
Chapter 2: Taunts and Torments: School Life as an Outcast

School was a nightmare for Hiroshi. The other kids quickly noticed his inability to use chakra and wasted no time in mocking him. "Chakra-less Hiroshi," they called him, pushing him around and laughing at his expense. Despite his knowledge of the Naruto storyline, Hiroshi felt powerless to change his fate. Every day was a struggle to hold on to his dignity.

The taunts and torments were relentless. During training sessions, when others were practicing their jutsus, Hiroshi could only stand on the sidelines, pretending to take notes while trying to ignore the jeers. "Look at him," one kid would say, loud enough for everyone to hear. "He thinks taking notes will make him a ninja." The others would laugh, and Hiroshi would feel a burning shame in his chest.

Despite being a reincarnated soul in the body of a child, Hiroshi was still deeply affected by the bullying. He felt an overwhelming guilt towards his biological parents in this world. They were elite jonin, respected and admired by all, and he couldn't help but feel he was letting them down. His parents were kind and loving, always encouraging him and never showing any disappointment. But Hiroshi saw the pity in their eyes, and it broke his heart.

In his past life, Hiroshi was an otaku, immersed in anime and manga, with parents who lacked the warmth and understanding he craved. His introverted nature had created a distance between them. Now, in this new life, he wanted to change that. He wanted to make his parents proud, to show them he was worth something, even if he couldn't use chakra.

Driven by this desire, Hiroshi focused on researching books about chakra and its theories. He spent hours in the village library, poring over scrolls and manuscripts, trying to understand the nature of chakra. He compared it to the concepts he knew from his past life—mana in magic and qi in cultivation worlds. He meticulously noted similarities and differences, hoping to find a breakthrough.

One afternoon, while engrossed in a particularly dense text on chakra control, Hiroshi overheard a group of students whispering and snickering nearby. "What's he doing now? Trying to read his way into becoming a ninja?" one of them mocked.

Hiroshi's face flushed, but he kept his eyes on the page, refusing to give them the satisfaction of a reaction. The words blurred as tears of frustration welled up in his eyes. He blinked them away, determined to stay strong.

"Hey, Hiroshi!" one of the boys called out, sauntering over. "How's your chakra research going? Found a way to magically grow some yet?"

The group erupted in laughter. Hiroshi clenched his jaw, gripping the edge of the scroll tightly. He wanted to scream at them, to fight back, but he knew it would only make things worse. Instead, he took a deep breath and focused on the text before him.

Later that evening, at home, Hiroshi's parents noticed his somber mood. His father, a tall, imposing figure with a gentle demeanor, sat beside him. "Hiroshi, what's troubling you?" he asked softly.

Hiroshi hesitated, not wanting to burden them with his troubles. But his mother's warm, concerned gaze broke down his defenses. "It's just... school is hard," he admitted. "The other kids, they—"

"They don't understand you," his mother finished, her voice filled with empathy. "Hiroshi, you are unique, and that's not a bad thing. Your father and I are so proud of you, not for what you can or cannot do, but for who you are."

Hiroshi's eyes filled with tears. "I just want to make you proud," he whispered.

His father placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You already do, son. Just keep being yourself and working hard. You'll find your way."

Their words gave Hiroshi a renewed sense of determination. He continued his research with even more fervor, immersing himself in the study of chakra and energy systems. He refused to let the bullying break him, using it instead as fuel for his ambition.

Hiroshi's nights were filled with reading, analyzing, and experimenting with different techniques, hoping to unlock the secrets of chakra. He knew his journey would be long and difficult, but he was determined to find a way to bridge the gap between his knowledge from his past life and his current reality.

In the Hidden Cloud Village, Hiroshi was an outcast, but he was also a fighter. He vowed to turn his weaknesses into strengths, to rise above the taunts and torments, and to make his parents proud. The road ahead was uncertain, but Hiroshi was ready to face whatever challenges lay in his path.