
I have to Kill the hero who Regressed 5 times

A young boy who was 15 years old, screamed happily while seeing his appearance in the mirror. He was in a state of extreme joy which caused his face to look like a maniac that will soon start to kill everything around him like crazy. He was our mc who got regressed to this new world. God suddenly speaks with him and told him that he have to kill the heroes in that world. He was afraid that the one who speak with him is a god or demon and he was also going to fight for himself and his fated person. Edward our MC was the second son of the blue dragon king. who has a powerful dragon in his collection? but because of his overpowering, every kingdom was afraid of his father. so they used many ways to destroy their kingdom and their kingdom become a small kingdom. Edwards's work was.......to kill the heroes who are summoned to kill the demon king. AUTHOR: This cover is not mine. Credits go to the real creator.

AKR_ARTHUR · Fantasy
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6 Chs



The young boy stood in front of the mirror, gazing at his reflection with a cold intensity. His dark blue hair and crystal-clear blue eyes lent him a handsome air, accentuated by his expensive attire. However, a sudden change occurred. His lips curled into a smile, and he hastily covered his mouth with one hand, attempting to suppress it. It was a peculiar smile, filled with a hidden desire that he struggled to conceal. To any observer, he might have appeared as though he were a madman, battling to contain his innermost emotions. Yet, despite his efforts, the smile persisted—a silent testament to his inner turmoil.

[stop this fucking smile]

He screamed in his mind, but it was no use.

As you all know, he was transferred from Earth to this unknown world. Now, I think he was pondering what happened on Earth. So, let us see who he was in his past life.

On Earth, he was a handsome boy. If we're going to explore his past life, let's start from scratch. Every tragedy he faced on Earth began because of a girl he met in school at age 12. Before that, he was a class topper; no one could beat him in studies, and every teacher thought he was a genius. He was good at everything, a silent child. At that time, a girl was transferred from another school. To tell you the truth, she was a beautiful girl. At first sight, he was attracted to her on the first day. She was a new student and his new neighbor because her family moved their house near his home. It was a good opportunity for him to make his moves with her.

They became good friends because they were neighbors. After a few months of a relationship, their feelings for each other started to deepen, which made him think about her always. Let's say that made him forget about his studies. Finally, his marks in the final year started to decrease, and he failed in all subjects in his final exam, which caused his mother and father to worry. A hard-working boy who had always been at the top suddenly saw his marks drop to the bottom.

Because of that, His father came to his school and made an argument with his teacher whom he doesn't like. she always picks at him. He don't know what was the reason. This was also one of the reasons why He failed in all his subjects. His father was mad because of no proper response from teachers and his school. so he transferred him to another school. he also doesn't like that school. that transfer was the second mistake he made in his life. Because he was afraid of small fish and ended up in a sea filled with sharks.

The transferred school was the most dangerous school he had ever seen at that time. because of his stubbornness. he was being bullied by his friends whom he started speaking with them at first. That incident made him afraid of them. After 3 years of studying in that school, he earned an average mark and transferred to another school. Which was even bigger than this school. That whole school was shit.. they all were sex freaks which made him go wild on himself. he got on the last bench and those bastards who look innocent in front of him and his teacher were all sex freaks. they all are the masturbation gang in the whole class whenever a teacher comes into the class they will be like good boys when the teacher starts to take the lesson they will start to take their … and you know what will happen.

He did not put anything in his mind. They even tried to strip him in the bathroom but because of his luck, He escaped while putting another as bait. Thanks to the bait, he escaped that day. After playing many tricks to escape from them and finished the years. He persuaded his dad to change his school and he got into another school transfer. But this school is also kinda bullies school but not like those sex freaks.

The whole school was filled with bullies. Initially, they did not bother him because he was a newly transferred student. However, once they learned about his character, he became the target of beatings from everyone. They started with friendly gestures but soon turned into bullies. Their actions triggered another persona deep inside him, one that had been hiding.

He possessed a perfect and healthy body unlike other students who were bullied due to their weakness. Despite this, he accepted their beatings for one reason only: he wanted to live a peaceful life. Instead, he found himself being beaten and began to hate himself.

After finishing his exams and receiving a one-month holiday, he experienced the most beautiful time of his life. He became addicted to comics, manga, and novels – the greatest things he had ever encountered. This marked the end of his days of being bullied and becoming a bully himself.

