

Zhou Fan obtained a Three Realms Auction System. "Chocolate auction, the starting price is only 10 star coins." "100 star coins" said Marshal Tianpeng. "Damn it, don't compete with me, I'll give you 50,000 star coins!" ... "Brother Fan, do you still have Coke? Can you not auction it? I, Old Sun, can give you a satisfactory price." "There is only one sixteen-level Rubik's Cube left. Don't miss it if you need it!" "Brother Fan, do you need the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art?" Erlang Shen said immediately. The Three Realms Auction System, anything that is not worth mentioning in your eyes, in a different environment, is a sky-high treasure.

DaoistZero77 · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 Four Lots

  Everyone chatted in the dialog box for a while, then went offline one after another, and Zhou Fan also closed the dialog box.

  However, looking at the two hundred star coins, Zhou Fan couldn't help but laugh.

  A box of chocolates was sold at a sky-high price of 20,000 yuan. Who would dare to believe it if he told others?


  Zhou Fan's stomach growled again, and the sound was louder than before.

  "Damn, I'm going out to eat, and bring back some snacks by the way." Zhou Fan touched his stomach, got up and left the room.

  He was going to go out and make a big purchase. After tasting the sweetness of the Three Realms Auction System, Zhou Fan had a clear direction for his future goals.

  He wanted to take a path that had never been seen before and will never be seen again on the road of auctions.

  It was a rare occasion that Zhou Fan opened his mouth and went directly to the food stall downstairs and ordered several barbecues.

  It has been a long time since he ate like this!

  "Delicious, delicious!" Zhou Fan picked up the lamb skewers and stuffed them directly into his mouth, eating them with great enthusiasm. This way of eating, it seemed as if he hadn't eaten for many years.

  It's no wonder Zhou Fan is like this. When he was with Mu Rong before, he lived frugally every day, trying to give Mu Rong a future.

  But now that Mu Rong is gone, he is single, and with the Three Realms Auction System, it will be easy for him to make money in the future?

  "Mu Rong..." Thinking of this person, Zhou Fan couldn't help but reveal a hint of coldness in his eyes.

  He and Mu Rong have been together for three years. They have been together since college. After graduation, they rented a two-bedroom, one-living-room house, and the rent was two thousand yuan a month.

  Although they have been together for a long time, Zhou Fan has never touched Mu Rong's finger.

  And the expenses of the two of them together were all borne by Zhou Fan alone, even Mu Rong's cosmetics, clothes, bags, etc., were also paid by Zhou Fan!

  But even though Zhou Fan did so much, he was still dumped by Mu Rong!

  The scene in the daytime appeared in front of him again.

  "Mu Rong, who is he?" Zhou Fan looked at the man in front of him who was pulling the suitcase for Mu Rong and asked angrily.

  He was a handsome man in his twenties, dressed very well, especially on his wrist, he wore a watch, a Rolex, worth tens of thousands of dollars, showing the man's extraordinary.

  "Who is he, and does it have anything to do with you?" Seeing Zhou Fan coming back, Mu Rong was also shocked, but then she calmed down, looking at Zhou Fan with a hint of impatience, or even disgust.

  "I'm your boyfriend, so I'm naturally qualified to know who he is!" Zhou Fan said angrily.

  "Boyfriend? Haha... Zhou Fan, I've been with you for three years, what have you done in these three years? Nothing!"

  "After paying the rent with a salary of several thousand yuan a month, what do you have left?"

  "Can you afford the bags and clothes I want? Can you take me to the Western food I want to eat?"

  "A woman's youth is limited, and it's impossible for us to continue. Let's break up!"

  When Mu Rong said this, she was very determined, without a trace of turning back.

  "Break up?" Zhou Fan was struck by lightning and felt unbelievable.

  They have always had a good relationship, why break up?

  "It's all because of you!" Zhou Fan looked at the man next to Mu Rong, his eyes red. If it weren't for this man, I'm afraid Mu Rong wouldn't have changed her mind.

  It's all because of him!

  So, without any hesitation, he directly slapped the cake in his hand towards the man!


  Scenes, cold words, lingering in Zhou Fan's mind.

  Perhaps in Mu Rong's eyes, Zhou Fan is an out-and-out rich man.

  "Mu Rong, one day, I will make you pay for everything you did to me today!" Zhou Fan roared in his heart, sorted out his mood, and ate quickly.

  Not long after, Zhou Fan finished eating and drank two more bottles of beer, feeling so happy!

  "Go to the supermarket, search for some treasures, and cheat them a little." Zhou Fan poured out a toothpick, picked the minced meat between his teeth, and said happily.

