
Tell her the truth

Apriva walks out of her boss's office with a pale face while Brenda is by her side, gleaming successfully.

"What happened?" Tedd questions

Apriva gives her a faint smile "It was nice working with you, Tedd. I guess it's time I live"

Tedd rolled her head towards Brenda then back to Apriva.

"He sacked you because of here?!"

"It was my fault. I had no right to slap her. After all, I left him. So it was time I took responsibility for my actions"

"You left him?!" She exclaimed

"Yeah, I did. I should go now. We'd chat later"

Tedd just helplessly leaves her to go then turns her attention to Brenda who is currently grinding widely.

"You should be ashamed of yourself" Tedd uttered and Brenda rolled her eyes while she went on with her work.


Brithney has finished explaining everything about her past. And now they are piercing into each other's eyes.

"She instructed me to find his family and explain everything to them. But that I shouldn't bother going to Leonel's family house because his mom won't believe me"

"I see..." Romaine nods, his brows furrows in the process

"Did she ever tell you of his dad's opinion concerning his inheritance towards Leonel?"

She sniffs the transparent liquid in her nostrils

"She told me his dad didn't want Leonel owning his companies because he knew his son was not capable of controlling his business. And she also said part of the companies he planned on handing to his most loyal business partners since he had no other son. And her ex who was part of these people was assigned to rule one of his biggest companies. But-he was murdered by Leonel"

"That makes sense. He has never liked Damien anyway"

She frowns "Excuse me?"

"Uhh I meant from...who you told me he is, I'm not surprised he can do such"

"Yeah, he's a monster."

"He killed his dad?" Romaine whispers to himself absentmindedly but it doesn't miss her ears

Brithney blinks her eyes "Did you say something?"

He returns to earth "No, no...It's nothing"

"I didn't see myself ever telling this to someone other than my friends"

"At least I'm not just 'someone'. I'm your friend."

She chuckles in a break of tears "Yeah, sorry"

He leaves his chair and sits next to her. She doesn't just at their proximity. But somewhat feels the need for touch. And just as if he read her mind, he reaches for her hand and gently squeezes it.

She breaks out in tears, letting it rain, and lays on her side against his torso.

"There you go. Get it all out"

She tightens her grip on him and he caresses her shoulder.


Ciara's dad walks down the street and makes a turn into a junction. But stops at the sight of Jake who rests his back against a wall.

Jake steps ahead and says

"Where is my son?"

"Why will you think I have my grandchild?"

Jake smirks "You think you're smart uhh? Welcome to my world, James."

"You're playing with fire son"

Jake steps further right into his face "Fire is my defect. So it doesn't scare me anymore."

"I still don't know why I kept you alive. I should've finished you long ago"

Jake smiles again "It's never too late. But remember that I've been to so many places you've never dreamt of stepping a foot into. I know just what it takes to pull you down. However, I've decided to take the right way for the sake of your daughter and my Son. But I'd make sure you feel the pains she felt through her incubation"

Jame tightens his jaws "You'd never be a good father. Stop acting so hard because he'd always remember the fact that he grew up without a dad."

"I'm sorry Mr. James-point of correction, James, that you were unable to make your daughter believe you in hating me. Unlike the time when you abandoned her and her mom for your deceitful jobs. When she grew up without a dad before she came of age and found me. I gave her my heart. The heart she didn't receive from any man. Not even from you. I'm not bossing myself but- I know I'm a good dad. Because I've always been more than a father to her"

"I warned you not to get any close to my family. I won't give you that chance this time around. Trust me I mean every word."

"I'm gonna have my son James. Even if it takes me to expose you. Don't bother threatening me because I'm not the same person you used to know"

Jake declares the last statement profoundly and walks off. He moves towards his car which was packed downside uptown and snatches the parking ticket on his windscreen then jumps in and drives away.


"Mom I'm sorry I won't be spending the weekends with you guys. I have to travel to California this night" Romaine says

"When will you be back? Your sister is present with her husband. So I'm all alone."

"When did she live? Why didn't she inform me?"

"She didn't leave. They went out for a stroll"

"Gosh, mom please be specific. Not to worry I'd be back in two days."

"Why in two days? Is anything wrong with the business? And by the way what are going to do there?"

"I'm confirmed Leonel killed Dad"

The was silence on the other side of the phone.

"Son...you must be careful with that psycho. How did you even know that?"

"I met with his secretary. Not his formal Secretary. The present one eventually has a clinch with him about something of the past. However, he's exploiting her and knows she won't lich his secret because he holds something about her too. She told me he killed Damien because of the company his dad gave him"

"Oh my God! The poor kid. You know this accusation ain't strong enough right? We need solid evidence. We still need to find his formal Secretary. Is that why you're leaving New York?"

"No. I want to help-Brithney. He's secretary. He has her parents captive and did a lot of harm to her."

He's mom was silent again "Could you have fallen for her? I thought your plan was just for her to get attached to you"

"We'd talk about that later. I should hang up"

"Hey! If you're serious about being with this lady, you'd have to tell her the truth. All the truth. That's my advice to you son"

"Thanks, mom. I love you" he kisses her over the phone and drops the call.

He looks past the huge glass window of his office at the setting of the sun and the horizon reflecting over the entire New York City.


Aviva has been looking at her screen for over an hour now. She keeps battling with the urge to contact Jeol. Her heart says yes but her mind says no.

She holds her head as a sign of fatigue and angrily throws the phone away and starts sobbing.


Mr. James walks into his house with the police right behind him.

"What's going on here? Why's the police with you?" His wife questions

"Where is Ciara? It's time I search for my grandchild. And I want her to be there when we go to that jacks house to pull him out."

Ciara walks out of her room due to the noise from downstairs. She shrugs at the sight of her dad with some police officers. She walks down hurriedly.

"Dad? Why are these people here?"

"Your dad laid a complain that his grandson has been kidnapped by his dad"

Ciara's eyes grow wide as she starts panicking.

"What?! That is a serious allegation. Please, officers, I know the father of my child. He will never want to take his son from me this way."

"I'm sorry Miss but we are already aware that a case is currently running in court between both of you because of this child. It's very visible now that he decided to take matters at hand to have his son."


She was speechless. She looked at her dad then at the officers.

"Fine. But I know he's not capable of doing that"

"We'd know about that once we arrive" James mentioned looking at his daughter.


They arrive at Romaine's house and knock. No one opens so they forcefully match inside and start searching the whole place.

Ciara just stands nervously hoping they don't find anything illegal.

"Mom..." She leans over her mom's shoulder and her mom comforts her while her dad looks at her and shakes his head.

"We found the child!" The police said from within and Ciara jolts from her posture.

James smiles and suddenly, Romaine walks into his house with a frown while the police meet them with the child in his arm.

Ciara scrambles to take Jack from the police officer's grasp.

"Baby" she holds him tight and kisses his cheeks.

"Mommy" he calls resting into his mother's comfort.

She suddenly gets Jake's fragrance from the back of her and turns around to face him with Jack in her hold.

He looks at his son then back at her. Her eyes break into tears and his face turns pale. He clenches his jaws and throws her dad a hard look.

To be continued...