
I Inherited A Dream System

Dreams, dreams mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To some dreams are nothing more than the mind playing tricks on you, while to others dreams are visions that show us our past and futures. But to Toby Robinson, dreams are a way for him to have fun, because ever since he inherited a Dream System from who knows where, he got the ability to journey into the land of dreams, and go on all manner of supernatural adventures. But where did this System come from, who created it, and who may be coming after it? These are not questions that our main protagonist is thinking about, but they will no doubt come back to haunt him. Join Toby Robinson as he learns to use his amazing System, which will one day decide the fate of his world, but he doesn't know that yet. With the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a fun loving teenager, find out if he actually has what it takes to be a hero. [Congratulations, You Have Inherited The Dream System] ******** This story is going to be epic, I will try my very best to make sure of that... Happy Reading.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

I Win

 Toby is battling the butter ant colony with his incredible strength, blinding speed, and pure ferocity. Multiple drones try to blast him with their venom spray, but the young Dreamer us moving too fast, leaping into the air and defeating the drones with his newly summoned dream sword.

 The golden Butter Ant Queen watches as Toby blitzes through the colony, decimating scores of butter ants. In the real world an ant queen will leave the defending of the colony to her soldiers, but this is a dream world, where the rules are very different.

 The Butter Ant Queen flies towards Toby at top speed, surprising him with her swiftness. Toby doesn't have a shield with him at that moment, so the Queen's stinger stabs into his stomach, driving and slamming him into a wall.

 Toby screams in pain as he tries to pull the stinger out of his gut, but the Queen is still flying forward, keeping Toby pinned to the wall.



[You Have Been Greatly Injured]

Toby Robinson: Heal!!! (Toby screams as he quickly heals himself, after being unable to pull out the stinger)

[-65 Dream Points]


[Dream Bank: 1436 Dream Points]

 The relief from the pain only lasts for a moment, because a stinger was still buried deep in his gut. Toby desperately tries to pull out the stinger once again, but yet again he fails.

 What's worse is that he then feels something entering his stomach, and the pain that follows makes him scream in agony.



[You Have Been Greatly Injured]

[You Will Lose -10HP Until You Heal From This Injury]

Toby Robinson: Heal! (Toby yells out, blue blood spilling out of his mouth as he spoke)

[-80 Dream Points]

[Dream Bank: 1356 Dream Points]




[You Have Been Greatly Injured]

[You Will Lose -10HP Until You Heal From This Injury]

 The Queen is still pumping Toby's stomach with her venom, so his attempt to heal only delays the inevitable. Toby coughs up a ton of blue blood, his eyes then focusing on the Queen before him.

Toby Robinson: You think you've got me beat, huh?! (Toby says as he grabs the stinger, gripping it tightly)



Toby Robinson: Well let me show you how wrong you really are! (Toby yells as his eyes burn red with terror energy)... Dream Beam! (Toby bellows as he blasts the Queen in the face with the eye beams)

[-19 Dream Points]

[Dream Bank: 1337 Dream Points]

 The Queen is stunned by the blast, but doesn't take too much damage from the attack.



"Heal!!!" (Toby desperately screams, managing to use heal before he can lose anymore health)

[-95 Dream Points]

[Dream Bank: 1242 Dream Points]

Toby almost blacks out for moment, because his health has gotten so low. But just in the nick of time, his health is restored in full.




[You Have Been Greatly Injured]

[You Will Slowly Lose-10HP Until You Heal From This Injury]

Toby Robinson: So that's how it is! Well, two can play at this game! (Toby yells out)... Activate Dream Steal! Heal!!!! (Toby bellows)

[Condition Met]

[Dream Steal Activated]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[-70 Dream Points]

[Dream Bank: 1172 Dream Points]




 Toby is now robbing the Butter Ant Queen of her dream energy, and although she is still pumping him full of venom, our resilent Dreamer has all the dream points he needs to heal as much as he can. This is now a game of stamina, who will fall first. The High Grade, or the Dreamer?

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[-65 Dream Points]

[Dream Bank: 1107 Dream Points]




 The Queen's body begins to sway left and right, her body begining to notice the effects of the dream steal skill. The Queen tries to pull away, but Toby doesn't let her go, his hands clutching at her stinger with all of his royal strength.

Toby Robinson: Where do you think you're going?! This isn't over yet! (Toby yells determinately)... Heal! (Toby yells again)

[-60 Dream Points]

[Dream Bank: 1047 Dream Points]

[100/100 Dream Points]



 The Butter Ant Queen releases her pheromones once again, commanding her ants to attack Toby all at once. But Toby is far from being defenseless.

Toby Robinson: Release! Prince Charming, Browny and Noble! (Toby yells out, summoning his dream beings to defend him)

Prince Charming: My Lord! (Charming gasps, shocked to see Toby with a stinger in his stomach)

Toby Robinson: No time... take them down! (Toby commanded)

Prince Charming: Right! (Charming says as he quickly leaps into battle with the ants, followed by Browny and Noble)

 Toby notices that the flow of venom has stopped pumping into his stomach, meaning that the Queen has run out of venom. Which means that Toby doesn't have to constantly heal anymore, and can now attack.

Toby Robinson: I win! (Toby says as his eyes begin to burn red with energy)

[Majestic Speed Deactivated]

Toby Robinson: Dream Beam! (Toby yells as he blasts into the Queen with his terror charged dream beams, still holding onto her stinger with his royal strength)

[-18 Dream Points]

[Dream Bank: 1029 Dream Points]

[Royal Strength Deactivated]

 With his royal strength gone, Toby can feel the Queen begin to pull away from his grasp. If she manages to escape, then all could be lost.

Toby Robinson: Any moment now I will lose my terror charge skill, once that happens my dream beams will instantly become weaker. Before that happens, let's try something new! (Toby thinks as he continues to blast at the Queen with his dream beams)... Dream Beam! (Toby yells again, trying to find out if he can double the power of his blast)

 Toby has never tried this before, but it works out just as well as he hoped it would. The still firing dream beams intensify in power, blasting harder into the Queen of the Butter Ants.

Toby Robinson: Dream Beam! (Toby yells a third time, tripling the power of his dream beams)... Dream Beam! (Toby yells a fourth time, quadrupling the power of the beams, and blasting away the Butter Ant Queen)... Dream Beam!!! (Toby yells with all his might, using the awesome power of the red beans to push the Butter Ant Queen into a wall, and blast her straight through it)

[Terror Charge Deactivated]

 Toby's beams turn blue right before they fade from his eyes, the blast now ended.

[-62 Dream Points]

[Dream Bank: 967 Dream Points]

 Toby's vision becomes blurry as he loses his balance and then falls to the ground, his Dream Beings beginning to rush towards him.

[1520 Dream Points Stolen]

[Dream Bank: 2487 Dream Points]

 Toby manages to read these messages, before finally losing consciousness.

[Quest Completed]

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