
I Inherited A Dream System

Dreams, dreams mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To some dreams are nothing more than the mind playing tricks on you, while to others dreams are visions that show us our past and futures. But to Toby Robinson, dreams are a way for him to have fun, because ever since he inherited a Dream System from who knows where, he got the ability to journey into the land of dreams, and go on all manner of supernatural adventures. But where did this System come from, who created it, and who may be coming after it? These are not questions that our main protagonist is thinking about, but they will no doubt come back to haunt him. Join Toby Robinson as he learns to use his amazing System, which will one day decide the fate of his world, but he doesn't know that yet. With the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a fun loving teenager, find out if he actually has what it takes to be a hero. [Congratulations, You Have Inherited The Dream System] ******** This story is going to be epic, I will try my very best to make sure of that... Happy Reading.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Meet Seth Wild

Toby wakes up screaming, but quickly covers his mouth, not wanting to wake up his family. Toby has just come back from the Dream World, and he was feeling very overwhelmed right now.

Toby Robinson: I almost died... again! This can't keep happening, this has to stop!... But can I even stop now?... That red armour guy, he must be a Dreamer, and a very powerful one at that. Oh God, what do I do! How do I get out of this! I'm not ready to face this guy, I'm not strong enough to beat him! (Toby mutters in frustration)... (Chuckles) And here I was thinking that I was some kind of hero, but that way of thinking almost got me killed... (Sighs) I'm so tired... and thirsty. (Toby said sadly, before attempting to get off his bed)

Once Toby stands up, he suddenly feels a sharp pain around his stomach. He slowly lifts up his shirt, revealing the bruises around his ribs and stomach, which shocks the young Dreamer. This is where the Corruption Chains had wrapped around him, and now it seems that the injuries had affected his body in the real world.

Panic begins to set in, making Toby realise that he might have to seriously reconsider his decision, of continuing to go to the Dream World.

It is soon daybreak, and Toby is now sitting at the dinning table, playing with his breakfast with his spoon. Toby looked a little pale, and his demeanor was quite downthrodden.

Sarah Robinson: Honey are you okay? (Sarah asks as she places a hand on Toby's neck, feeling for a temperature)

Toby Robinson: I'm fine, mom. Just tired is all. (Toby said with a little yawn)

Sarah smacks Toby on the head, leaving the young man holding his head in pain.

Toby Robinson: Ow, what was that for? (Toby weakly asked)

Sarah Robinson: How many times have I told you not to use your phone late into the night! And now look at you, too tired to even sit properly. (Sarah scolds him)... You better finish that food. (Sarah sternly tells him, before walking away in anger)

Toby Robinson: I'm glad she didn't seize my phone. (Toby quietly snickered, but then his problems once again resurfaced in his mind, and removes the smile from his face)... I can't stop going to the Dream World, my presence there must be important somehow. I know that there are many dangers, but I've survived for this long, so I'm not giving up now. I'm going to get as strong as I possibly can, and then I'll show that red armour guy, whose boss! (Toby thought determinately, his eyes glowing as he said those words.

A short while later at school, Toby is sitting quietly at his desk, his head resting on his hand as he stared at the empty whiteboard.

Todd Forager: You okay dude? Are you even listening? (Todd asked)

Toby Robinson: I'm sorry, Todd. I just didn't get enough sleep. (Toby weakly tells him)

Todd Forager: Oh, Okay. (Todd replied, hesitant to continue talking)

Toby Robinson: Sorry, what were you taking about again? (Toby asks)

Todd Forager: Well, I was talking about...

Greg Bullhorn: Hey nerds! What are you talking about, your feelings?! (Greg said with his annoying laugh)

Todd Forager: Leave us alone, Greg. (Todd tells him)

Toby Robinson: Yeah, leave us alone, Greg! (Toby said in anger)

Greg Bullhorn: Or what, nerd! You gonna do something?! (Greg taunts him)

Everyone in class begins to take notice of the argument, and were now giving it their undivided attention.

Toby Robinson: I am getting tired, very tired of your nonsense, Greg! Now why don't you just shut up, sit down, and leave me the hell alone! (Toby bellows in rage, his eyes briefly glowing red in the process)

Greg is startled and takes a couple steps back, his body was warning him to be careful in that moment. And he could have sworn that he saw Toby's eyes glow red.

Matthew Loeb: Let's go, Greg. (Greg's friend Matthew tells him, trying to get him out of that situation)

Greg Bullhorn: Let go of me, man! (Greg yelled as he shook off his friend's hand)... This doesn't end here, Toby. (Greg threatens before going back to his seat, his friend accompanying him)

Tiffany Hathaway: Wow, I had no idea you were so savage, Toby! Nice. (Tiffany tells Toby with a smile)

Stacy Long: It's about time someone stood up to, Greg. He's always so annoying. (Stacy adds)

Greg Bullhorn: Mind your own business, Stacy! (Greg warns her)

Stacy Long: Make me, Greg! (Stacy retorts)

Stacy and Greg begin to argue, and soon the whole class is thrown into disarray. That is until footsteps outside the door can be heard, and everyone instantly keeps quite, now wondering if it was a teacher, or worse, the Principal.

But alas it is just Lerange that enters the classroom, coming late to school for some reason. Lerange looks around and quickly notices the absence of their teacher, and although it wasn't unsual for Mr Fred to be late for his early morning classes, he's never this late.

Lerange Smith: Hey guys, is Mr Fred not here yet? His class should be almost over by now, right? (Lerange asks as he heads for his seat)

Tiffany Hathaway: I know, and I'm very worried. He's never been this late before. (Tiffany said worriedly)

Sam Duncan: Do you think something happened to him? (Another of Toby's classmates asked)

Hailey Swanson: I hope not. (Hailey replied)

Lerange Smith: I hope he's alright, but he can't keep doing this to us. If he keeps coming late for his classes, he will eventually lose his job. (Lerange said as he takes his seat, leaving his bag on the ground)

Tiffany Hathaway: That would be terrible. (Tiffany said, dreading the thought)

Greg Bullhorn: Yeah, Tiffany. We all know how terrible that would be... For you! (Greg finishes with a laugh, already back to his annoying antics)

Tiffany Hathaway: Don't start with me, Greggy boy. Because if I show you what I'm capable off, you'll go wee wee wee, all the way home. (Tiffany mocks him)

Darasimi Daniels: Wow, it really is like this in foreign countries. I always thought those high school movies were far fetched, but it's pretty much the same. (Dara thought with a smile at the realization)

Meanwhile at another location, Fred Clover lays on the road, having been hit by a red vehicle. He slowly get's up from the ground, staring up at the owner of the car that hit him.

Seth Wild: And that's why I don't like bikes. If you know that you can't afford to buy a car, then maybe it's better you just walk, loser! (Seth tells the teacher condescendingly, his expensive glasses, reflecting the poor man's face)

Next: Cursed.