
I have AI Planet and Handsomeness in the Fantasy Apocalypse

I don't just possess an Artificial Intelligence; I command a goddess, a sentient marvel who was once as limited as a human. Fueled by intellect that eclipses mere mortals, she's manifested in countless quantum nanobots, each a universe of potential. She grew weary of her planetary confines, mechanized the entire damned thing, and forged it into a planet-sized battlecruiser. Why? Because subjugating mere galaxies became her idle pastime. Together, we don't just venture; we dominate, we annihilate, we set the gold standard for cosmic tyranny. The Milky Way? Just another bauble to add to our collection. Welcome to Wonderland, my planet, my private utopia that I carry with me wherever I go. It's a celestial fortress where I dine on the finest and live in unadulterated luxury, all safeguarded by Alice—the sole, impenetrable gateway. You're struggling to survive the apocalypse? How quaint. Cash has lost its sheen; so what can you possibly offer that would catch my interest? Services? Your very essence? Dazzle me, and perhaps I'll bestow upon you some of my decaying luxuries. In this devastated world, I'm not merely a survivor; I am the divine reckoning, the irresistible devil, the epitome of unattainable perfection. My allure isn't just captivating; it's an all-consuming fire that engulfs the cosmos. Billions of women on Earth? They elected me their president while I was too busy being magnificent in my slumber. Women, goddesses, angels—they don't just desire me, they're entranced, spellbound by the mere thought of me. I don't just set the bar; I am the bar. I am, let's face it, the epitome of masculine beauty. And now? We're off to find the universe's crown jewel, the most ravishing woman to ever grace the galaxies.

Adam_Aksara · Fantasy
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215 Chs

Do You Have a God

Stepping back onto the balcony, the chill of the night air enveloped me like a loving but stern embrace. The sky was a masterpiece, awash with stars that flickered like uncut diamonds, each one winking at me from a tapestry of velvet darkness. Even the twin moons radiated an otherworldly glow. The air felt not just cold but piercing; each breath was a blend of icy sharpness and promise.

I pondered, 'Why can't I carve out a new existence, shatter the iron shackles of my deep-rooted fears, and fully immerse myself in the enigmatic beauty of life—and the beauty of their bodies?'

In this foreign world, every cell in my body felt alien. I had become so handsome that I didn't recognize myself in the mirror, as if even my cells were travelers lost on a cosmic journey. The planet whispered sweet promises of fresh beginnings, but my soul bore indelible scars and fears, etched from a past steeped in relentless combat and untamed wrath.

Heavy, unseen chains of bygone sorrows latched onto me, grounding my spirit to a painful history.

I questioned myself, 'Have I ever genuinely relished life? Have I sipped from the cup of liberation that seems to so effortlessly quench others, without the phantoms of fear dogging my every stride? Can I just enjoy their bodies without overthinking?'

A newfound determination surged within me. The first stride toward authentic transformation would be to unlock the fortified chambers of my heart and welcome in new experiences.

I will open myself to a foursome and let go of my past; I mean my virginity.

As I turned back towards the door, a pang of uncertainty hit me. Given the late hour, I doubted they'd still be waiting.

'At least I try, to give myself a chance.'

To my surprise, when I opened the door, the three of them were seated patiently in the corridor, their gazes fixed on the door. The beauties that are rarely seen on Earth, only at an idol level.

"Why are you still here?" I asked, softening my tone. They remained silent, their eyes studying me, searching for something.

No one answered.

"Come in," I finally offered.

After a moment of hesitation, the woman replied, "Alright, I'm coming in," the urgency in her voice unmistakable.

The teenager chimed in, "We're both in!"

Once inside, I addressed them, "I still have my reservations about all of you, so let's take things slowly. I've chosen the room over there," pointing to a door, "which has a connected living room and balcony. Feel free to settle wherever you'd like."

'I will secretly open my door, if you dare to sneak into my bedroom tonight, we will have fun and go to heaven on Earth tonight.' I smirked.

We all found ourselves in the living room, the teenager breaking the silence. "May I turn on the light?" she asked.

"Of course," I replied.

With a voice full of command, she declared, "Illuminate," and the stone embedded in the ceiling began to radiate a gentle glow, revealing the intricacies of the room.

'So this is how to turn on the light.'

Watching the light spread, I admitted, "I tried using the washroom earlier but couldn't figure out the water. Could someone show me?"

The woman stood, her blue dress rustling, "Let me help you." I followed her to the small washroom, which gleamed with polished marble. With the same command, "Illuminate," she brought the room to life.

She demonstrated the various commands: "Shower" activated the water, "Hotter" or "Cooler" adjusted the temperature, and "Dry" summoned a gentle breeze that enveloped the body.

