
I Have Become an Agent of The Universe!

Li Ao had always been the most infamous troublemaker of the Holy Capital. Though he was talented, he spent most of his time reading rubbish novels by mortal writers, wreaking havoc in the family estate, and angering his grandfather to death. After creating a huge blunder in the Royal Palace, his grandfather locked him into the family dungeons as a punishment. But right after being locked in the dungeons, a mysterious voice called out to him, assigning him to the position of an Agent of The Universe! What is this weird system, why does it shit-talk him, and what does it mean to be an agent of the Universe? [Also on Royalroad!]

TheMonkeyMonk · Fantasy
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69 Chs

All Over Again

''What kind of an idiot forgets to eat?''

Li Ao ignored his master's offensive words and devoured the plates of food in front of him. There were all kinds of delicacies, ranging from spirit chickens and pork meat to golden eggs and honey extracted from Spirit Bees.

There were a lot more, actually, but at the speed he ate Li Ao couldn't see what they were.

A little away from the ruckus, Fan Yueyin raised Bubbles on her finger and put a piece of glistening ore near her. The dark-silver body of Bubbles expanded around the ore and enveloped it with a plop. A few seconds later, she shrank, then bubbled in satisfaction.

''Why are you imitating him...''

Hearing Fan Yueyin's sigh, Bubbles made a valiant show of her determination and bubbled.

''You are young, you need to eat.''

Bubbles shook around, flowing down her finger to the ground. Then, with a faint plop, threw herself at Fan Yueyin's boots and started ascending the leg.

''...you've corrupted my child already.''

''Technically, master, she is my sister—'' Li Ao smiled as he licked a bone clean off its meat. ''Isn't it normal for younger children to imitate their elder siblings?''

Fan Yueyin showed a weird smile. ''Aren't good sons supposed to imitate their mother, then?''


There was some weird realization on Fan Yueyin's part that Li Ao couldn't understand very well. Instead of following that discussion, Li Ao pat his belly and stood up. Stretching for a minute, he bowed towards Fan Yueyin.

''Master, can you explain more about what we talked before?''

Fan Yueyin raised a brow. ''So you learned about it?''

Li Ao nodded.


Fan Yueyin sat on a decorated chair, then stood up a moment later.

''What's wrong, master?''

''She doesn't like it when I sit.''

Li Ao looked at his master's feet. Bubbles did indeed bubble in protest. Through their link, Li Ao could feel her intent to conquer her 'mother' without any underhanded tactics.

'What does her sitting have to do with cheating?'

Bubbles seemed to inherit some of her siblings' retarded traits. The past few months, all she did was eat, sleep, and climb everything she could find in Li Ao's room. Once she managed to climb the high wardrobe, she made it her mission to climb them ten times in a row.

She had become very good at climbing and flowing, which made Li Ao anxious.

At this rate, she might as well turn into a useless climbing gear.

A heaven-grade climbing tool...

Li Ao sighed and sat down on a matress.

''Are Sun Jian and Qing Yan aware of the competition?''


''Sun Jian and Qing Yan.''


''...senior brother and senior sister.''

Fan Yueyin nodded with a serious expression. ''I told them right when I found out.''

''As for why I didn't tell you,'' She continued. ''I just wanted to see how fast your 'Elder Cousin' could find out.''

''How fast was it?'' Li Ao's eyes brightened for a moment.

''Frighteningly slow. I wonder how you two survived Eagle Corps' chase with such sloppy skills.''

Eagle Corps.

Li Ao's eyes dimmed at the mention of the group.

They were one of the few special divisions of Bai Dynasty's Imperial Family. Li Ao didn't really bother to remember much about the imperial family itself, or any deep detail about any of the families.

However, two or three months ago Zhu Qiu informed him of their existence, as well as their role in chasing both of them.

Han Yemu and the Foundation Establishment cultivator, named Han Suyi, were the Vice-captains of Eagle Corps. Both of them were from the Han Clan, which was a Consort family that served the second prince.

