robinson, dreams are a way for him to have fun, because ever since he inherited a Dream System from who knows where, he got the ability to journey into the land of dreams, and go on all manner of supernatural adventures. But where did this System come from, who created it, and who may be coming after it? These are not questions that our main protagonist is thinking about, but they will no doubt come back to haunt him. Join Toby Robinson as he learns to use his amazing System, which will one day decide the fate of his world, but he doesn't know that yet. With the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a fun loving teenager, find out if he actually has what it takes to be a hero. [Congratulations, You Have Inherited The Dream System] ******** This story is going to be epic, I will try my very best to make sure of that... Happy Reading.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Overcoming Fear

Toby and Todd are walking away from school, having had a long day. Todd was talking to Toby about the school day they just had, but Toby wasn't really paying much attention to him, his mind clouded with other thoughts.

Toby Robinson: Is that Red armour guy the Master of the Mad Man? Was he who he was warning me about? Is he my nemesis? Can I get strong enough to beat him, before he finds me? How do I handle this situation?! (Toby contemplates in frustration and fear)

Todd Forager: I can't believe Mr Fred missed all of his classes today, I really hope he's okay. (Todd expresses his worries to Toby, but then he notices that Toby wasn't listening at all, his head just down in thought)... Okay tell me what's wrong! Is something bothering you, you've been acting strange all day?! (Todd asks determinately)

Toby Robinson: It's nothing, Todd. I'm just... It's nothing. (Toby hesitates to tell him)

Todd Forager: No way, don't give me that! There is something bothering you, and as your best friend I demand to know what it is! (Todd said as he grabs Toby by the shoulder, the look in his eyes showing that he was serious)

Toby Robinson: (Sighs) Fine... What if I told you that, I had superpowers... Would you believe me? (Toby nervously asks)

Todd Forager: Superpowers! Do you have superpowers? (Todd asked, an eyebrow raised)

Toby Robinson: I can neither confirm nor deny that, but I still want to know. If I told you that I had a superpower, would you believe me? (Toby asks)

Todd Forager: I don't really understand the point of the question, but, yes. If you told me that you had superpowers, I would most definitely believe you. (Todd said with a smile)

Toby Robinson: Why? (Toby asks, eager to know)

Todd Forager: Because you're not a liar, Toby Robinson. You're a good and sensible person. If one day you decide to tell me that you have superpowers, it can only mean one of two things. It's either you hit your head and think you have superpowers, or something incredible happened to you, and you gained superpowers. Whichever one happens, I will always be there for you. (Todd tells him with a reassuring smile)

Toby Robinson: (Light Chuckle) Thanks, Todd. (Toby tells him happily)

Todd Forager: Okay if you did have a superpower, what would it be? (Todd asks)

Toby hesitates for a bit, before finally telling him.

Toby Robinson: The power to control dreams. (Toby replied)

Todd stares at him in shock, before finally saying.

Todd Forager: Lame!

Toby Robinson: Wait, What?!

Todd Forager: I said, Lame! (Todd repeats himself)

Toby Robinson: Controlling dreams is not lame, it can actually be pretty cool! (Toby argued)

Todd Forager: There are way better powers out there, why would you choose dreams over something like super strength or the power to fly?! (Todd explains)

Toby Robinson: Dreams can let you do that and more! (Toby tells him)

Todd Forager: Well yeah, but it's all in your head, it doesn't mean anything in the real world. (Todd explains)

Toby Robinson: Dreams can be a lot more real that you think. (Toby tells him, remembering the bruises inflicted on his body by the Corruption Chains)

Todd Forager: Sure they can, Toby. Sure they can. (Todd tells him sarcastically)

Toby Robinson: (Sighs) Whatever... Wanna go to, Loud Burger? (Toby suggests)

Todd Forager: You read my mind. Maybe you really do have a superpower. (Todd tells him jokingly)

Toby Robinson: Shut up. (Toby tells his friend with a smile)

Later, at the Grassland Domain. Toby arrives and sees that all three of his Dream Beings were all doing their own thing. Charming was busy training with his sword, Noble was busy feeding on the green grass, and Browny was sleeping on it.

Toby Robinson: Hey guys! (Toby calls to them with a wave of his hand, and a smile on his lips)

Prince Charming: My Lord! You're back! (Charming said as he rushes to meet up with Toby, soon accompanied by Noble and Browny)... How is your health?! (Charming asks eagerly)

Noble: "Whinny!" (Noble sounded excitedly)

Browny: "Growl" (Browny sounded tiredly)

Toby Robinson: I'm fine, everyone. I'm all healed up and ready for action! (Toby assures them)

Prince Charming: Truly Impressive, My Lord! Your sorcery knows no bounds. (Charming happily tells him)

Toby Robinson: Oh, yeah... Sorcery, I forgot that's what we're going with. (Toby said before looking around his Domain)... Where's the dragon? (Toby finally asks)

Prince Charming: It left, soon after you were pulled from the portal. (Charming explains)

Toby Robinson: (Sighs) We went through all that trouble, risked our lives, and he thinks he can just ditch us! I don't think so. (Toby said as he steps forward, a determined look now on his face)

Prince Charming: What do you intend to do? (Charming asks)

Toby Robinson: I'm bringing back the dragon! (Toby tells him, streching out a hand)

Prince Charming: Please reconsider, My Lord! The strength of that dragon is something we cannot overcome. We simply aren't ready. (Charming pleads with him, trying to make him see reason)

Toby Robinson: I am ready. (Toby turns to tell Charming, before facing forward and saying the words)... Tamed Summoning! (Toby cries out, summoning the mighty beast before him)

The massive dragon turns to face Toby, it's eyes burning with rage. All of Toby's Dream Beings step back a little, afraid of the presence of the mighty High Grade Dream Being. But Toby wasn't afraid, he stared at the beast determinately, and stood his ground.

Clockwork (The Time Dragon): You dare, bring me here!!! (The dragon bellows in rage, it's words sounding as a mighty roar in Toby's ears, but his Dream Beings heard him loud and clear)

Prince Charming: It's going to attack! Get ready, My Lord! (Charming yells as he readied his sword)

Noble: You can't be serious! He'll kill us all! (Noble said in fear)

Browny: No he will not! Trust in him, Noble. He is more capable than you think. (Browny tells him, with full confidence in Toby's abilities)

Clockwork: I will reduce you to ash!!! (The dragon roared before lightning begins to gather in it's gaping jaws)

Toby is still not afraid, and stretches out his hand again, prepared to use another skill.

Toby Robinson: You're the reason we're in this mess, so you don't get to sit this one out! (Toby said boldly, unafraid of the dragon's readied attack)... Tamed Holding! (Toby yells out, absorbing the massive dragon into his body, and making it vanish in seconds)... (Sighs) What a pain in the butt. (Toby said in annoyance)

Prince Charming: Incredible... I completely forgot you could do that, My Lord. (Charming tells him in surprise)

Toby Robinson: That was nothing, I will need to get a lot stronger if I want to beat that Red armour guy. That means we'll need to go on more adventures, and face all manner of monsters... Can I count on you guys? (Toby asks them)

Browny: I'm insulted to be asked that question. (Browny growls at Toby)

Noble: It would be an honour to fight by your side, Master. (Noble says happily)

Prince Charming: You can count on us, My Lord. We are all in this together. (Charming speaks for all of them)

Toby Robinson: Good... But we won't always be fighting though. We are in an incredible place, with fun and adventure at every corner. And I intend to enjoy every second of it. (Toby tells them with a smile, ready to face anything and anyone, because he has all the support, he could ever need)

Next: Levels Of Evolution