
Chapter 4 - Relocation

After my meeting with the elder Chen's, I spent the rest of the day in meetings, handing my responsibilities in this branch off to my team that was staying behind. After my last meeting of the day, I had to meet with Ghost and the rest of Leon's security team. I drove back to the family compound, and parked at the training ground. Where we had a dorm building for the trainees and security teams that work around the clock.

When i walked in, the trainee at the desk stopped me. "I'm sorry, only authorized member are allowed in this building."

I stood and looked at him. I couldn't help but think 'had it really been that long since I've led training here that the new recruits do not know my face'. Before I could respond I heard a voice from the left hallway yelling out.

"Ahh you idiot, dont you pay attention. How can you join a family compound without knowing the family. " a man about my height with an undercut and black eyes walked into the room, he smiled when we made eye contact. "Aaiiishh , this one wants to be in your SecTeam one day too." He greeted me with a weird handshake he makes everyone learn when he deems youre friends enough. I couldn't help but laugh at his last comment.

"You must not be teaching them well enough now Malikai. You've gotten lazy since your promotion."

"No no no , theyre just harder and harder to teach, look, look at him. He's soft and quiet, not a callous on him." Malakai pulled me past the desk, while the young trainee looked curious, like he still had no idea what was happening. "Maybe we should hang your photo above your name plaque so they know who AlphaBlue really is on sight." He pretended to whisper but raised his voice so the kid could hear us. We stopped at the doorway to the stairs when we saw him freeze, like he has been caught stealing.

He slowly looked over at us, and his eyes landed on me. I watched as the slow terror realization hit him, that he has just disrespected the adopted daughter of the Chen Family and the head of the compound's security. "Eh dont sweat it too much, maybe we can do a statue in the entryway, make it a big fountain they can throw pennies in." The trainee jumped up and bowed multiple times in apology stuttering "I'm so sorry AlphaBlue, I had no idea, we had not seen you around here since the new season of recruits cAme in, i had no idea it was you. Please forgive me, ABlue Captain,sir."

I smiled at his mix of words, "What's your name?"

"Sean Kanawut, my family comes from Thailand, I joined the compound when we heard of what the Chen family and Epsolon did in our country. Episolon saved my younger siblings in the ambush, and I heard that joining this compound and the Lead SecTeam was the only way to ever meet him."

"Ahh, I run the companies in Thailand and you still did not recognize me?" I watched his face carefully to see if he was honest or just trying to get into where he didn't belong, i saw a shift in his eyes. It was small, almost minute and barely noticeable. But i saw it, it was a change that meant he was tired of living under rich cruel powerful people, and he knew that our family was also rich,cruel ,and powerful. When we made eye contact again he didnt look away.

"No, I did not. I never spent time in Thailand learning about the rich, nothing you did helped my family, or fed my siblings when our parents died. I mean no offense, but if it weren't for Epsolon, the Chen family wouldn't have crossed the rebellions radar as an ally." I could tell he was speaking his truth, and what he saw in a country as war torn with that kind of government.

"I take no offense yet. But be mindful, the Chen family has been in this war, leading the rebel factions for longer than you have been alive. Maybe it hasn't been as quickly or as powerful as you had hoped , but they have been there. Epsolon is a soldier from this family, just as you are now. This family that took you in, and keeps your younger brothers safe, has been fighting this war a lot longer than you have. This family has lost a lot more than you see.." I saw the change in his eyes again.

"How did you know my siblings are brothers? I never mentioned it…I have not seen or heard from my siblings since i came here months ago.." he starred at me unblinking.

"Your name is Sean Kanasong, your family comes from the edge of Bangkok. Your father died in the first wave of the rebellion, your uncle too. Your mother died in a government ambush three years ago. You've been raising your twin younger brothers since, you're 19, Pin and Sun are 16. You escaped Thailand shortly after we won and over turned the government, and have been living in a small loft apartment outside the city. You joined the compound 6 months ago, and left your brothers in the apartment, asking your neighbor to watch over them. Your neighbor is an older lady named Sara, you haven't been able to contact any of them since shortly after you got here. Did i miss anything?" He looked terrified, and angry.

"..how do you know that, where are my brothers?"

"I know every new face that joins this family. Take it as a lesson, you should have done better research before joining. Epsolon is not a God, Epsolon is not the All Savior. I dont think i need to tell you how bad this war is or how bad its going to get, you've been in it your whole life pretty much. Next time, know what youre walking into." I turned to walk away and he called out to me.

"Captain! Where are my brothers!"

"If i tell you, will you forsake your oath? Will you leave this war?" I didnt really want to hurt him, or even really hear his answer. Because there is no wrong answer. But I knew of Sean from Thailand for years, I've been slowly watching him grow within the small faction of a rebellion that his family built ther before Orchid came in. I needed to know his character better, and i feel like he needs to know his heart better.

"My oath is to my family, to my brothers. I have fought this war for years without Orchid and with only them. I'll never leave this war, but I'll never leave them either…" I guess that was a good as an answer as possible.

I nodded at him, "okay. When you joined I called Sara back to the compound with your brothers. They live in the family dorms on the south side of the compound. They were asked not to come here to see you for your trainee period. We relocate immediate family to our members if the family cannot protect themselves. Sara has been your security since your mother died, we had a feeling that you would make your way to Orchid eventually." I began to walk away with Malakai who had remained silent for once. "Keep up your training, i hear you're at the top of this year's group, even getting close to my marks. But, you'll never be able to join my SecTeam until you can pass the crucible." I smiled and walked away. We giggled as we heard him whisper "…crucible..what the hell…wait 'My SecTeam'..theres no way.."

