
Reviews of I heard that I'll be super fierce after my death


I heard that I'll be super fierce after my death

Old Devil

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Raw title: 听说我死后超凶的 Status: 373 Chapters (Completed) The story is amazing, the translation is amazing and Characters are amazing in this novel. The only thing not amazing is that novel ends very abruptly after 373 chapters. Author himself said that lots of Character background details could not be written in the novel. He had lots of ideas but he ended novel without writing those ideas. Still the novel can be considered pretty amazing as compared to other cliched novel which just rinse and repeat same formula.

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This one like House of Horror, Human X Ghost relationship. It's just The MC not only has Ghost as wife but Human wife too. Definitely worth reading it. It has both horror and romance in it. MC actually has pretty mysterious origin. I mean that how such normal looking person died become the most terrifying ghost, why the matchmaker ghost is obsessed with match making MC, What is like the true form of 'Xion Qin' and attached to MC and even somehow lost part his memory about 2nd present wife. And how the **** did all ghost reincarnated as ghost not human. And it was back to the pass as if the world is rewind.


When I first laid my eyes on this novel I was expecting a comedy/wish fulfillment novel but I was not expecting what I got. I recommend this novel if you want to read something interesting that doesn't have insanely slow pacing + a not bad mc.


Wy MC Becomes The Most Malicious Ghost... It was probably because of his obsession and regrets that he is still a virgin throughout his whole live... Reason : He wanted to build a harem of girls when he is a ghost, this clearly implies that there are some connection between his resentment or obsession that kept him as a ghost. Fun Fact : The greater the ghost resentment or obsession the greater their power is, as it is told that MC was the "most" Fearsome ghost means that he was also probably the strongest out there... As such the MC hated himself for dying as a virgin??? Sorry If there are wrong analysis as I had not read the MTL version...


Reveal spoiler


I don't like this at all There is nothing in free chapters except that if he dies he will become a powerful ghost and all his harem sre reincarnated to past he will marry them one by one as in a line and how he saves them from vengeful ghosts and help them get revenge or complete their wishes.


This has completely exceeded my expectations. Such a good novel, I binge read all 60 chapters at once. Great world setting and great story. I don't know what else I should say, one of the most unique novels I've ever read.


NOT DISAPPOINTED This novel is interesting. Usually, we see mc reincarnated to his past but here mc wife and other ghost wife or just other ghost are reincarnated. Mc future self when he died become the most powerful and fearful ghost of netherworld. Now that he didn’t died when he supposed to, he have to deal with all the wife he married to because of matchmaker. Also this novel is really well done. This is harem 100 percent from what I see. You won’t understand this ☝️ if you don’t read the novel because it really good it way better than what I say in this review. Also to the people who won’t read this because of harem than you are really missing it. Mc use his brain here. He won’t jump to girl because she beautiful. I want to write more but right now I can’t figure out something good for the review right now so that it. Really try before you say something because it really good in my opinion and I’m very picky.


It starts like your typical harem novel, and all of a sudden there is a twist, where is the knocking coming from? A horror, comedy, romance give it a try to chapter 10.


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To be honest the only props I can give to this novel is the translation and language. Man this is boring as hell. Everything is just 'oohhh I am supposed to dieeee' 'a ghost is forcing me to get married to weird women' there is nothing interesting or intriguing here, I mean I would rather watch scooby do. Everything here is so reactive, no special props or anything for the MC, just the future powerup they're all preventing from happening. Can't say more, we need better novels


İts one of best novel you can find in trail section. .............................................................................................................................................................................................


I like this work, mostly becouse the story feel fresh for me and the chill that i got when reading alone (i'm afraid of ghost yet still reading this work) and some comedy scene to balance it. Uh, i just got the 'right' feel from this, just read it and you will know.


Простите что не на английском языке, но думаю переводчик вам поможет! Спасибо за внимание! Данная новелла хотя и выглядит с первого взгляда не слишком привлекательно, а синопсис обещает нам гаремник и историю ужасов про призраков, в действительности имеет очень интересный сюжет и ярких персонажей. Плюсы: 1. Это действительно можно считать мистической историей в жанре ужасов и считаю достаточно хорошей, всё таки в данном жанре не так много пишут и имеют интересные новеллы. 2. Главный герой харизматичен и умён, хотя действует и как отморозок частично, ведь имеет кучу жён, но в рамках сюжета это оправданно, да и тут нет раздражающего гарема 3. Новелла имеет довольно грамотно построенный мир призраков и живых людей, и он органично вписан в общую канву 4. Главная интрига хотя и раскрывается ближе к концу, но не затянута автором специально и медленно на протяжении всей истории подводит нас к главному итогу. При этом есть и другие не менее интересные ответвления сюжета. 5. Достаточно небольшой объём истории, тем самым история специально не затянута, но это в какой-то мере и минус, ведь не были раскрыты всё заговоры и не был реализован полностью потенциал новеллы. Минусы: 1. Объём (хотя и плюс) 2. Проблемы с некоторыми второстепенными персонажами, но думаю тут не слишком много что сделаешь, автор и так постарался достаточно им уделить внимание 3. Концовка немного скомкана из за проблем у автора, но может оно и к лучшему 4. Наличие гарема (но в какой то мере и плюс), так как сюжет построен частично вокруг него, женщины не влюблены в героя просто так, и даже местами ненавидели его, и есть логичные обоснования его наличия, а не просто любовь или обязанности мужчины иметь двух женщин и четырёх наложниц, как в исторических новеллах. Итого - однозначно советую к прочтению, особенно если ищете неплохой гаремник с умным героем в жанре мистика и ужасы.


Another shame for this app, so much trash novel that can pass the trial but when a good novel shows everyone ignores this the same thing that happend with midnight bookstore, shameeee


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Reveal spoiler


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Worth checking out if you have some time to spare not the worst thing in the work. Try the first few chapters and see that's happens. Then let me know how you got on


an interesting read, an interesting read, an interesting read, an interesting read, an interesting read, an interesting read, an interesting read, an interesting read.