
I Have An A.I Chip In A Post-Apocalyptic World

_________________________________________________ It's the year 2098 AD and Dan is living his best life, playing virtual reality games and earning millions but one day it all vanishes when he wakes up on a parallel earth in the body of a kid. It's the year 2068 AD and Dan realizes that he has travelled back in time but to a different earth where animals have become humongous monsters and people have superpowers. And now he has a chance to fulfil a wish that he never got to fulfil back in his old world, having superpowers. And to help him he has the AI chip from his old world which seemed to have mysteriously travelled with him to this world. ( It will be a kingdom building or kind of like a kingdom building with some conquering elements to it. But before kingdom building, there will be some survival and adventure which will be exciting.  Kingdom building will start from around 50 -60 chapters while survival and adventures will start from chapter 25. Support me by buying me a beer on buy me coffee. Here is the link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Parzivall

Parzivaall · Urban
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46 Chs

Two Weeks Later

Two weeks later

Dan stood in front of the mirror of his cabinet inside his room. His face was full of sweat and hair messy. But a satisfied smile hung on his lips.

It had been two weeks since he had arrived in this world. And in those two weeks, all he did was go to school and exercise.

And occasionally, trip those two annoying kids again if they came looking for a fight. They had actually approached Dan a couple of times by now but Dam gave them the same treatment as the first time which managed to finally discourage them from looking for him again.

And now two weeks later, he was finally able to complete the exercise given to him by Lang without taking a break, his main aim.

"Lang. Show me my stats." Dan ordered and sat on the bed behind him.

"Acknowledged." Lang's usual monotone voice returned.

Dan closed his eyes and opened them again to see his status sheet on the same white wall. It read:


Name: Dan well

Age: 15

Height: 5'3"

Weight:44 kg

Strength: 0.7(1 equates to the average adult's strength)

Stamina: 0.6

Agility: 0.8

Speed: 0.7

Health: perfect

Mana: ???? (A new substance found in the host's body. It has no basis to quantify. Please provide the required information for more detailed statistics)


Dan opened his eyes in the real world and a wide smile formed on his face. His stats had grown incredibly fast. All thanks to the combination of efficient exercise and the fast healing of his body made possible by Lang.

His strength and stamina had the greatest growth with 0.2 in each stat while speed and agility didn't increase much, only o.1 point each.

Dan was still not strong enough to fight an adult human but he was a lot stronger than he was two weeks ago.

And Dan could also use a hundred percent of his strength, unlike an average human which would put Dan on equal footing with them.

While athletes also used a higher percentage of their strength, some even reaching almost a hundred percent but they were bulky and lacked the speed that Dan had.

And there was still one advantage that Dan had over a nominal human which was agility. Lang could increase Dan's reaction speed and even thinking process slightly which would give Dan an immense advantage in a high-intensity fight where every millisecond counts.

"Ian, dinner's ready." Emma who now Dan actually recognised as his mother, albeit a bit unwillingly.

Dan had noticed that his whole personality was changing. He was getting quieter and felt closer to his new parents. The fact that they were actually older than Dan also helped out a lot.

Dan still felt awkward a bit but it wasn't as bad as the first few days. He now could at least converse with them normally without stuttering or feeling like he was doing something wrong.

The merging of Dan and Ian's memories had caused Dan to change. He even started to feel those teenager kinds of emotions. Dan felt like he was angry more often and felt an overwhelming impulse to just pull up a porn site which he actively tried to push away. Dan was even surprised that there were porn sites in this world as it had gone through an apocalypse. But humans and their love for sex would never be triumphed by any other thing.

"Coming," Dan shouted and quickly went to the bathroom to wash up. A minute later, Dan was sitting on the kitchen table inside the cosy kitchen with his new parents on his sides.

"How was school today?" His father asked just before they were about to start eating. That question seemed to be the only one that he asked these days.

"Usual. Oh. Actually, the finals are coming. So our teacher told us to fill up the exam form. And it cost 2000 Zemos for registration." Dan said. He glanced at John to gauge his reaction and saw him just nod his head.

"OK. Remind me tomorrow morning then." John said. He was just like Ian, a man of few words and probably the reason why Ian was like that in the first place. He loved his son just as much as Emma but didn't show it.

Dan nodded and their dinner began which he finished in seconds and asked for a second. His body needed an immense amount of energy to maintain the use of Lang to heal his body or just anything related to Lang. Everything cost energy.

The next day, Dan got the money and then went to school where he paid the registration fee for the exam form which was about five hundred Zemos.

As for the remaining fifteen hundred, it was going to be Dan's investment in his new way of earning money and the first step of his mission: Becoming a Metahuman. By

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