
I Have Become an Agent of The Universe!

Li Ao had always been the most infamous troublemaker of the Holy Capital. Though he was talented, he spent most of his time reading rubbish novels by mortal writers, wreaking havoc in the family estate, and angering his grandfather to death. After creating a huge blunder in the Royal Palace, his grandfather locked him into the family dungeons as a punishment. But right after being locked in the dungeons, a mysterious voice called out to him, assigning him to the position of an Agent of The Universe! What is this weird system, why does it shit-talk him, and what does it mean to be an agent of the Universe? [Also on Royalroad!]

TheMonkeyMonk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

First Farewell (2)

After separating from the crowd with Sun Jian's help, Li Ao and Qing Yan calmed down Jie Mentai enough to listen to the reason.

As it turned out, it was her master that put her up to this task.

That wasn't to say, however, that she wasn't sincere.

''I don't understand you.'' Li Ao said. They were on a balcony looking over the wide stretch of a city. The sky was blue, and the sun was dim from the large patches of clouds. Other than the flapping flags and wind, there was no sound.

Qing Yan nodded as well. ''You are one of the best among our peers. Is there any man you can't pick?''

Li Ao rubbed the itching slap mark. ''Am I a commodity?''


''How many among them can beat me?'' Jie Mentai said. ''How many of them have a free personality?''

Li Ao shook his head. ''Like I said, you don't know me. Don't make quick judgments of my character''

''I know enough.'' she said. She didn't blush, nor act like a maiden.

''Don't you want to marry someone you love?'' Qing Yan asked.

As if overtaken by some other self, she spoke in a convinced, almost rough voice.

''I don't want to experience love or anything. Why should I love someone?''

''I just want a pillar to rely on as I get older. I don't want some weak silk pants to sing me poetry or a rich bastard to feed me wealth.''

''I don't want to deal with politics or families. I don't want to form too many relationships. I just want one person to hold my hand when it is needed. That is it.''

''Am I such a reliable person?'' Li Ao muttered.

''You made a false breakthrough for your senior brother.'' Her gaze was weird as she said so, almost adoring. '' You lost a part of your cultivation for him.''

''Because he is my senior brother.''

''For what, a year? Which among our peers would do that for their own father? Their mother or blood brother and sister?''

''I can just cultivate again, it is not a big deal.''

A strange light passed her pupils. ''But you will fall behind others.''

''Why should I care about others?''

Qing Yan laughed.

''You prove her right just by speaking.''

''Still, there are plenty of strong people around, you know?''

''Like whom?''

''Like Imperial Anc—''

Qing Yan slapped him so hard he tumbled towards the railing.

''Who would want some creepy old man, you idiot!''

Jie Mentai snorted. ''Could he beat me at my age? I doubt it!''

Rubbing his head, Li Ao walked back towards them.

''I don't get it.''

She nodded. ''I don't expect you to get it. Only, I want you to consider it with seriousness.''

''...there is nothing for me to consider. I'm leaving.''

Jie Mentai shot to her feet. With a flash, she appeared beside the door and spread her arms wide to block it.

''...I don't mean now.''


With brisk steps she walked back and sat on the railing.

A large cloud floated over them, casting a deep shadow over half the city.

''Where to?''

''Back home.''

''Okay. I can come with you!''

''You can't.''

Qing Yan patted his shoulder.

Li Ao felt weird for a moment.

He didn't understand why Qing Yan seemed so interested in this matter, nor why she was intent on supporting Jie Mentai.

Yet, looking at her worried face, Li Ao's heart turned a little heavy.

''Xu Liao, can you not give me a satisfactory reason?''

''I cannot take anyone back.'' He said.


''I can't.''

Jie Mentai dropped her crossed arms. ''...you can't?''


She fell silent.

Watching her hair ruffling with the wind, Li Ao let out a loud sigh.

''I'm sorry about your hair.''

''I always wanted to cut it. It is okay.''

For a while, they looked at the traveling clouds.

''Okay.'' Jie Mentai stood up and cupped her hands. ''Thank you for listening to me.''

Li Ao cupped his hands.

She turned around and left through the door.

''It is a pity.''

Li Ao turned around to look at Qing Yan.

''Why is that?''

''She only talked about herself.''

Putting a hand on the railings, she looked over to the horizon. ''She said only what she wanted. Not what her master wanted, nor her sect. She didn't talk about benefits.''

''It is rare...her sincerity.''

''I know.'' Li Ao walked over to stand next to her. ''Is that why you were supportive of her?''

''For a part of it, yes. More so because she could help you in the way she wanted to be helped.''

''My family and friends are enough.''

''Sometimes, there are things neither can help.''

''...senior sister, I don't want more baggage to carry as I leave.''

''It was a good chance, Liao. None of us can follow you as freely as her.''

Li Ao shook his head and turned towards the door. ''I'm done with this matter.''


Even after he left, Qing Yan kept looking over the horizon.

For the first time in a long while, she felt that the world was scarier than before.

''My head hurts.''

She rubbed the side of her head.

''I should stop thinking so much.''

When she returned inside, she saw a group of girls hogging Li Ao left and right.

Noticing her, the boy sent glances for help.

This time, she smiled and left him to be.


After escaping from the clutches of the noble young ladies, Li Ao sought refuge around Sun Jian.

The boy led him to meet several other figures that he or his grandfather knew. Though not too involved, he made conversation with them. Then they spent some time talking with Yun Fanghe, Zhen Zedong, Chen Ping, and Ren Shuren.

Four hours later, the banquet came to an end.

The crowd dispersed, and Li Ao bade farewell to some that he wouldn't have the chance to say later.

