
I Inherited A Dream System

Dreams, dreams mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To some dreams are nothing more than the mind playing tricks on you, while to others dreams are visions that show us our past and futures. But to Toby Robinson, dreams are a way for him to have fun, because ever since he inherited a Dream System from who knows where, he got the ability to journey into the land of dreams, and go on all manner of supernatural adventures. But where did this System come from, who created it, and who may be coming after it? These are not questions that our main protagonist is thinking about, but they will no doubt come back to haunt him. Join Toby Robinson as he learns to use his amazing System, which will one day decide the fate of his world, but he doesn't know that yet. With the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a fun loving teenager, find out if he actually has what it takes to be a hero. [Congratulations, You Have Inherited The Dream System] ******** This story is going to be epic, I will try my very best to make sure of that... Happy Reading.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Friend Or Foe

Toby Robinson: My dad came back after ditching us for two years. Normally no woman would ever allow such a person back into their life, but he was still my dad, and my mom didn't want to deny me of that. (The voice of Toby narrated)


Marcus Robinson: So how's Mr Browny doing these days? (Marcus asks Toby with a smile, the two of them hanging out in the living room)

Toby Robinson: I'm a big boy now, I don't need a teddy bear anymore. (Toby tells him proudly)

Marcus Robinson: What are you talking about, you're not a big boy... You're a little man! (Marcus yells as he tickles Toby, and the two of them laugh together like father and son)

All the while Sarah is watching them, contemplating her best course of action.


Toby Robinson: My dad slowly got back into our lives, gaining our trust and earning our forgiveness. My mom eventually let him move back into the house, and we became a family again... That is until one fateful day. (Toby narrated with anger in his words)

Toby has just come back from school, and he wants to share some good news with his parents.

Toby Robinson: Mom, Dad! I got a B in my math test! And you guys said that if I got a good score, you would buy me a video game! So pay up! (Toby said excitedly, but then he notices the atmosphere in the room)

His mon was crying, seriously crying, and Toby can't imagine why. It has been months since he has seen her cry, so he became very worried.

Toby Robinson: Mom, what's wrong? Why are you crying? (Toby asks nervously)

Sarah could not control her tears, and with them she turns to face her son, giving him the answer to his question.

Sarah Robinson: He's gone... Your dad left us again. (Sarah manages to say)

Toby Robinson: No... No, No, No. That can't be true, he wouldn't do that to us, not again!... Right? (Toby asks with tears in his eyes)

Sarah Robinson: All of his stuff is gone, and so is all of our money... That man robbed us! (Sarah said with anger)

And that is when Toby realised that his father is a lousy, good for nothing, scoundrel. The only good thing that came out of him coming back, is that Toby got a little brother.


Toby has released the time dragon known as Clockwork, and the massive High Grade Beast snarls at the young dreamer, possibly about to attack him.

Toby Robinson: Oh God please don't let this hurt too bad... Dream Shield. (Toby silently prays before summoning his shield)... Hey dragon! Now I know you don't like me, and honestly, I don't like you too. But we have a common enemy here, and we need to work together to... (Toby says before noticing that the dragon was now moving it's massive body)

With a burst of speed the dragon whips at Toby with it's tail. Toby manages to raise up his shield, but the dream energy construct just shatters with ease, the tail still hitting Toby with enough force to push him back.

Toby's body bounces off the ground several times, coming to a painful stop by smashing his back against a tree, and then falling face first on the ground.



Fred Clover: Toby! (Fred yells as he rushes over to Toby's body)

[Clockwork Has Activated His Lightning Breath]

The mouth of the dragon begins to produce powerful lightning, and the dragon intends to use that lightning against Toby.

Fred Clover: Toby get up! You have to get up now! (Fred yells as he tries to carry Toby out of danger)

"Not... yet." (Toby weakly tells him, staring up at Clockwork)

Before Clockwork can fire the lightning blast, a small figure leaps into the air, striking the dragon's snout. Clockwork is knocked back by the force of the blow, but that only makes him angrier, and he turns his head to face the attacker, who was none other than the Wraith.