If you ask how he managed it, it was because of the novel he read for the first time. It featured a tragic main character who transformed into a monster and avenged himself against his bullies. Merely reading wouldn't change everything, but as he read, he imagined himself as the protagonist. He wanted to confront and defeat his bullies, making them regret their actions. This caused his other persona to take over his body, putting an end to his days of being bullied and starting his journey as a bully

After the final bell of the school day tolled, it was Moran, the leader of the gang, who initiated the confrontation. Despite Moran's initial restraint, Edward, our protagonist, rose from his seat and delivered a series of blows to Moran's face. The swift assault disrupted Moran's equilibrium, and without hesitation, Edward unleashed a torrent of punches upon Moran's visage. Moran attempted to defend himself, but Edward, consumed by a primal fury, emerged as a relentless force. The onlookers remained passive, perceiving the altercation as a one-sided pummeling. Initial confusion gave way to realization—Edward remained standing, while their erstwhile leader, Moran, lay defeated.

Following Moran's collapse, Edward rose, a sinister smile playing upon his lips. He exuded an aura of dominance, evoking fear throughout the classroom. His eyes gleamed with satisfaction. Having ascended to the apex of the school's social hierarchy as its primary aggressor, Edward soon sought refuge in a new educational milieu

At that other school, he made good friends and had a peaceful life that he thought about every day. Now He was about to finish the last day of his school life. He did great in the examination. He knows that he will at least take the 5th spot in the school ranking. That's what he thought but because of his overjoy, he asked his brothers to accompany him on his journey to hell. His brothers also agreed with him. He and his brothers all died at the hand of the bus driver.

Now he was in this beautiful world. After waking up from his sleep, he screamed and grabbed his heart, breathing heavily. After checking his surroundings, he found himself in a comfortable bed, and his attire looked different. As he contemplated what happened, he realized he was dead. He knew he had died.

Moreover, the air in his surroundings was pure, filling the room and giving him a different sensation. When he touched his body, he noticed it looked kind of small.

'Please don't tell me I was in some kind of dream world,' he thought as he attempted to move his body. However, his body felt quite light. Slowly, he stood up from his bed and walked toward the large mirror in the corner of the room. While walking, he noticed his height had decreased. Despite this, his face was full of smiles and happiness because he had always dreamed of being the one transferred to another world.

Upon seeing his face, he realized he was more handsome than the real Edward.

'Is it real?' he wondered aloud, pinching himself on the cheeks

"Aah it hurts"

"So it was real. oh yeah, f**k it, baby"

He screamed as his dream came into reality. However, soon after, he began to think deeply about why he had been transferred to this unknown world in a different body. While contemplating, sadness enveloped him as he thought about his own death. He also worried about his brothers, uncertain of their fate.

"I think they are alive," he murmured to himself.

After a few minutes of pondering his demise, he started to examine his surroundings, which were meticulously cleaned. Beneath the mirror, he noticed a half-opened drawer.

'I wonder why it's half-opened,' he mused, slowly pulling it further.

To his surprise, he found a diary inside, unaware that the person whose body he now inhabited had written one. As he began to read, he realized the diary held secrets, clues about the previous owner of the body.

"I think this diary will help me understand the previous owner of this body."

He moved towards the window and opened it. It was dark outside; perhaps that's why no one had entered the room. Suddenly, he wondered how his room had been brightly lit from the start after he awoke. He turned around to inspect the ceiling of the room.

'There will be no bulb in this world, so how could...' he trailed off.

On the ceiling, a round-shaped ball hung, emitting light.

'I think it's some kind of magic artifact,' he thought to himself.

He moved towards his bed and sat comfortably. After settling in, he opened the diary and began to read.

'I think I'll have to read everything,' he mused.

In the middle of the night, large birds filled the sky, almost resembling a city, but it was a kingdom. It appeared ancient, with buildings made of rocks and grand structures reminiscent of noble houses. However, the true centerpiece was a majestic palace at the city's heart, belonging to our main character.

In one of the palace rooms, a young man read the diary. After a few minutes, he closed the book and stared at the ceiling, appearing contemplative.

"HAHAHAHA," he laughed, as if contemplating his next move

He laughed uncontrollably, his body shaking with the force of his laughter. He attempted to cover his face with his hands, but it was futile. He was certain that if anyone witnessed him in this state, they would deem him a madman. Closing his eyes, he endeavored to regain control, yet the laughter persisted relentlessly. He felt as though he were losing his mind, unsure of what to do. Desperation consumed him; he longed to cease, but it eluded him. He feared he might explode if he couldn't quell it. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the laughter subsided, and he managed to draw a deep breath. Exhausted yet relieved, he had no comprehension of what had just occurred but vowed never to let it happen again


[F#ck this whole story] He screamed in his mind

Hii Everyone this is my first novel. So please support me. if you find any grammar mistake just commend it, and I will try to fix it as fast as possible. Thank you and enjoy your time reading my novel

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