
I haven’t forgotten you

Disclaimer: The story is somewhat boring maybe because it’s my first story Jiang Nan’s soon to be fiancée , Liu Shu, dies of a brain tumor. Jiang Nan is devastated by this event. Liu Shu has written him a letter before her death stating if she dies she wants Jiang Nan to complete their “After our wedding...” bucket list. Follow Jiang Nan’s adventures and his memories of Liu Shu.

Summer_Youth · Realistic
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 Bakery store

I looked at our bucket list we wrote in. It immediately filled me with memories. The first thing on our bucket list was to try the cupcakes at the bakery store on XXX street.


"Jiang Nan I have something for you! Come here!", Liu Shu said with excitement.

" What is it"

"Dun dun dun dun~"

She handed Jiang Nan a blue book with little white specks.

"What is it"

"It a book duh!"

"No that's not what I meant"

" I thought about for a while now and we've been together for a year now and living together we should have a bucket list!"

Jiang Nan looked at Liu Shu confused.

"But why?

Liu Shu seemed a little upset Jiang Nan wasn't understanding her.

"We can use this book for things that we want to do it doesn't have to be big like going skydiving but more like like mundane task."

"But what can we put down on a bucket list that we can do right now?"

Both Jiang Nan and Liu Shu both brain stormed until Liu Shu had an idea

"Let's go try those cupcakes that everyone's been talking about on XXX street!"

The smile Liu Shu made Jiang Nan happy inside he thought in this head, "Maybe I should try it. I mean if Liu Shu is happy I'll give it a try!"

After that they continued brainstorming they went to the bakery store.

"Wow it smells so good", Liu Shu exclaimed when they entered the bakery. Liu Shu looked in awe of the tasty treats and not being able to divide what she wanted. While Liu Shu was in awe Jiang Nan asked Liu Shu if she knew which thing she wanted.

"Oh gosh I don't know what I want every thing here looks so good!"

Jiang Nan felt a burning stare on his left side. He looked over and saw Liu Shu making puppy eyes. Jiang Nan immediately knew what she wanted.

"Fine, what do you want."

Liu Shu's eyes light up. She told the waiter, "I want this and this also that can I also have these 3 and those and that and oh that one. Thank you."

The waiter looked stunned

Jiang Nan decided he would order one thing of the menu.

After they ordered a. Old couple behind them commented, "Young man, you should treasure you girlfriend like that always."

"Oh uh okay...?" Jiang Nan was confused why they would say that.

Suddenly Jiang Nan spotted someone. He diverted his eyes.

"Jiang Nan what's wrong?", Liu Shu asked concerned.

Then they atmosphere in the bakery turned ice cold. Liu shu's body stiffened. They heard clicking sounds of high heels getting closer to their table.

"Jiang Nan your father wants you home tonight!", the woman spoke in a high pitched voice. The woman was tall and beautiful but you could tell she was still very ugly. Her voice sounded pretentious.

Jiang Nan looked up at this woman.

"Auntie is there a reason why Jiang Dao Ying wants me home?", Jiang Nan asked very calmly.

The woman's face turned red. She started to raise her voice.

"First of all you're supposed to call me mother-"

"Oh no I'm not. You're not even close to being a human being how could you be considered yourself to a mother to anyone." Jiang Nan said angrily but it was still calmly said.

The woman laughed disgusted when she turned to Liu Shu and then back to Jiang Nan.

"You know your father has arranged a marriage alliance with the Tang family. And you're supposed to marry the Tang mistress, Tang Jia, in about a year."

Jiang Nan stood up so fast, "I will not marry anyone else!"

Liu Shu also stood up, "Listen auntie me and Jiang Nan have been together for a year now why can't you accept it."

The woman pushed Liu Shu down and walked out of the store. Jiang Nan caught her before she fell.

Liu Shu looked at Jiang Nan, "what are we going to do?" Her eyes filling up with water. They were luck that there weren't many people here today.

Jiang Nan looked at Liu Shu and said, "It's fine. I'll think of a way."


I suddenly came back to reality. Every time I thought about this memory it would alway make me chuckle a bit. It was supposed to be a fun memory but that woman ruined it. At least I didn't have to marry Tang Jia. Tang Jia ran away with her boyfriend so I didn't have to marry her.

I walked to the bakery store. After our first time at the bakery it became our favorite place to go.

I walk up to the cashier, "I'll have the usual."

The cashier nodded

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a while. Where's you're girlfriend?" The cashier asked.

"Oh yeah I haven't been here for a while because my girlfriend...died..."

The cashier stopped for a second then looked at the computer.

"Do you want what you usually get or do you want your girlfriend's order as well?"

"Uh.. I'll just get mine."

"Oh Okay." The cashier went back to the computer and it seemed like he was erasing an order.

There was an awkward silence. Jiang Nan couldn't blame him. I mean how would you respond when some one says that their family or significant other died.

After a while Jiang Nan got his order. It brought back memories of them eating here and eating their usual. Jiang Nan took a bite out of his bakery treat. It felt like it was his first time eating here.