
I Have Yet to Become a Doll Today

When the world became a landscape for a game, humans immediately became dolls who no longer moved nor breathed, frozen like items on display in a shelf. In the beginning, Bai Youwei thought this was an alien prank. Nobody knew why the humans suddenly became dolls. That was until they were all gathered together and sucked into a bright fog before being greeted by a mechanical voice, "Ding! Welcome to the Game of Dolls! The rules are as follows: 1. Refusing to play the game will result in dollification! 2. Failure to beat the game will result in dollification! 3. Beating the game to win a doll!" Bai Youwei walks into the embrace of Shen Mo trembling. "I'm scared, I'm just a weak little girl..." Shen Mo takes her hand, places it on his abs and says, "Now you don't have to be scared anymore!" The game systems starts ringing in the background, "Alert! Alert! Please respect the game and focus! No dating inside the game!" This is a story of how an intelligent and calm young lady works with a boy with nothing but a hot bod to beat the impossible Game of Dolls!

Flowery · Fantasy
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335 Chs

Chapter 40: These People

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the previous round, from the frog's arrival to its departure, it took exactly 3 minutes and 15 seconds.

This time, it only took 47 seconds.

Why has the time shortened?

Is it because the frog was injured, so it retired early? If it were so, that would mean Shen Mo had succeeded in buying us an extra two and a half minutes to breathe.

Peaceful silence lingered for a moment, slightly dissolving the frozen atmosphere in the cave. Those hiding in the muck tentatively lifted their heads, as did those in the shellbugs. Everyone looked around——

All was quiet.

No frog, no ball.

...Were they really safe?

Tan Xiao was the first to rise, scanning his surroundings, "The ball? Does it still count if we find it now?"

"The ball was buried in the muck when the frog burrowed in just now" interjected a young man near Hui Ge.

Tan Xiao recognized him, he was thin and tall like Hui Ge, with a small head, large ears, long limbs: they called him Monkey.