The nightmare being was still in the air, now falling back down to the ground, but Clockwork doesn't give him the luxury of a landing. The dragon blast the Wraith with it's lightning breath, but the monster manages to block the attack with it's belt sword.

The force of the lightning blast still pushes the Wraith deep into the ground, burying it in the earth. With the Wraith down the dragon stops firing the blast, now turning it's head back to face Toby. But the Wraith is not done yet, and suddenly bursts out of the ground, screaming as it leaps into the air, about to strike the dragon with it's belt sword.

Clockwork moves incredibly fast, whipping the Wraith with his tail, and knocking it back down to the ground.

[Clockwork Has Activated His Fire Breath]

Red flames begin to erupt from the dragon's mouth, and within moments it blasts out a massive wave of flames, incinerating the spot the Wraith had landed on.

Fred Clover: Jesus. (Fred said in fear of the dragon's power)

[Your Health Is Too Low]

[Second Wind Activated]


[+55 Dream Points]

[67/100 Dream Points]

[Dream Bank: 4699 Dream Points]

[Tamed Skills Can Now Be Reactivated]

A big smile appears on Toby's face, his injuries healing in mere moments. He picks himself up from the ground, watching as the Wraith leaps into the air once again, striking the dragon in the face.

Fred Clover: You're okay, that's good... But what are we going to do about that dragon? It will definitely attack us after the Wraith is dead. (Fred expresses his concern)

Toby Robinson: Don't worry, Mr C. Just let the dragon do it's thing, I'll take care of what happens afterwards. (Toby tells him confidently)

The Wraith is now more wary of the dragon's attacks, and is using hit and run tactics to wear down the beast, taking advantage of it's greater speed.

Clockwork does not like getting hit at all, the attacks weren't very damaging to him, but he got angrier with each hit the Wraith managed to land.

[Clockwork Has Activated His Breath Of Slow Motion]

Green energy begins to emerge from the dragon's mouth, and without warning it blasts the Wraith with a wide spread energy blast. The Wraith tries to dodge the green energy wave, but it is unable to.

Once the energy washes over the Wraith, it's movements instantaneously begin to slow down. Even it's descent to the ground is in slow motion, giving the dragon more than enough time to whack the Wraith with it's tail, speedily sending it's body to the ground.

Fred Clover: Incredible. (Fred says in awe)

Toby Robinson: Breath of slow motion, huh? Seems like a fun skill to use in a fight. (Toby thought to himself, smiling at the thought of using this skill one day)... Hey Clockwork! (Toby calls out to the dragon)... Thanks for all your help, but I'll take it from here. (Toby says as he stretches out a hand)

[Clockwork Has Activated His Lightning Breath]

The Dragon is preparing to blast Toby with it's lightning breath, but Toby is ready to hold him.

Toby Robinson: Tamed Holding! (Toby yells as he uses the skill on the dragon, absorbing the beast back into his body)

The Wraith slowly gets up from the ground, it's body still affected by the breath of slow motion. Toby turns to face the nightmare being, ready to end it once and for all.

Toby Robinson: Not so tough now are ya? (Toby says as he watches the Wraith struggle to move)... Activate, Royal Speed, Majestic Speed, and Terror Charge! (Toby yells out)

[Royal Speed Activated]

[Majestic Speed Activated]

[Terror Charge Activated]

The Wraith has always been faster than Toby, and that's why he could never nail it with the dream beams. But now thanks to Clockwork, the Wraith is a lot slower, so Toby decided to make himself a lot faster, so that no matter what happens, he would always have the edge.

Toby Robinson: Let's do this! (Toby says before rushing forward, running faster than ever before)

Using that momentum Toby kicks the Wraith in the stomach, launching it's body into the air. Green energy was still surrounding the Wraith's body, slowing it's movements in the air, making it's ascent very slow.

Toby Robinson: This is awesome! (Toby yells as he leaps into the air, grabbing the Wraith by the leg and then slamming it's body back down on the ground)

The green energy is starting to wear off, meaning that the Wraith would soon regain it's speed. So Toby has to finish this now.

Toby stares down at the Wraith, looking at the twisted face of the father he hasn't seen in so long. He doesn't miss him or anything, he just wanted to savour this moment.

