
Chapter 10: Training and New Techniques

Under the supervision of B, Hiroshi began his rigorous training regimen. His sparring partners were Darui, Mabui, and Karui, each formidable in their own right. These intense and grueling sessions pushed Hiroshi and his teammates to their limits.

Darui, with his mastery of the Black Lightning, was a challenging opponent. His swift and powerful attacks forced Hiroshi to refine his defensive Qi techniques, creating barriers and shields capable of withstanding the onslaught.

"Black Panther!" Darui called out, his hands crackling with dark electricity. A panther-shaped bolt of lightning surged towards Hiroshi. He focused his Qi, forming a shimmering barrier just in time to absorb the impact.

Mabui, known for her speed and precision, helped Hiroshi improve his reaction time and agility. Her swift movements and tactical prowess were invaluable in teaching Hiroshi the importance of quick decision-making in battle.

"Catch me if you can, Hiroshi!" Mabui taunted, darting around him with blinding speed. Hiroshi gritted his teeth, his eyes following her every move. He concentrated, his Qi-enhanced reflexes allowing him to anticipate her attacks and counter with swift, precise strikes.

Karui, with her relentless and aggressive fighting style, pushed Hiroshi to enhance his offensive Qi techniques. Their sparring matches were fierce, with Qi constructs clashing against powerful jutsus.

"Don't hold back, Hiroshi!" Karui shouted, her blade meeting his in a shower of sparks. Hiroshi channeled his Qi into his sword, the energy amplifying his strikes. With a powerful swing, he sent Karui skidding backwards, her eyes wide with surprise.

B's presence was both a challenge and a boon. As a master swordsman and Jinchuriki, B was a powerhouse. His swordsmanship was unparalleled, and Hiroshi found himself struggling to keep up. Yet, these battles were where Hiroshi's skills truly flourished.

"Stay focused, kid!" B yelled, his blades moving in a blur. Hiroshi parried desperately, sweat dripping down his face. Despite his best efforts, he could only match B in swordsmanship, never quite surpassing him. However, these encounters were invaluable learning experiences, teaching Hiroshi the nuances of combat and strategy.

Inspired by the training sessions, Hiroshi and his teammates began developing new techniques. Darui came up with Thunder Bell, a defensive technique that created a dome of lightning around the user, repelling attacks and stunning enemies who came too close.

"Thunder Bell!" Darui called out, a dome of crackling energy forming around him. Hiroshi watched in awe, noting the technique's potential.

Karui and Mabui worked on offensive techniques. Bullet Thunder allowed them to shoot concentrated bolts of lightning at their targets, similar to Kakashi's Chidori but more versatile. Thunder Ball was a larger, more devastating version, capable of causing widespread damage.

"Bullet Thunder!" Mabui shouted, firing a bolt of lightning towards a target. Hiroshi adapted his Qi abilities, developing variations of these techniques using Qi. His Thunder Bell was a Qi barrier infused with electrical energy, providing both defense and offense. His Qi-infused Bullet Thunder and Thunder Ball were equally powerful, with the added benefit of Qi's explosive force.

"Qi Bullet Thunder!" Hiroshi yelled, a bolt of energy shooting from his fingertips. The impact was explosive, the ground shaking from the force.

Hiroshi's training wasn't limited to combat techniques. He focused heavily on enhancing his physical abilities through rigorous body forging exercises. These exercises, combined with the breathing techniques, fortified his body, making him faster, stronger, and more resilient.

His Qi control improved dramatically, allowing him to sustain his abilities for longer periods. He also developed new breathing techniques that enhanced his stamina and recovery, essential for prolonged battles.

The intense training sessions forged strong bonds between Hiroshi and his teammates. They learned to trust each other implicitly, their teamwork becoming seamless. Each member brought their strengths to the table, creating a formidable unit capable of taking on any challenge.

With access to S-rank techniques, Hiroshi spent hours studying and adapting them to incorporate Qi. He developed new variations of powerful jutsus, enhancing their effectiveness and versatility. These new techniques, combined with his existing abilities, made Hiroshi a truly unpredictable and deadly opponent.

Sparring Scenes

During one particularly intense session, Hiroshi faced Darui, Mabui, and Karui simultaneously.

"Let's see how you handle this!" Darui shouted, launching his Black Panther attack. Hiroshi summoned a Qi barrier, the panther dissipating upon impact.

Mabui appeared behind Hiroshi, her kunai aimed at his back. Sensing her approach, Hiroshi spun around, deflecting her attack with a Qi-infused punch.

Karui came at him from the front, her blade swinging in a deadly arc. Hiroshi met her strike with his own sword, the force of the collision creating a shockwave.

Despite their combined efforts, Hiroshi's Qi abilities gave him the upper hand. He parried, dodged, and countered their attacks with precision and power. His Qi-enhanced strength and speed allowed him to outmaneuver his opponents, landing decisive blows that ended the match.

"Enough!" B called out, stepping forward. "You've done well, Hiroshi. Your Qi abilities make you a formidable opponent."

Hiroshi nodded, breathing heavily. He had won, but he knew there was still much to learn. With each sparring session, he grew stronger, more skilled, and more determined to protect his village.