
Why Did You Kill Them?

As Nethan was knocked out, the last though he had before losing consciousness was

'They finally took the bait'.




After several hours Nethan finally regained consciousness and he began to scan his surroundings. He was handcuffed to a metal chair and the room was temperature controlled. In front of him was a metal table and on top it was a cube which is generally used for presentations but they are pretty expensive but he didn't think much of it.

There was only a door and beside the door was two man wearing black suit and a white face mask. If he didn't knew better he would've thought he was kidnapped but he knew that he was here for interrogation which on his life depends.

As he was thinking that the door opened with a mechanical sound after that entered a man who seems to be around 70 years old with blond hair.

After seeing that man puzzlement flashed on Nethan's face. He seemed to be contemplating something and soon he recognised him.

"You - you are Nill Wilson. The former president of the Western Alliance!!"

The old man just smiled and sat down in front of Nethan on a chair.

"Ho, not many people can recognise me straight away. As one would expect of a genius!"

Nill Wilson just laughed but Nethan was completely dumbfounded.

"But why are you alive? You died 12 years ago of cancer??!!"

"Well that was all staged but I can tell you more about that after you listen to my proposal.

What do you say?"

After hearing that Nethan finally calmed himself down and reorganized his thoughts and realized he was in the room of a secret organisation which killed his parent. After remembering the emotional pain he had to go through because of his parents murder he composed himself and said with a cold expression.

"Why did you kill my parents?!!"

Nill was taken aback by Nethan's question but it didn't take long for him to realise that Nethan seemed to have known about his parents murder and about the organisation!

"You really are a genius. How long have you known about us?"

"For 10 years. I became sure about the existence of the secret organisation at 14 year old but had suspicion since I was 10. And after that I stayed low for 3 years without doing anything suspicious or investigation about it so that none of that could be traced back to me and suffer the same fate as my parents and to also to keep my friends and my foster parents safe lest they get assassinated because of suspicion. After that I noticed there were a lot of geniuses had been going missing over the years, so I knew you guys were also behind this as the the two situation connects to each other. But I still hadn't found the motive of your organisation so I took a decision of using myself as a bait to lure you out. I knew I was going to be safe because there was no dead found of the people missing over the years. Even though some may hide well but to do it for several years was not a feat a simple organisation could do. But it could be simple because you people have gotten away killing multiple government and military officials without having been traced it back to you.

Another thing is that the the year geniuses started going missing is also consistent with the time your organisation started assassinating high government and military officials of many countries. I hope it answers your question."

Nill almost fell out of his chair even his blood pressure began to so much that he almost fainted of shock. Even the guards near the door were astonished by Nethan's explanation so much that their eyes almost popped out.

Nill calmed himself down and exclaimed with an excited voice.

"Looks like my title of 'The Prodigy of an era' was snatched long time ago hahahaha!!!"

"You still haven't answered my question

Mr. president?"

"Please don't call me that, I have long gotten out of politics. As for your question. I am sorry that you had to be a victim of such trauma at an young age.

But after listening my explanation and reason

I hope you can forgive me!"

Nethan nodded.

"I would like to listen your explanation first.

And as for forgiveness there can't be any of that even if you kill yourself a thousand times!"

After hearing that Nill Wilson sighed and started his explanation.