Li Ao didn't try to learn anymore than that. Honestly, he wasn't interested in who they were. Most of his role was done, and he had no interest in meddling with a succession proxy war.

His master didn't warn him against it, as if she guessed his intentions.

But for her to mention it here, Li Ao realized something must have happened.

Fan Yueyin scoffed as she spoke. ''I heard a few of them attempted to break through Bai Chengyun's residence two days ago.''

''The imperial relative? What gall...''

''That man is not just an imperial relative. He is descended of Northern Blood, his mother was a concubine of Ouyang, subordinate to Zhu.''

''He also happens to have another identity—former crown prince to state, Emperor's younger brother.''

Li Ao gasped at the reveal, but Fan Yueyin didn't give him any time to consider anything.

''Your 'elder cousin' doesn't know of it, of course. Bai Chengyun crippled his own cultivation to not shed imperial blood—the current emperor's bloodthirsty nature being the reason. So he is quite doted on by the Imperial Ancestors.''

''For Eagle Corps' to make an attempt at his guest's life must mean his life is also being devalued at the moment.''

''Now, what do you think?''

Li Ao kept his gaze on his master's relaxed face.

Honestly, he didn't know what to think.

Even if his master revealed some shocking things, there was only one thing he considered.

How did these affect his mission?

The truth was, very little.

He had done everything in his power to help Zhu Qiu, and Zhu Qiu showed great perseverance of his own to support that effort. Now, both of them sat on stable and prosperous stations of life.

What kind of problem could they not solve with their own skills?

Then again, Li Ao reminded himself to not lower his guard.

This quest had a Hell-level difficulty, which he still didn't know how to evaluate.

He liked to think that he was past the Hell-level stage. Being on the run for almost a decade could break any person, and he went through too many trials where they almost died. That had to be hell.

But if the real 'Hell' was just beginning, then things would take quite an ugly turn.

''Nothing.'' Li Ao answered in the end. ''I don't think I can find out...some kind of answer.''

''What do you think?''

''Master, I am not too clever. You know it.'' Li Ao shook his head. ''And I know it. I can fight, I know I can cultivate and endure some pain. I think I can act—''

His master showed a rare smile there.

''—and probably run and hide. But I don't know how to unravel any mystery. I don't get politics. I don't understand what you mean by 'devaluing' Bai Chengyun's life.''

''I don't understand why he would cripple himself, or why people would dote on him for that.''

''I just think he is too naive to strip away his strength. What can he protect without it?''

Li Ao firmly believed in personal strength more than anything else. Not strict effort or connections, or family. Some things were important in life, but without the means to preserve anything, nothing truly was worth believing in.

That was why he never made a decision until the time came. If he was strong enough, then he didn't need to think so much, nor make that deep of a plan.

Seek strength, and time will move you forward. That was the way he lived.

In a way, by asking him this, Li Ao understood that his master wanted to make him declare his stance in this matter.

''I don't care about anyone except my Elder Cousin in this matter.'' he confessed.

''Imperial relatives or Imperial Ancestors, they are just people with more power. Unless they threaten my elder cousin's mission and well-being, I won't interfere with any of them.''

''That is good.'' Fan Yueyin nodded, dropping her smile. ''I have no care whether you interfere or not. Since you became my disciple, of course I will support your every decision, given they have a reasoning.''

''Well, there is little reason to be found in you, so I can make some exceptions.''

Li Ao swallowed his honest praise at the remark and showed a rueful smile.

''In any case, you might as well tell him about what I informed you. It will only do him good.''

Li Ao nodded, then looked at the small Bubbles that reached near Fan Yueyin's thigh. She seemed like she would fall down at any moment.

''As for what you wanted to discuss—''

Turning his attention back, Li Ao found Fan Yueyin carrying a cold smile.

''The competition will have four categories. Fighting, Forging, Formations, and Alchemy. Everyone below 40 years of age with a cultivation above 5th-level Qi Condensation can join. There are a few things I am waiting for others to finalize—however, I managed to steer the discussion towards your benefit.''