Toby Robinson: I hope I never see your face again... Dad! (Toby says as his eyes begin to power up with dream energy)... Dream Beam! (Toby yells as he fires the terror charged dream beams, hitting the downed Wraith in the chest)... Dream Beam! (Toby yells again, increasing the power of the red beams of energy)... Dream Beam, Dream Beam, Dream Beam!!! (Toby yells in anger, remembering all of the moments he had spent with his father, and how painful it was to be abandoned by him)... Dream Beam!!! (Toby screams as he incinerates the Wraith, ending this fight once and for all)

Fred Clover: Are you okay? (Fred asks him)

Toby Robinson: Yeah, I'm fine I guess. (Toby replied somberly)

Fred Clover: So, what happens now? (Fred asks nervously)

Toby Robinson: Now, you get to be free. That monster will no longer haunt your dreams. (Toby assures him)

Fred Clover: I'm glad. (Fred said with relief)... Thank you, Toby. For all your help, you saved my life. (Fred thanks him)

Toby Robinson: No I didn't, you weren't in any real danger. (Toby tells him)

Fred Clover: Yes I was! I was so scared to go to sleep every night, because I was worried that I would get beat up by my dad in my dreams, and wake up with bruises all over my body. And now because of you, I can sleep soundly at night. You're my hero, Toby Robinson. Thank you for saving my life. (Fred tells him honestly)

[+1 Knowledge Point]

[16/1000 Knowledge Points]

Toby Robinson: You're very welcome, Mr C. (Toby tells him with a smile)

[Congratulations, You Have Just Defeated A Medium Grade Nightmare Being]

[Quest Completed]

[Receive Your Rewards]

[Level Up Awarded]

[650 Exp Awarded]

[1500 Dream Points Awarded]

[Congratulations, You Have Earned A Dominant Skill]

[Dominant Skill: Lord Of Dreams]

[New Skills Available]

[You Have Grown In Strength And Skill]

[Your Skills Are Now More Powerful]


[Name: Toby Robinson]

[Race: Human (Dreamer)]

[Title: Dream Tamer]

[Level: 9]

[Tamed: 3/3]

[Bonded: 1/3]

[Bond: 1/3]

[Health: 67/100HP]

[Dream Bank: 6199 Dream Points]

[Skills: Lord Of Dreams]

[Exp: 1595/2000]

[Knowledge Bank: 16/1000 Knowledge Points]

[You Have Reached Your Limit]

[Exiting Dream State]

Toby begins to hover into the air, seemingly flying as he floated upwards.

Toby Robinson: Well, that's my cue. See you later, Mr Clover! (Toby says before zipping up into the sky, vanishing from view within seconds)

Fred Clover suddenly wakes up from his desk, looking around in a state of confusion. But then the memories of what happened suddenly flood into his mind, and he remembers everything.

Fred Clover: Toby! (Fred yells as he looks for the teenager, only to realise that he is all alone)... Was it all a dream? (Fred ponders this question, his hand rubbing around his neck in discomfort)

That is when he realised that his neck was hurting, and staring at his reflection in a window, Fred sees the bruises around his neck, the neck the Wraith had grabbed after he attacked it.

Fred Clover: It's real... It was all real. (Fred realises in shock)

Toby is now running away from school grounds, not willing to give another explanation to his teacher. But then he is stopped by someone, who stood in his way.

Susie Walters: Mr Robinson, where are you off to in such a hurry? (Susie asks him, her tone as serious as a heart attack)

Toby Robinson: Principal Walters! Um, I'm just going home ma'am. (Toby tells her nervously)

Susie Walters: Is that so? Well then, you may go. (Susie says before stepping out of his way, and allowing him to pass)

Toby Robinson: Thank you! (Toby says before rushing away, looking back at her every so often)

Susie Walters: So he actually managed to defeat a Wraith... You must be a strong Dreamer, Toby Robinson. (Susie says as her eyes begin to glow with energy)... I wonder who is your mentor. (Susie said with a smile)

Next: I Inherited A Dream System, Season Three Finale. (Repercussions)

If you like this, check out How to be a great demon, it's equally or even as good as this one. Happy reading!

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