

"So you know that Moon didn't try to seduce you so that she could get you to join 'Anthropos' right?"

" I knew that even before you could tell me. I am just angry about the fact that Moon kept the truth about my parents death hidden and still tried to behave like nothing was wrong and when we met in the head quarters she behaved like she didn't knew me. What do you think I would be feeling at that moment!"

"I still hope you can work things out with her."

"We will see that after she clarifies to me later. It all depends on her and how she gives me the answer.

The fact that she didn't even contact me in a month is also absurd. What do you think I will be guessing if she distances herself from me like this."

"Ok you can talk it out with her later but please be considerate."

"We'll see."

After Nethan and Nill arrived at the headquarters,

they first went to Nill's office where they finalize some papers about Nethan and other stuffs.

Later they went to meet the 'Kidnapped' people who were doing their work diligently.

Almost all of them greeted them but some of the couldn't because they were in a crucial point in their studies.

But when Nethan arrived at Mr Roy's lab he was startled. He had thought there will be a lot of antiques or ancient sculptures in his lab but instead there was high tech apparatus and a lot of them were of Electromagnetic interference.

Nethan knew about all this because he studied Electronic Engineering.

From what he saw he was pretty astonished.

Not only you needed a lot of knowledge about how

to operate all this apparatus but you needed to have practical knowledge of it as well.

As Nethan was observing the Lab, Mr Roy came out of the another room attached to it.

"Nice to meet you, I am Nethan."

Unexpectedly Nethan was the first one to give the greetings. Nill was surprised to see that but didn't say anything.

" Hello, I am Mason Roy. The only archeologist in this DOOM HOUSE."

"Haha you sure love to joke but I am surprised to see a archeologist to traverse the path Electromagnetic interference."

"Hoho seems like I found a person who actually knows these stuff. Most of the people who are here are people who can only make dangerous weapon or something else. Few people goes on the path of communication."

"Regularly people don't think much of communication. They think it's a trivial matter because they have it now and it's available everywhere but we see it's real worth only when we are in a war. If the world communication fails even for a day the world might even go up in flames."

" I have to agree with that haha."

Seeing the two people talking so casually about war and the destruction of the world Nill shuddered and felt he was out of place here.

"Since you two are having a nice conversation, I will leave first and anyway there is no one you have to meet now Nethan so take your time. If there is a need for you I will call for you."

Seeing that Nill was leaving so soon Roy tried to persuade him to stay for a while and have cup of tea but Nill politely declined and left.

" I guess we can have a cup of tea while having a heated conversation. What do you say Mr Nethan?"

"I would be very much delighted to and please call me Nethan."

Nethan was feeling pretty ecstatic right now.

No one knew about Nethan's addiction which some may call it good or some may call it the worst addiction of mankind.

That was the addiction of knowledge.

The time Nethan was absorbed in trying to unravel the mystery behind his parents death he was also studying. And after when he felt the sense of accomplishment of finding a clue about his parents death he also found the same accomplishment whenever he learned something new or solved equations. Gradually he became addicted to learning more. Unravel more of the knowledge that has been build up for centuries through the sheer hard work of humankind.

As he kept learning more, his thirst for more knowledge became more horrifying.

After conversing with Nethan for a hour,

Mr Roy also came to a conclusion that Nethan was the greatest genius he had ever seen and he also learned how horrifying Nethan had the thirst for


After another hour of talking Roy was astonished to notice that some of his equations which he hard time solving had been solved easily by Nethan.

Finally Roy knew whose help he needed to solve the dilemma of his life.

"Do you want see something interesting

Mr Nethan?"

" Well if you say that it's interesting I think I am going to enjoy it."

" In that case let us go to the room which was especially build only for me."

"Ohh! Seems like I am going to see the latest discovery of yours. It's pretty exciting and you should know I don't get excited pretty easily."

False! Nethan always gets excited when he gets to learn something new.

"You will faint from excitement after watching this.

And I assure you it will be worth your time."

"Then let's hurry up!"