
I Have Robbed 999 Types Of Powers

"Rob (Rank ???): Able to rob another person’s ability. Yang Xi felt hopeless as the world seemed to want him to shine. At first, he was a nobody trying to save his sister, but he became the one who had to shoulder the future of mankind. Then, he created an organization just so he could hide his identity, but it became a force that had stretched its claw to every corner of the world. And, when he gave one of his subordinates the power of [Training], that subordinate managed to evolve it into the strongest Divine Body…"

Woody · Games
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600 Chs

A Laugh That Was Abrupted

Translator: 549690339

At this moment, the most awkward thing was the star-striped cloak. Half of his body was exposed above the plane. It was really impossible to go up or down.

Fortunately, his Horcrux was intelligent enough to put its master's body back in its original position.

After the passengers who had rushed into the first-class cabin realized that they were saved, the strength they had used to push and shove was immediately released. Especially those who were near the hole in the plane, their legs went weak as they grabbed onto their chairs, afraid that they would fall.

A few hundred meters in the air, the wind whistled through the cabin, and many people felt a chill in their groins.

The air stewardess didn't even need to maintain order. The passengers sat in the nearest seats one after another, inhaling oxygen and tying their seatbelts skillfully.