''There is no limit to how many categories you can apply.''

Saying so, Fan Yueyin waved her hand. A light screen appeared in the air, a by-product of the ring's ability.

There was a badly taken picture of a notebook with names. The writing itself was horrendous.

Sun Jian> Fighting, Forging, Alchemy

Qing Yan>Fighting, Forging, Alchemy

Xu Liao> Fighting, Forging, Formations

Ignoring the wretched style of writing, Li Ao narrowed his eyes to take a good look. ''We all compete in three?''

Fan Yueyin nodded. ''Sun Jian and Qing Yan have almost no equals in Forging. As for Alchemy, both of them know more than the usual cultivators, and Qing Yan especially has a knack for it as a side-profession. In fighting, they can hold their ground for a while.''

''Fighting is your forte. I doubt anyone can match you in cultivation and experience, except the Heaven's Children. Your forging is so-so, just enough to rank below your senior brother and sister. For formations...''

''Well, it will be a miracle if anyone can get the first place away from you.''

Li Ao felt a weird happiness at the praise, but he himself knew just how much he lacked compared to real Formation Masters. It wasn't his brilliance, but Bai Dynasty's backward practices that set him apart.

''Don't dwell on useless thoughts.'' Fan Yueyin slapped his head. ''Just focus on improving your strength. I will keep an eye on things, so don't worry about your elder cousin as well.''

''...thank you, master!''

Li Ao kowtowed at her, which caused Fan Yueyin to show a strange expression. Taking a step forward, she patted his head for a few seconds, then planted Bubbles near his ear.

Feeling the cold liquid flow down his face, Li Ao stood up.

''Do you need anything?''

Li Ao thought for a moment. Bubbles rested on his shoulder as he did so, tired from her adventure.

''I need large quantities of 8th and 7th-grade Vitality pills—Blood Replenishment and Blood Enhancing Pills to improve my physical body.''

''Pills...you can't procure them on your own?''

''I asked Fragrant Grass to handle some of it, but I'm not confident that I can defeat Heaven's Children without more of them.''

Fan Yueyin's lips twitched.

''13th level Qi Condensation Spiritual Qi Cultivation, 10th-level Qi Condensation Physique. Just how many people can reach that standard below Foundation Establishment?''

''If you aren't confident, who is allowed to be?''

''Do you not believe if a Foundation Establishment Cultivator heard it, they would beat you to death?''


Fan Yueyin sighed and rubbed her forehead.

''I don't know any alchemist, but I'll try to ask some people.''

''Thank you, master!''

Fan Yueyin shooed him off.

''Just come once a week for lessons. We can't let your skills get rusty.''

Li Ao left with another bow and returned to the brothel. The owner across the counter gave him a bag of holding, where he saw two bottles of Blood Replenishment Pills from Zhu Qiu. He asked the owner to urgently inform Riri to pass on a message and left for his room.

Taking out some materials, he made a small jade slip and recorded what he knew. Riri came not long after, bringing in the first batch of Blood Replenishment Pills, then took away the jade slip to deliver the news.

Activating the formations in his room, Li Ao took out the Blood Replenishment pills and put them in a 7-th grade Gathering Formation.

'Though each re-tempering lasts longer, I can use several pills to further speed up the improvement!'

'Second-Tempering should make my body reach Eleventh-level of Qi Condensation!'

'If I can reach the Fourth-Tempering, then my physique will reach Twelfth-level of Qi condensation. By then, I can utilize a part of the Bronze Aura to better protect myself! It might not be as strong as the Fifth-Tempering's Magical Art, but it will serve well as a trump card!'

'Though I'm not confident of reaching Fifth-Tempering, I'm sure I will reach Fourth-tempering without trouble.'

Closing his eyes, thinking so, Li Ao activated the formation and sucked the pills' liquid inside his body. His cheeks flushed red, then a boom echoed inside his body. A terrifying bronze aura escaped his pores to form a mist and enter into his bones.

Soon, Li Ao found himself covered in filth and impurities.


So it was this shit all over again...