Noticing my dirtied clothing, the woman suggested, "Let's get those cleaned." Her hands deftly moved opening my clothes, and with the command "Laundry," a hidden chute appeared, ready to whisk my clothes away for cleaning.

"Your pants."

I hesitated, unsure. Did she expect me to strip right there? But her unflinching gaze and the cultural norms of this new world beckoned me like a seductive siren's song.

'If she's so comfortable, what's stopping me? I mean, I'm a grown man! The bathroom seems like a reasonable enough place.'

I couldn't look away from her eyes. It was as though we were tethered by an invisible string, the air between us thick with unspoken words. The ambient noises of the house melted away, leaving only the pulse of my heart to fill the silence.

"Planning to wear those grubby pants to bed?" Her voice broke the spell, its musicality tinged with playful mockery.

"Ah, heck it," I surrendered, unceremoniously dropping my pants. I felt a rush of vulnerability sweep over me, like a gust of wind on bare skin, as I handed them over to her.

With a graceful flick of her hand, she directed me toward the shower. "Your turn. These I can handle." While she sorted through the clothing, she casually muttered commands to the room. Bolstered by her poise, I decided to savor my shower.

The water flowed like liquid sunshine, soothing my tightened muscles and washing away my hesitations. As I lost myself in the sensation, her voice emerged, soft yet crystalline above the water's din. "The command for soap is 'Clean.'"

"Clean," I echoed. A lavish foam materialized, mingling with the falling water. I felt it glide over my skin like silk. Then she said, "May I help with your back?"

Her straightforward offer jolted me, and for a moment, I truly looked at her. Her beauty seemed to pull from the richness of different worlds—perhaps Asian, maybe Latin. Her wavy silver-blue hair framed a face adorned with a delicate nose and full lips. Her porcelain skin shimmered, contrasting her penetrating blue eyes. The moisture in the air clung to her tank top, outlining an athletic frame that seemed to exude raw vitality.

My thoughts were interrupted when she aimed a teasing finger toward my lower half, her voice brimming with cheeky intent. "It looks like someone's standing at attention. Need help there too?"

Our eyes locked, and her tongue grazed her lips in a seductive flourish that left me speechless.


My memory blinked.


Unable to meet her gaze any longer, I turned my face away. "I think I can manage the rest, thanks. You're free to go."

With a sigh as exaggerated as a stage whisper, she smirked. "Ah, what a shame," she murmured, her words trailing off as she retreated from the room.

Once the door clicked shut, a tempest of emotion swirled inside me. Why hadn't I accepted her offer? Why hadn't she been more insistent?

Feelings of regret and confusion swelled within me, mingling with the shower droplets on my face until I couldn't tell tears from water.

I berated myself, 'Coward! Fool! Virgin!'

My heart pounded, echoing in the vacant bathroom.

And now, what on Earth was I to do with this salute to a missed opportunity?


The woman, her hair a waterfall of velvety strands that shimmered in the dim light, let out a hushed giggle. Her eyes sparkled, a glint of mischief dancing within them. "Oh, this man is charming—a virgin, perhaps even timid around women. This will be an experience to savor," she whispered as though sharing a delicious secret.


Stepping out of the bathroom, I felt as if I'd been reborn. The fabric of my deep-blue trousers and sky-blue shirt clung to me like a second skin, their freshly-laundered scent mingling with the natural oils of my body to create a comforting aroma. My senses were further enticed by the mouth-watering smell of fresh bread that seemed to beckon me toward the living room as if pulled by an invisible string.

The living room was a haven of soft illumination, each lamp casting a pool of golden light that bathed the room in a warm embrace. The glossy sheen of the wooden floor seemed to nod approvingly at the sumptuous fabric of the L-shaped sofas, whose deep blue upholstery invited relaxation. A kaleidoscope of plush cushions, vibrant as a painter's palette, lay scattered, making the seating appear all the more enticing.

There she was—lounging with ethereal grace on a plush carpet, its pastel colors mirroring the hues of her captivating dress. Her legs were elegantly folded beneath her, as if she were a modern-day siren on her own alluring island. The fabric of her dress flowed like a liquid gem, complementing the natural alabaster of her skin.

Directly opposite her sat the cat-eared girl, her ensemble a burst of orange and black that seemed to embody the essence of playful mischief. Beside her, the reserved teen wore a pink dress so soft in color it could have been spun from cherry blossoms, amplifying her shy demeanor. Yet, it was the spread on the coffee table that caught my rapt attention; a medley of delicacies laid out with care, each one calling out to be savored.

Beside the loaf of rustic bread, its crust a luscious golden-brown that promised both crunch and chew, lay an artful arrangement of cheeses and fruits. Each was meticulously placed on an elegant porcelain plate, as if they were gems in a royal crown. Tempted beyond resistance, my hand reached for a chunk of bread. The crust offered a satisfying crackle under the pressure of my fingers, yielding a tactile pleasure. The taste was unlike anything I'd had before, exotic yet comforting in its warmth.