Malakai continued giggling, "he's going to spend the next month trying to figure out if you really are Ep or not you know that right?"

"As long as he trains and passes, I dont care what else he does. We need him, and we need more like him. His brothers are sweet and innocent, but have very powerful minds." We continued up a few flights of stairs to the SecTeam offices, looking for Ghost. When we got to the door, Malakai excused himself to continue training, and I knocked on the door. Instead of an invite in, the door opened and a tall well built man with white eyes and white hair looked at me.

"..You're late." He always spoke matter-of-fact tone, no matter what the conversation or statement was, he almost spoke in small matter of fact statements. He got the Ghost nickname for his eyes and hair, he was born with Snow White hair, but his eyes were replacements curtesy of Leo as well.

Ghosts eyes tend to freak people out, unless you look hard, you almost cant see his Iris. They're Snow White like his hair, with a silver lining, and silver pupil. I think they're pretty neat, there's now a running joke with the compound that as soon as you have eye surgery and get mismatched eyes you can be a Team Lead. "I know, I ran into Sean downstairs. Took longer than expected."

"You told him about his brothers." If i didnt know any better he almost sounded disappointed in me. I rolled my mid-matched eyes at him "..i might have."

"Mm." We walked into the office we shared, it was bland and held two desks and a few guest chairs. Not much else, as we were never really in this place long. "You leave tomorrow, the Birds remain in the Nest for another month, then migrate to the South for a year."

"Yes. I'll send you the daily schedules for Ryder's last semester, and Leon will start to work in A-Company. There's not much you'll need to know outside of that, this isnt your first rodeo with them."

Ghost still stood across from me starring at me. "i am to tell them that you are being pulled as Leo's assistant/fiancé .." If i didnt know any better i would swear he was mocking me.

I made a face at him "yea, lets not get into that. Just dont let anything happen to them."

He kept starring at me "..you know he is your handler." I was shocked at first, but of course he would know if I had figured it out so would he. It often seemed like we operated on the same wave length more often than not. I guess it comes with the territory, we have been partners since I was created..or "saved" if you will.

"Mm yes, I'm curious as to how this will work with him being in a different country than me, but at this point unless i go on a mission, i dont have much use for the Handler. Just keep an eye on them, Leo still knows almost next to nothing about all of this. Ryder doesn't know that i was assigned as their head of security, but Leo knows almost nothing about us or Orchid."

"Mm" he turned to grab a bag and leave. "Until next time then, Captain."

"Protect them Ghost." We nodded at each other and went our separate ways. After stopping into the team room and explaining to the team following Ghost the new protocols, I got in my car and drove back through the compound to the house the Kids share.

Parking in the driveway i noticed everyone's car was here, guess we're here to get this done. I sighed and walked into the house, I could hear the soft chatter of the family in the dinning room so I headed that way.

Ryder was the first to see me walk in, and I could tell by how he launched himself on me and stuck to me that they had told them I would be leaving with Leo. "I told them 'no' for you but theyre not listening" he said with a pout as he hugged onto me.

"I know, it wont be for forever though." I patted his back, Leo came over and wrapped us in his giant hug.

"Maybe not, but its gonna feel like it" Leo sighed.

Lee and Yuma coughed and started to leave, "we will go back to our house and leave you kids to your night, dont forget the plane leaves at 8am." Leo walked them out while i was still squished in between them.

"Come on you two, let's get a movie night in. I've just got to go help your brother fora while, ill be back with you. You cant run Thailand companies alone, anyways." I said with a laugh.

Leon and Ry laughed, as we walked into the movie room for one last movie night. Leo walked in shortly after carrying a basket of snacks and drinks.

"I know I dont know much about Orchid, but i know that after my father and brother saved you that you started working for them." We all kind of froze looking at Leon. "I dont know really what you do, I know you help run most of our companies, but I'm not that stupid. I know theres more to it, and i know there has to be more to them pulling you away like this now. So, i guess i just want to say that we love you, and to be careful. Oh, and this." He leaned over the circle we sat in and smacked Leo on the head. "That's for being the reason she has to leave us"

"Ow, that hurt Brother."

'Good" Ryder said.

We spent the evening , into the early hours of the morning in the movie room, but we never started a movie. At 6am, Leo and I started packing an getting ready to go. When it was time to go, we found Leon and Ryder asleep in the movie room where we left them. I covered them up, said a quiet goodbye,and we headed to the airport.

"We head to Thailand for about a week or so, then we have to go to Europe. The first Orchid meeting will be in Thailand, since they already have a bit of knowledge about Epsolon. Then we will head to Europe, then the US branch. Once the Epsolon program is revealed, it'll hopefully push us ahead in the war." Leo said as we sat in the private jet.

"Yea, or it'll start its own kind of war. No one is going to quietly accept that only we have this technology and you know that. I just hope Lee has a contingent plan for this." I said.

"He's never been wrong yet, so let's have hope for now."

Hope. What a silly word for someone in this life. We were about to kick start an even bigger battle coming from all sides of us. I just hope we are ready for it.

I laid my head back and watched out the window as we took off to Thailand.