
I have access to the gods library

He was an orphan never knew his parents, never belonged to anywhere, no one cared for him, no one loved him, no one could ever remember him. Until he ultimately decided to change everything and act like the strong Cultivators he always saw on tv but only ended getting an even more pathetic death. Instead of dying, he transmigrates into a new world. Finally getting a name, a family, a friend and a home to call his own but the problem is he can't cultivate ki. until [ Ding! the host has fulfilled the criteria] [ Fixing host roots ] [ Granting access to the library ] Was as our hero goes against the heavens, to fulfill his newfound dreams and protect his loved once by learning the power of gods like zeus and even the monkey king.

Yusco · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 7

The memory slowly fades away as they continue jumping from branch to branch.

This is my last chance, she thinks to her. Determination clearly plastered on her face.

*********Fukumoto household compound*********

It is compromised of multiple traditional wooden buildings arranged in a square and a massive one at the head of the compound a dry landscape garden at the middle of the houses with a makeshift stone pagoda at it's centre. The feast is now over joy still present in the atmosphere, the whole compound is now dark and quiet. Sleep slowly enveloping all it's resident in it's blissful embrace.

Takeo lays on his bed unable to sleep, everything just feels so unreal right now like i'm dreaming. He yawns before he slowly closes his eyes sleeping comfortably for the the first time in his life.

*********Midnight city**********

The city is rowdy and full of life as a special luminous crystal lights up the streets illuminating every corner of the city. The streets is filled up with beings of different races from humans in different hairstyles and clothes, kirin's, yokai's, succubus, different insect like creatures, halflings animals with human characteristics, with many more.

They make their way into an luxurious looking inn and immediately book four rooms, one mizuki and hina, another for the ponytail woman and the last two for the other guys.

Hina throws herself on her bed stretching her aching body.

" We spent the whole day moving." She exclaims.

" I'm so hungry." She complains.

" Shouldn't you take a bath first, you've been complaining about that throughout our journey." Mizuki cuts her off.

" Never mind that, my belly come first." Hina shamelessly cuts her off.

" Well get whatever you want, i still have somethings i need to do." mizuki replies

" We're still going out, but i'm so tired." Hina complains throwing a tantrum.

" We i didn't say you're following me did i, don't wait up for me" Mizuki replies before walking out once more.

She heads towards the room next to theirs and knocks.

" May i come in miss marguerite." She announces.

The door clicks open and she sees woman with the pony tails, her body covered in scars. she's only dressed in her undergarment.

" I'm sorry for disturbing but i still have somewhere i need to go." She quickly says.

" Give me a second then." Marguerite sighs before going back in to get dressed.

Mizuki goes down to wait for her and is joined 5 minutes later by marguerite.

They quickly exit and find their way into the market district, they are different types of buildings advertising different goods and services, some humans and creatures are even hawking their wares on the street, a little girl with white wavy hair and small horn on the left side of her forehead, is begging for money in the middle of the street but accidently bumps into a creature that seems to be a cross between a turtle and a monkey. A kappa with red eyes and scaley skin, it has a huge green turtle shell on it's, it's hands are webbed with claws on his fingertips, it is wearing a leather skirt.

" A filthy urchin dares touch me." It snarls and swipes at the kid.

It strikes empty air and turns around to see mizuru with the kid on her arm.

" Who are you." The kappa snaps.

She gently drops the kid on the floor then pats her hair

" Are you ok?." She asks completely ignoring the kappa.

" You dare ignore me." He explodes revealing his fangs and dashes towards her with a punch.

The marguerite instantly reacts and appears between them, casually blocking his hit with her forearm.

" My my my, you got quite the temper there mister." She announces then grins slowly releasing a fiery aura scaring the kappa.

I can't feel her cultivation level, He panics. A crowd immediately gathers, completely surrounding them trying to see what the commotion is about.

" You're quite the trouble magnet milady." She continues, concealing her aura then casually shoving the kappa's hands away without even looking at him.

" I apologize miss marguerite." Mizuki smiles and quickly bows her head.

The kappa getting even more pissed that he got ignored again.

" You da-." The kappa starts to say poisonously.

" LOWLY INSECTS SHOULDN'T SPEAK BEFORE ME!!." She snaps cutting him mid sentence.

She unleashes her aura once more the force pushing the crowd back a little, completely pinning the kappa down.

" Make way." A masculine voice growls.

" The city guards are here." Someone yells, the crowd immediately dispersing tactfully creating way for them.

The city guards make their way there, headed by two human like creatures with long tails and cat ears evidently a male and a female, The male has black jaguar ears ontop his head with a black tail with amber eyes with a rapier hanging on his waist while the girl has dirty brown hair with brown tiger ears ontop her head with a long tiger tail, they're both cladded in special body armor his pitch black while hers is a bit orange. The rest all look human but retain the cat ears and tails of different species all wielding spears and round shields and fully cladded in armor.

She quickly conceals her aura, The kappa looks up and rushes towards the officers panting.

" I was just walking on my own, minding my own business but then this heathens wanted to kill." He pitifully says pointing at them.

" Crap." Marguerite mumurs.

" Officers this is just a misunderstanding." Marguerite says cheerfully.

" You're all underarrest for disrupting peace." The male says, all the other guards immediately pointing their spears at them.

Marguerite wanting to refute but she feels a hand on her shoulder, she turns around and see's mizuki.

She walks forward and pulls out a silver talisman with a crescent moon on it, it has special runes inscribed on it. She imbues it with a little ki.

The talisman release a purple light as the half moon glows his face immediately gets twisted with fear and shock.