
I have become the Goddess of Fateoria and travel the infinite worlds.

A genius programer named mike destined to die early at the age of 60 was hit by a truck. We come to find him now a her as she became his video game character from the game his 7 friends spent the past 10 years working on. An now we can see the one of the most ridiculous existences explore the endless path and infinite cosmos. As the new reborn goddess Sandstorm begins her Odyssey. I have seen a lot of different anime and read several thousands of books at this point. I will probably take inspiration for things and not even know it especially since my naming sense is trash. I also want to say besides Fateoria, my Mc, and the people in Fareoria it is likely I will not own any of the other worlds or stories that my character will interact with.

Commonnerfer · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Map Kinda

Important locations relative to eachother

villages may be added inbetween later (it depends how i feel)

Efret kingdoms

Cities close to Trost

To the north of Trost is Clearfog

To the south of Trost is Redfield

To the east of Trost is Wolfgate

To the west of Trost is East Gate, with mount Haruna visible from the path between them.

Cities close to East Gate

To the north of East Gate is Axel

To the south of East Gate is The town of Pallet

To the east of East Gate is Trost

to the west of East Gate is Fuyuki City

Cities close to Redfield

To the north is Trost

To the south is Aquella (Capital on the ocean)

To the west is Oedo ( Bonus points if you know this one)

To the east is E-Rantel

Cities close to Wolfgate

To the north is Edo

To the south Tempest

To the west is Trost

To the east is

Cities close to Clearfog

To the north is Trost

To the south is

To the west is

To the east is

(more to be added later)

I am writing a head during the holidays so I won't fall behind when work and classes pick back up.

This is also kinda a plan to figure out what worlds I am making my character go to possibly(we will see).

Commonnerfercreators' thoughts