Separating from his master and senior disciples, Li Ao returned to the brothel and gathered the few clothes he had there. He put around two layers of illusion formations, another silencing formation, then a sound blocking formation to sense Divine Sense.

All done, he sat cross-legged on the bed and circulated his Qi.

''Senior Klein.''


''Senior Dogshit.''

*What do you want? I'm busy.*

''Are you always busy?''

*...I have responsibilities to shoulder.*

Li Ao smiled.

''What kind?''

*The kind that is none of your business. Now tell me, what do you want? I see the notification you completed your mission.*

''Yes.'' he nodded. ''I wanted to ask your advice.''

''Should I stay here until the time limit, or go back immediately?''

*Did you tie all the loose ends? Do you have any affairs to be done, goodbyes to be said?*

''I'll deal with them in a few minutes.''

*Then why do you want to stay? Are you thinking of using the time difference?*


*What is the use of it? Time will always go on, Dogshit.*

Li Ao nodded. ''I thought I could make an explosive return, you know?''

*And what will people say when they notice your bone age?*

Li Ao's cheeks twitched.

*Don't misunderstand the nature of your work. Don't misunderstand the effects of time on you, and especially on others.*

*You will live those years all the same. It is better to spend them with family when they are still there.*

Saying so, Klein hummed a little.

*What's the matter?*

''I get it. Thank you, senior dogshit.''

*Piss off.*

The connection was cut.

Breathing in and out, Li Ao spent a few minutes on the bed, observing the three moons.

'It will become one.'

He stood up, left a mid-grade spirit stone as a tip to the sleepy clerk, then made his way to Fragrant Grass.

The bandaged Master Jiao and Riri were surprised at his sudden visit, a little disgruntled at being woken. But still they offered him tea. Li Ao spent an hour talking with them. When he left, Master Jiao passed him a small pouch.

Inside it were candies and cookies.

After that, Li Ao came to the Lei estate.

Lei Jin was aware of him coming beforehand. He welcomed Li Ao with his father and mother, and the four of them sat in their garden. They talked and drank tea for a while, watching the fishes in the pond.

When his parents left to sleep, Li Ao gave Lei Jin his elementary book of formations. He had already memorized everything in it, so there was no loss in it for him.

The boy received it with a bow and sent him away by himself, gifting a small bundle of cakes. There was also a pair of hair pins, shaped like a flowing jade dragon.

After that, Li Ao paid a visit to Bai Chengyun's estate.

The old crown prince was still awake, though it was well-past midnight. With his pajamas on, he received Li Ao to the great hall of his estate. There, with Zhu Qiu in tow, they spent half-an-hour conversing.

Once Bai Chengyun retreated to sleep, Li Ao bade farewell to Zhu Qiu.

The burly man hugged him for a few seconds.

Then, slapping his shoulder, Zhu Qiu passed him a spatial pouch full of pill bottles and herbs in bulk.

''Come back at least once.''

Leaving the estate, Li Ao made his way to Qing estate.

Qing Yan laughed at his bloated belly, full of tea. They spent little time, but it was more than enough for both of them. She led him until the gate, then gave a short embrace to send him on his way.

At the Sun estate, in the room they exchanged gifts with his master, Li Ao's cheeks twitched at the sleeping Sun Jian. The boy was snoring, his head on a desk, dark bags under his eyes.

It was evident that he had cried for some time. ''How attached is he...''

Sun Zhongyan grinned and waved his paper fan. ''Want me to wake him up?''

''No. I can't deal with him if he cries on me.''

''That is more cruel to him.'' Fan Yueyin glanced at the sleeping boy. ''Are you sure?''

Li Ao nodded.

''Do you have to leave so soon?'' Sun Zhongyan asked.

He sat to the right of Fan Yueyin, and Li Ao joined them to stand to her left.

The flowers under their dangling feet, ponds reflecting moonlight, they sat in silence of the night.

Li Ao took a deep breath. ''My family is waiting.''

''...I see.'' The old man nodded. ''Your grandfather must be anxious.''

Even if not frequent, Li Ao did talk about his family to those close to him.

Other than Zhu Qiu, who knew the most except his secret, Fan Yueyin and Sun Zhongyan knew a great deal.

It included his dead parents.

''Take care to watch out for demonic cultivators.'' He said. ''Don't trust any stranger too quickly. Don't rush to help without making sure you can escape.''

''Don't listen to old souls claiming to have an inheritance. There is a rise in their numbers after the last war...''

Li Ao grinned. ''I know, I know.''

Perhaps they were loud, or Sun Jian was not so tired, but he woke up in the middle of their discussion.

Sobbing, snot dripping down his nose, he threw himself over Li Ao. It took a while to calm him down. Then the four of them continued speaking.

Fan Yueyin didn't utter any other word.

After a great while, Li Ao stood up to leave. With difficulty, he threw off Sun Jian's embrace and bowed at Sun Zhongyan.

When he turned to face his master, she grasped his head.

Pushing away the hair in front of his face, she planted a kiss on his forehead, ruffled his hair.

''Don't forget to come back.''

''...I'll try.''

A little choking, at last he left through the doors of the estate. Streets were empty, lanterns were off, and a slight breeze went in and out of the high gates.

The three of them watched his back until he turned away from the corner.

While Sun Zhongyan forced Sun Jian to rest, Fan Yueyin returned to the garden.

She took a seat and watched the rising Sun.

One day passed, and she did not move for a single moment.

On the second night, one of the three threads in her heart suddenly turned invisible.

It was still there, but she had no way to sense nor know of its place.

As if it was sealed or whisked away.

She sighed.

Pointing her finger forward, pictures emerged in the open air.

A pair of young boys, and a buzz cut haired girl. Moving, fighting, talking—their faces full of focus and grit.

Flipping through one by one, she watched them for a long, long time.