
I Hide And Farm In The World Of Cultivation To Increase My Proficiency

Lu Yuan crossed into the world of immortal cultivation and obtained [Skill Panel]. He was well aware of the level of danger in the world of immortal cultivation. [Sword-ridden skill reaches LV.10. Please choose the direction of advancement...] [Obtained advanced skill - Ride the Wind Royal Sword Technique: Double the speed of Royal Sword] [Reaching LV.10 in Breath Convergence Technique, please choose the direction of advancement...] [Obtained advanced skill - Aether Turtle Breath Concealment Technique: Double the effect of breath concealment] [Disguise skill reached LV.10. Please choose the direction of advancement...] [Obtain advanced skill - Disguise: Adjust your face muscles to achieve a perfect disguise effect] The so-called immortal cultivation was to see who lived longer! Killing the enemy was not something to brag about, but living was. Running fast, being good at hiding, looking ordinary... were the posture of the immortal emperor! Lu Yuan: I came to the immortal cultivation world only to do three things. Live long, live long, and live a godda*n long life. "Only those who are alive... are worthy of cultivating." "What, you talk to me about ghost immortals? A bunch of evil b*stards. Get out of here!" Steady immortal cultivation: afraid to die, so I maximized my defensive abilities.

Flying Fatty · Eastern
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387 Chs

Advanced Skill, One Qi Sword Control Technique (2/10)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

However, cultivation techniques and skills were two different things.

Lu Yuan wasn't planning to obtain the thunder and Yang cultivation techniques for the time being.

He had not forgotten what he relied on to rise to power.

The key to his rise was his skill interface.

As for special skills like cultivation techniques, the system could not directly advance them.

Lu Yuan needed to find a suitable cultivation technique for himself that could be advanced by the system.

Lu Yuan did not have the time to search for them in the short term.

Moreover, cultivation techniques could only be cultivated by his main body and could not be cultivated by his clones.

Therefore, Lu Yuan's main focus for now was on cultivating his other skills.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan transferred his consciousness to the courtyard.

In the courtyard, a guy with a blurry face was practicing his swordsmanship.