

"Ash",  I shout as I knock on her door. I hear her brother yell back " She out at the moment ".

"Well shit", I mumble as I start to walk home.

While I'm walking home I start to think about the program Allen gave me, as I stare at the little flash drive a thought poped into my head. I wonder if I could make my own app to watch anime on? Walking deep in thought I happened to walk straight into a girl.

" Hey asshole watch where you are walking"! 

"Shit I'm sorry", as I'm rushing to pick up my phone I dropped. I look up an notice who it was that I just happened to walk into.

" Samantha"? I questioned my self.

"Well if it isn't Chikao", She said with a smug face.

" What are you up to nerd"?

Now I was little bit nervous because she was the most prettiest girl to me.  Red hair, green eyes, great hour glass shape, and thick. She was beautiful.

I managed to studder out, "heading home". I happened to look down (mainly because I couldn't look her in the face) and I notice she had Anime Fly open on her phone.

" I love that app", I blurt out.

She looked down at her phone, an then back at me. "You didn't see shit nerd" She yelled.

Me being all ecstatic and not paying attention to what she just said, "what's your favorite anime"?

She had this embarrassed look on her face now, as she shoved her phone in her pocket she looked at me an said " Don't ever tell anybody about this", as she ran away.

Confused I started walking home again, as I here someone whisper from behind me. "I see your still as clumsy as ever".

I spun around to come face to face with Ashley.

" Heyy"! I shouted awkwardly still thinking about my encounter with Samantha.

Ashley giggled, "so got to talk to the beauty queen I see".

" Yea it was kind of awkard", as I tried to laugh it off.

"I'll say you ran right into her quite literally", she laughed.

" I didn't mean to, it's your fault for not being home butt face", I exclaimed.

"Well that may be the case, but I had good reason", as she held up a movie case.

" What! The colloecters edition of Pirate's Blue"!

"Hell yea"! She said excitedly with a cute smile. " Wanna come watch it with me"?

"Hell yea"! I shouted as we walked back towards her house.