
I Inherited A Dream System

Dreams, dreams mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To some dreams are nothing more than the mind playing tricks on you, while to others dreams are visions that show us our past and futures. But to Toby Robinson, dreams are a way for him to have fun, because ever since he inherited a Dream System from who knows where, he got the ability to journey into the land of dreams, and go on all manner of supernatural adventures. But where did this System come from, who created it, and who may be coming after it? These are not questions that our main protagonist is thinking about, but they will no doubt come back to haunt him. Join Toby Robinson as he learns to use his amazing System, which will one day decide the fate of his world, but he doesn't know that yet. With the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a fun loving teenager, find out if he actually has what it takes to be a hero. [Congratulations, You Have Inherited The Dream System] ******** This story is going to be epic, I will try my very best to make sure of that... Happy Reading.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Meeting Of Evil (Part 2)

The seventeen year old Silas Gravestone sat on a comfy chair, texting on his phone before the twin doors of his room are opened, and six people enter.

Silas Gravestone: Welcome... You may sit. (Silas says as he motions for them to sit down on the plastic chairs)

Milady Benson: Whose the brat? (Milady asked in anger)

"This is the young master! Show some respect! (The older gentleman yelled while standing behind Silas)

Susie Walters: Young master? (Susie thought)

Silas Gravestone: It's okay, Harry... Perhaps I wasn't clear enough before. (Silas said as he stood up from the couch, placing his phone into his pocket)... I said sit! (Silas said in a menacing manner, his body exuding a massive amount of pressure)

Most are angered by the young man's show of strength, but only Seth is brave enough to step forward. Seth sent all the plastic chairs flying with only a single kick, and then stood face to face with Silas, not the least bit scared of the young man's display of power.

Seth Wild: Or what?! What can you do, little man?! (Seth asks with a menacing stare)

Silas quickly grabs Seth by the collar, and pulls him closer than he already was, their faces now almost touching.

Silas Gravestone: I can make your life a living hell! And it won't even take me a day. (Silas said before pushing Seth back by the collar)

Seth Wild: Come on guys! Let's teach this punch a lesson! (Seth said as he took off his shirt, exposing his muscular body)

Seth was expecting everyone to rally behind him, so that they could beat up Silas or something. But to his surprise everyone was picking up a plastic chair, and sitting down without even saying a word.

Seth Wild: Really guys! Are you all just cowards or something?! (Seth asked in anger)

Shawn Kindle: M- Mr Seth... That young man is the boss's grandson. (Shawn tells him nervously)

Seth Wild: Grandson! (Seth exclaimed in shock)

Silas Gravestone: (Chuckles) It's nice to meet you... I am Silas Gravestone. (Silas introduces himself with a devious smirk)

Seth Wild: I apologize for my actions young master! I was out of line! Please forgive me! (Seth pleaded on his knees, with his head firmly on the ground)

Silas Gravestone: Awww, it's over already? And I really wanted to show what I was made of. But now that you know who I am, there's no way you would attack me... How disappointing. (Silas said sadly)

Zeus Eduardo Everest: This is why idiots are needed in the world. Seth couldn't even tell how strong he was. His presence is simply overwhelming... In a fight I would definitely kick his ass, but then I would certainly be a dead man. (Zeus thought to himself)

Susie Walters: There's no doubt about it. This young man really is related to that lunatic. (Susie thought)

Shawn Kindle: I feel so sorry for, Mr Seth. He walked right into a trap, it's a good thing I already know Mr Silas. (Shawn thought)

Milady Benson: Who does he think he is? Spoiled brat. (Milady thought in anger)

Silas Gravestone: Alright, get up. We have important business to discuss. (Silas said to Seth)

Seth Wild: Thank you sir! (Seth said before nervously taking a seat among the plastic chairs)

Silas Gravestone: Now, the reason you're all here is because... You're all pathetically weak. (Silas told them bluntly)... You all know of my grandfather's plan. He intends to create a new world, a better world for humanity. But in that world, weaklings like you lot wouldn't last a day. And that's a fact. (Silas told them)

Zeus Eduardo Everest: Weaklings? Who are you calling a weakling, you idiot?! (Zeus angrily asks as he got up from his seat, walking up to Silas)

Silas Gravestone: Hmmm... Inspect. (Silas thought)


[Name: Zeus Eduardo Everest]

[Race: Human (Dreamer)]

[Title: Dream Destroyer]

[Level: Max]

[Skills: Destroyer Engine]

Silas Gravestone: So, you're the Dream Destroyer?... I kinda expected you to be taller. (Silas said fearlessly)

Zeus Eduardo Everest: You should see me in my real suit. I'm so tall that I could squash you like a bug. (Zeus replied)

Silas Gravestone: You're strong, probably even stronger than I am. But that's not nearly enough... Right now we are all the lowest of the low, the bottom of the barrel. I'm young and still have the potential to grow, but what's your excuse? (Silas asks with a wicked smile)

Zeus stared at Silas intensely, almost as if he wanted to punch him in the face, and deal with the consequences later. Zeus clenched his fist tightly, and it began to glow an ominous red colour. But before Zeus could do anything stupid, Susie speaks up.

Susie Walters: Would you stop antagonizing us! Tell us what you want already, so that we can all just leave! (Susie yelled, stopping Zeus from possibly throwing a punch)

Silas Gravestone: (Sighs) Very well... My grandfather has asked me to train you all, so that you can be as strong as he needs you to be. (Silas explains)

Susie Walters: Is that all? (Susie asks)

Silas Gravestone: Yes, I will be summoning you all at a later date with more information... You may leave now. (Silas said before retrieving his phone from his pocket, and texting on it once again)

Susie Walters: Thanks... This way, intriguing. (Susie says before she leaves the room)

Milady Benson: Hmph! (Milady sounded before walking away)

Zeus Eduardo Everest: Watch yourself, kid. (Zeus said before he adjusted his suit, and angrily left the room)

Shawn Kindle: I'm leaving as well, goodbye. (Shawn said before he also left the room)

Seth Wild: If you need anything, let me know okay? (Seth said nervously)

Silas Gravestone: Inspect. (Silas thought)

[Name: Seth Wild]

[Race: Human (Dream Demon)]

[Title: Nightmare User]

[Level: 7]

[Skills: Nightmare Rush]

Silas Gravestone: You have room for growth... I'll make you a warrior in no time. (Silas tells him with a smile)

Seth Wild: Thank you so much! (Seth said before he happily leaves the room)

Harry: Are you okay, Young Master? You seem stressed. (Harry asked)

Silas Gravestone: (Sighs) I'm fine, Harry... I'm just not sure I did a good job. Instilling fear is hard. (Silas said in frustration)

Harry: I think you did a marvelous job. (Harry complimented)

Silas Gravestone: That's just your opinion.

Harry: Well it's a good one. You should believe me, I would never lie to you. (Harry assured)

Silas Gravestone: Hey Harry... Do you think I can beat that Destroyer guy? (Silas asked)

Harry: I don't think you can... Not yet anyways. (Harry replied sincerely)

Silas Gravestone: You really were honest... I need to get a lot stronger, Harry. So that even I can survive in my grandfather's perfect world. (Silas said)

[Name: Silas Gravestone]

[Race: Human (Dream Demon)]

[Title: Nightmare Warrior]

[Level: 3]

[Skills: King Of Corruption]

Next: Toby's Home