
I Have Five Big Shot Daddies

The Little Monk picked up by the Master was five years old, and it was time for him to descend the mountain to find his father. Holding a little wolf cub, Little Monk Ruanruan, with his short little legs, charged over and hugged his father's long legs, calling out in a milky voice, "Daddy!" At the sound of "Daddy," five powerful men shuddered in unison! When Ruanruan first found his father: Father number one, detached, "Little kids are the most troublesome." Father number two, disdainful, "A joke, I have so many fans who like me, I wouldn't care about one extra Little Tuanzi." Father number three, holding Little Tuanzi, "Buddy, you've got the wrong person, go back and do your homework." Father number four, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, raised an eyebrow, "Trying to scam me?" Father number five, with a confused look, "Do I have a daughter?" After spending a few days with Ruanruan, the fathers all had a change of heart... "This is my girl, none of you try to take her from me!" From then on... The five powerful men started their days fighting for custody of Ruanruan. Jiang Jincheng looked eagerly at Ruantuanzi, "...And what about me?" The five fathers glared coldly at the man who was trying to compete with them for their daughter! "Beat it!"

Singly Single · Urban
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183 Chs

Chapter 6 Going Home with Dad

Translator: 549690339

Little Monk's tears could no longer be contained, and she sobbed... She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't control herself, Ruanruan was so heartbroken.

Mu Shen lowered his head, but the child didn't look up, burying her face in his pants, her shoulders shaking, her little hands tightly gripping his pants leg. He could clearly feel a small patch had become wet with her tears.

"Wuu wuu…" The white little dog beside them barked anxiously and repeatedly nudged at Little Monk's body with its fluffy head.

The people nearby couldn't bear to look, feeling sympathetic, thinking how unfortunate for the little one to have clung to the least approachable man.

Everyone thought this in unison, but what Mu Shen said next made them wonder if they were hearing things.

"Let's go," Mu Shen said after a moment's silence, lifting the child up.

Though being picked up this way was uncomfortable, Ruanruan suddenly looked up, her eyes filled with surprise and delight as she asked hesitantly.

"Daddy… Daddy won't leave Ruanruan behind, will he?"

Mu Shen gazed deeply at the charming Little Monk, swallowed, and finally gave a grunt of affirmation.

Those behind Mu Shen were startled by his response, struggling to believe what they heard.

Yet, that single grunt was like a shot of vitality to Little Monk; the little one's face broke into a smile, her eyes curved into bright little crescent moons, her chubby lips parted to reveal tiny white teeth.

This was her first time today smiling so happily.

Her smiling face was like that of a youthful attendant nestled beside Guanyin, making all those who saw her unconsciously feel brighter.

"This child is just too beautiful," Li Assistant, standing behind Mu Shen and looking at Ruanruan's small face, couldn't help but murmur.

The CEO had such luck, stumbling upon a daughter just like that, and such a delicate and pretty one at that. He himself was tempted to take her in.

"Ah, ah, ah… so cute," the female secretary, usually stern and serious at work, imitating Mu Shen, couldn't help but let out a soft scream, utterly charmed by Ruanruan.

Yet as soon as Li Assistant glanced her way, she immediately snapped back to her serious demeanor, her eyes irresistibly drawn to Ruanruan, her inner self screaming in delight.

"Daddy, can we wait a moment, I… I want to thank Grandma," Ruanruan said.

Grandma Wu had just spoken up for her, and she wanted to express her gratitude for her help.

Under Ruanruan's hopeful gaze, Mu Shen nodded and set the little one down.

Ruanruan's face lit up with a bright smile. She hugged Mu Shen's large hand, rubbed her small face against it, and then trotted away with her tiny legs.

Mu Shen "......"

Looking at his hand, he felt the softness where the little one had rubbed against it. It was a sensation he had never experienced before and, unexpectedly, he didn't dislike it.

But… the little one's tears had gotten on his hand too.

The little shorty Ruanruan scurried to Grandma Hua, took out a bright red apple from her backpack, and offered it to the elderly woman.

After presenting the apple, she looked up earnestly, expressing her thanks.

"Thank you for speaking up for me just now, Grandma Wu. Ruanruan has found Daddy and is going home with Daddy. Grandma, take good care of yourself. I'll come back to see you often."

The elderly woman, touched by the child's words, squatted down and gently stroked her little bald head, her wrinkles deepening with her smile.

"Very good, finding your Daddy is good. You must behave well with Daddy. Only then will he like you, you know? If you ever get bullied, come to Grandma. I'll take care of you, even though I don't have much money. I can at least keep you from going hungry," she said.

Ruanruan nodded seriously and then rummaged through her bag again, handing out almost all the remaining fruit to the villagers who had spoken up for her, thanking each one earnestly.

Everyone was moved by Little Monk's attitude. They had only disapproved of the woman's behavior, but didn't expect the child to be so sensible and grateful.

While the villagers were happy, the couple who had previously made a scene quickly took their son and fled in disgrace.

They didn't dare provoke these people, especially after hearing Ruanruan calling that man Daddy. They lost their nerve completely.

After expressing her thanks, Ruanruan, followed by a white little ball of fluff, ran back towards Mu Shen.

"Daddy, let's go," Ruanruan said happily as she ran up and took hold of Mu Shen's large and warm hand.

Holding Daddy's large hand made Ruanruan smile even brighter. Her eyes seemed to hold twinkling stars, flickering in a way that one couldn't look away.

However, others were startled by Ruanruan's action, their hearts seizing with fear. The assistant and the secretary were internally praying fervently, afraid that the ruthless CEO might cast Little Monk aside.

The assistant was even thinking about how to console the little one later.

But… the scenario they worried about didn't occur.

Mu Shen simply glanced at the hand the little one was holding and then nonchalantly walked on. Where others couldn't see, he slightly tightened his fingers, the little hand in the palm of his own feeling soft, just like her name, tender and squishy.

Mu Shen's stride was long, and Little Monk had to jog to keep up. After a while, her little face was flushed, with fine beads of sweat on her brow and nose.

Mu Shen looked at her. The little one was panting heavily, obviously tired, but she didn't complain. She just held his hand and tried hard to keep pace with his longer strides.