
I Inherited A Dream System

Dreams, dreams mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To some dreams are nothing more than the mind playing tricks on you, while to others dreams are visions that show us our past and futures. But to Toby Robinson, dreams are a way for him to have fun, because ever since he inherited a Dream System from who knows where, he got the ability to journey into the land of dreams, and go on all manner of supernatural adventures. But where did this System come from, who created it, and who may be coming after it? These are not questions that our main protagonist is thinking about, but they will no doubt come back to haunt him. Join Toby Robinson as he learns to use his amazing System, which will one day decide the fate of his world, but he doesn't know that yet. With the fate of the world resting on the shoulders of a fun loving teenager, find out if he actually has what it takes to be a hero. [Congratulations, You Have Inherited The Dream System] ******** This story is going to be epic, I will try my very best to make sure of that... Happy Reading.

Victory_Stone_2529 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Dream Stealer

 Toby Robinson and Todd Forager are now at the cafeteria, sitting and eating together like they always do. They could sit with everyone else in their class, but that would put them in close proximity with Greg and Matthew, and that's a headache best avoided.

Toby Robinson: The daydream skill only lasts about five minutes. It's a shame, I really wanted to see where Greg's daydream was going. How many awards can one actor even win? (Toby wonders)

Todd Forager: (Groans) Today's biology class was brutal, it's like Mr Buscemi has the power to put people to sleep. (Todd complains to his friend, frustrated by the whole thing)

Toby Robinson: I know, right? I even like biology, but the way that guy was teaching it, sucks! (Toby stated)

 Larry Buscemi is a teacher with a very serious attitude, he doesn't play around, he doesn't make jokes, he just does what he's paid to do, which is teach. But teaching in a dull environment just makes the class boring. Kids like to have fun, and as a teacher, one should strive to achieve the delicate balance between work and play, otherwise the kids will not really care about what you're teaching them, and probably just ignore you and do other things.

 That was Mr Buscemi's problem, and he knows it too. But he doesn't care enough to make these students like him, he's just a substitute afterall.

Toby Robinson: (Sighs) I miss, Mr Clover. (Toby said)

Todd Forager: Me too. (Todd adds)... Hey, have you noticed that Greg has been glaring at you, like really hard, almost like he hates you or something. (Todd tells him)

 Toby turns and sure enough, he sees Greg glaring at him, completely ignoring the tray of food in front of him.

Greg Bullhorn: I can't remember what happened after I fired that last spitball. Does he have something to do with it? (Greg wonders)

Toby Robinson: I have no idea why Greg would be glaring at me. If anything, I should be the one glaring at him. The guy fired a spitball at me. (Toby says as he rubs the back of his neck)

Todd Forager: Gross. (Todd tells him)

Toby Robinson: I don't think he remembers anything, he might remember the day dreams, but I can't be sure. If Greg is feeling confused, then this might be the time to test out my other skill... Dream Steal! (Toby thought with an excited smile on his face)

Todd Forager: Why are you smiling? (Todd asks)

Toby Robinson: I'll be right back. (Toby said as he got up from his seat, confidently strolling over to Greg's table)

Todd Forager: What the heck is up with Toby lately? (Todd wonders)

 Toby arrives at Greg's table with his hands calmly in his pockets, and a confident smile growing on his lips.

Greg Bullhorn: What's up, loser? Lose something?! (Greg asks, anger in his voice)

 Toby quickly takes his hands out of his pockets, and then slams an arm down onto the table.

Toby Robinson: Let's settle this like men, Greg! With an arm wrestling contest! (Toby tells him confidently)

Greg Bullhorn: You can't be serious? You expect to beat me with those scrawny arms of yours? (Greg asks in surprise)

Toby Robinson: I don't know. Let's find out, shall we?! (Toby says as he readies himself)

Lerange Smith: I don't know what's going on, but I'm rooting for you, Toby! Go, underdog! (Lerange cheers him on)

Matthew Loeb: This is ridiculous, you don't have to...

Greg Bullhorn: Shut up, Matt! I've got this. (Greg says confidently, placing his arm on the table, and then locking hands with Toby)

Toby Robinson: Dream Steal. (Toby quickly and quietly says)

Greg Bullhorn: What'd you say? (Greg asks)

Toby Robinson: Oh, it's nothing. I'm just hyping myself up. (Toby tells him with a smile)

[Physical Contact Needed To Activate This Skill]

[Condition Met]

[Dream Steal Activated]

Lerange Smith: Okay l'll say when. (Lerange says as he get's up and positions himself)... Ready, set, go! (Lerange tells them)

 The two quickly begin to arm wrestle, with Greg using his teenage muscle to put the pressure on Toby's arm, slowly bringing it down towards the table. There was no way Toby could ever beat Greg, the difference in strength was just too great.

 But the goal for Toby was never to win in the first place, the goal was to steal as many dream points as he could from Greg.