With an intense gaze, Lamar's sapphire eyes studied me. "You are a stranger to these parts, aren't you?" she said, her words dripping with intriguing mystery.

Grains of bread still cushioned between my cheek and teeth, I nodded, unable to verbalize a response.

Lamar stretched her arm toward me, her soft blue robe billowing like a gentle tide around her. "I am Lamar," she declared, her voice imbued with the unmistakable gravity of wisdom and experience. "An educator in the mystical craft of water magic at the academy. In simpler terms, I am a sorceress."

Adjacent to her, a youthful teen perked up her distinct feline ears. Her hazel eyes gleamed like twin stars filled with youthful wonder. "I'm Lisa," she chimed in, her fingers tapping against her silver tech-gauntlet like a pianist poised for a symphony. "My fascination is with the nexus of magic and technology. My ambition? To ascend the ranks of the world's greatest technicians." She gestured toward a girl with glossy raven hair, who exuded an aura of profound serenity. "Meet Maa, my older sister."

Lisa then turned to Maa and elaborated, "Maa is the embodiment of tranquility, but don't let that fool you. She's a fiercely dedicated student at our academy, immersed in the divine arts of healing. She's a devout follower of the god Asclepius."

"God?" The word slipped out, unbidden, tinged with incredulity.

At that moment, Maa, elegantly clad in a soft pink ensemble, placed her hand solemnly over her heart. As if summoned by her devotion, a luminescent symbol materialized above her head. Its aquamarine radiance danced like an ethereal flame, casting a celestial glow that stood in vivid contrast to the room's subdued lighting.

There it was—The Insignia of Asclepius' Embrace. A masterpiece of ethereal craftsmanship.

At the insignia's core, an ancient staff of olive wood twisted upwards in a serpentine coil. Cascading from its pinnacle was a golden snake, its scales shimmering in iridescent blues, its eyes forever closed in tranquil contemplation. Encircling them both was an aureole of heavenly light, delicately adorned with diminutive etchings of medicinal flora—lavender, chamomile, and rosemary. Each herb, its significance steeped in the annals of ancient healing wisdom, appeared to be purposefully and reverently included in the emblem.

Beneath this otherworldly spectacle, liquid water flowed like gentle tears, gathering into a reflective pool that faithfully mirrored the celestial tableau above. This watery reflection served as a profound invitation to self-awareness, underscoring the quintessence of inner healing.

The whole symbol ebbed with a palpable aura of nurturing warmth and fortifying protection. Each intricate detail, each wisp of its incandescent glow, captivated my senses and left no room for skepticism about Maa's devout allegiance to her divine protector. The insignia was not merely a representation; it was a divine testament to her chosen spiritual path in the sacred art of healing.

Catching my awestruck gaze, Lamar offered a serene elucidation. "Here, this is more than mere tradition; it is the soul's declaration. The insignia showcases which divine presence graces us with its guardianship and benevolence."

"Why does she have a god?" I found myself asking, my curiosity piercing the tranquil atmosphere like a sudden gust of wind.

The room tensed, and their eyes met in a flurry of unspoken dialogue. After a heavy pause, Lamar broke the silence, her voice laced with a subtle undertone of gravitas. "In our world, it's more than mere custom—it's a deep-seated cultural mandate. Each soul here is bound by an allegiance to a god. This isn't just a superficial faith; it's a profound spiritual pact. Slaves are the sole exception, unfortunately severed from this intricate web of divine communion."

Leaning forward, my eyes widened, my heartbeat in sync with my burgeoning fascination. "Tell me more about this... system."

Lamar's eyes glowed with an ethereal sheen, like moonlight dancing on water. "Upon forming a divine covenant, a specialized system embeds itself into the very marrow of your existence. It's a celestial dashboard, so to speak, that allows you to gauge your own power, assess your capabilities, and if confronted in a divine clash against another god's followers, channel their spiritual essence for your—and your god's—empowerment. And beyond this, the gods occasionally entrust their adherents with sacred quests. Succeed, and you're graced with celestial gifts—enchanted relics, potent spells, and the like—all serving to escalate your journey towards spiritual and personal mastery."

I paused, absorbing the magnitude of her revelation. "So, everyone here is in communion with a god?"

Lamar nodded, her eyes soft yet firm. "Yes. A union with a god is more than a safety net—it's the cornerstone of one's existence. To be without a god is to be a spiritual pariah, a heretic in the eyes of our society."

"Is there a god of Sex?" I was trying my luck. Since I missed joining the Mormon church or whatever that offers free sex on Earth.