
I Have Robbed 999 Types Of Powers

"Rob (Rank ???): Able to rob another person’s ability. Yang Xi felt hopeless as the world seemed to want him to shine. At first, he was a nobody trying to save his sister, but he became the one who had to shoulder the future of mankind. Then, he created an organization just so he could hide his identity, but it became a force that had stretched its claw to every corner of the world. And, when he gave one of his subordinates the power of [Training], that subordinate managed to evolve it into the strongest Divine Body…"

Woody · Games
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600 Chs

Hero Class Student

Translator: 549690339

" I say," Yang Xi whispered to the flight attendant, whose face was pale with fear," Is the security check so unreliable now?" How did these people bring their submachine guns onto the plane?”

How long has it been since a hijacking incident in the Federation?

The air stewardess had been pointed at by a black muzzle just now. Now that she didn't pee in her pants, she didn't let down the school's crisis training. Fortunately, Yang Xi's calmness infected her. She leaned on Yang Xi's shoulder and whispered,"There's an ability user among these hijackers who can make submachine guns..."

In order not to attract the attention of the robbers, the air stewardess spoke very softly, making Yang Xi's ears itch.

"In this case... Why don't you go to the big brother next to you first?”

Although it was a little erotic, Yang Xi felt that it was not good to take advantage of other girls.

"But…Can I?"