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

[10 Dream Points Stolen]

 For every second that passed, Toby would steal ten dream points away from Greg, and he doesn't even notice a thing. Try as he might, Toby could only last fifteen seconds against Greg, before he lost, and Greg raised his hand up in victory.

Greg Bullhorn: Yeah! Eat it loser! (Greg yells in Toby's face)

[Physical Contact Broken]

[Dream Steal Deactivated]

[150 Dream Points Stolen]

[Dream Bank: 1569 Dream Points]

Toby Robinson: Oh man, I really thought I could win. (Toby lied with a smile, secretly estatic about the effectiveness of the Dream Steal Skill)

Lerange Smith: Good effort though, Toby. You put up a good fight. (Lerange tells him)

Matthew Loeb: Don't lie, Lerange! He was awful, he barely even lasted twenty seconds, and he was all confident too! (Matthew said in anger)

Toby Robinson: I may have lost the first round, but I won't lose again. Best two outta three? (Toby suggested, his arm already positioned to go again)

Greg Bullhorn: I don't know what's wrong with you, Toby. But if it's a pounding you're looking for, them I'll gladly give one to you! (Greg said confidently, his hand locking with Toby's once again)

Lerange Smith: Alright, you know the drill. Ready, Set...

Toby Robinson; Activate Dream Steal. (Toby whispered)

[Dream Steal Activated]

Lerange Smith: Go! (Lerange yells)

Greg Bullhorn: Hype yourself all you want, Toby! But you'll still lose to me! (Greg yells as he pushes Toby's arm towards the table, quickly getting himself another win)

 Toby lasted only about nine seconds in the second round, and five seconds on the third. Getting Toby a total of two hundred and ninety Dream Points from Greg.

Greg Bullhorn: Ha! I win, you lose! You're nothing but a, um, a big loser face! (Greg yells, now acting a bit strange)

Tiffany Hathaway: Loser face? (Tiffany cringes over the bad insult)

Greg Bullhorn: I'm the best, I'm number one! Greg Bullhorn is the king of, like, arm wrestling, and stuff. (Greg says, now noticing how strangely he was acting)... What is wrong with me? My head feels weird. (Greg thought to himself)

Stacy Long: Why don't you sit down, Greg. Before you embarrass yourself, even more that is. (Stacy mocks him)

Greg Bullhorn: Maybe I will, but not because you said so. (Greg says as he sits down, his mind now filled with many thoughts)

Matthew Loeb: You okay, dude? (Matthew asks his friend)

Greg Bullhorn: Yeah I'm fine, I just feel weird all of a sudden. (Greg tells his friend)

Toby Robinson: Uh oh, did I do that? (Toby wonders)

[Warning: Victim appears to be showing signs of overdrainage. Further Dream Stealing from this individual could cause long lasting damage]

[You Have Been Warned]

Toby Robinson: Yikes! I had no idea that it could actually hurt, Greg. Well I kinda knew, but I thought he'd have like a ton of dream points. I need to be careful of how I use this skill, I don't wanna hurt anyone. (Toby thought worriedly)

Lerange Smith: Hey, Toby. Why don't you come sit with us, I know you and Todd like to do your own thing, but...

Toby Robinson: Oh my God, Todd! I completely forgot about Todd! (Toby thought as he quickly turns back, seeing Todd glaring at him from their table)... Oh sorry, Lerange! Maybe later! (Toby says as he rushes back to his friend, apologizing for ditching him the way he did)

Darasimi Daniels: Why do Toby and Todd always sit alone at that table? (Darasimi asks)

Greg Bullhorn: Because their losers, that's why! (Greg tells her, already back to his old self)

Stacy Long: Shut up, Greg! (Stacy tells the loudmouth)... Nobody likes to sit at that table, and that's why Toby and Todd always sit there. I think it's kinda like their private spot, where they can talk together without any judgement, or insults from Greg and Matthew. (Stacy explains to Darasimi)

Matthew Loeb: Hey, we only say it like it is. (Matthew defends his actions)

Tiffany Hathaway: Shut up, Matthew. (Tiffany tells him)

Lerange Smith: Toby and Todd have been friends forever, and I don't think anyone can ruin what they have. Makes me kinda jealous sometimes. (Lerange tells her with a smile)

Darasimi Daniels: Hmm, I see. (Darasimi says as she turns, seeing Todd still angry about Toby ditching him, and Toby still apologizing for doing that)

 But someone else was watching Toby and Todd, in fact she has been watching from a distance the whole time, and what she saw, gave her a lot to think about. A man walks up to the woman, and get's her attention by lightly tapping on her shoulder.

 "Excuse me, Principal Walters. Mr Nakamura is here to see you." (The man nervously tells her)

Principal Susie Walters: Tell him I'll be with him shortly. (Susie tells the man before he walks away)... Is it possible, that Toby Robinson. Is a Dreamer? (Susie wonders, her eyes glowing as the thought crosses her mind)

Next: Super Zombies