  Those are the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, with big families and big businesses. If you pull out a hair at random, it will be thicker than your thigh. If

  you have the opportunity to cheat them, you can't miss it!

  Soon, Zhou Fan came to a supermarket not far from the community.

  This supermarket is not very big, but it has everything.

  "Two more boxes of chocolate. Marshal Tianpeng ate one box and he will probably get addicted. The price may be higher this time."

  "The Great Sage should like to eat fruit. I don't know if he likes durian. It stinks, but it tastes delicious."

  "We also need to prepare a little for Erlang Shen. We need to cater to his tastes so that we can auction the things off!"

  "More importantly, things are precious because they are rare. What we have here, but they haven't seen in the heavens, will definitely be very popular."

  Zhou Fan muttered while searching for various delicacies. Of course, today's auction is still aimed at Marshal Tianpeng, a foodie. With him here, it will naturally not be unsold!

  Soon, Zhou Fan bought a big bag of things and went home happily.

  "System, I want to organize an auction." Zhou Fan said.

  "One item has been auctioned tonight, and up to four items can be auctioned. Please choose at your discretion." A sweet mechanical voice sounded, leaving Zhou Fan speechless.

  He only has five storage frames, which means that he can only auction five treasures in one auction.

  "System, is there any way to add more storage frames?" Zhou Fan asked. One more storage frame is like one more gold mine!

  "According to the host's authority, if you want to get a storage frame, you need to consume star coins. The first storage frame costs 100,000 star coins."

  The system's voice rang out, leaving Zhou Fan dumbfounded.

  One hundred thousand star coins, that's equivalent to ten million Chinese coins. Damn it, if he had this ten million, would he still need to work so hard to auction?

  Zhou Fan, who was still complacent about getting two hundred star coins before, immediately walked into a basin of cold water and poured it down, feeling chilled to the bone!

  "Damn it, it's so unfair!" Zhou Fan beat his chest and stamped his feet, wanting to get more auction frames, it seems that he needs to auction more treasures!

  "Start collecting items." Zhou Fan sighed, a tall building rises from the ground, he is destined to have a long way to go on the road of auction.

  He took out a box of chocolates!

  "System detection results:

  Name: Chocolate

  Function: Appetite

  Level: Ordinary dessert

  Suggested starting price: 1 star coin."

  Seeing this, Zhou Fan nodded, 100 yuan, about the same as before.

  After thinking about it, he still changed it, and the starting price became 10 star coins.

  Then, he took out a pack of Juewei duck necks. This thing is a good thing, a delicacy that every foodie cannot miss.

  These are all carefully prepared for Marshal Tianpeng.

  "System test results:

  Name: Juewei duck neck

  Function: A snack

  Level: Ordinary food

  Suggested starting price: 0.5 star coins."

  0.5 star coins, which is 50 Chinese coins. Zhou Fan was also quite dissatisfied with this price and directly increased it tenfold.

  Then, he took out a bottle of cola, a sauce-red drink, delicious and delicious. Zhou Fan believed that they must have never drunk such a delicious drink.

  "System test results:

  Name: Drink

  Function: Thirst quenching

  Level: Ordinary drink

  Suggested starting price: 0. 03 star coins."

  For the last item, Zhou Fan took out durian. This thing is a good thing. I don't know why the system will evaluate it.

  "System test results:

  Name: Durian

  Function: Relieve cravings

  Level: Excellent fruit

  Suggested starting price: 3 star coins."

  This time, the system gave the highest price of all the items he took out. 3 star coins, that is 300 Chinese coins.

  "You can't just take star coins. Those immortals don't have all star coins in their hands. They have some things in their hands. Although they look ordinary, if they are taken to the auction room in the human world, they will be treasures with no market." Zhou Fan thought for a while and said.

  "System, can we barter at the auction?"

  "Yes." The system smiled sweetly.

  After hearing what the system said, Zhou Fan was happy. As long as he could barter, he could get some treasures that others could hardly get, and then take them to the auction room in the human world...

  Just thinking about that scene, he felt happy!

  "Chocolate and Juewei Duck Neck can be traded directly with star coins, and Coke and durian can be bartered." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

  Then, he opened the auction room in the heaven.

  "Wow, Brother Fan, a new round of auctions has started so soon. What treasures are being auctioned this time?"

  Marshal Tianpeng spoke first as soon as the auction system started.

  "Brother Zhu, how about the box of chocolates just now?" Zhou Fan asked.

  "It's really delicious. I, Old Zhu, have never eaten such delicious food."

  "Brother Fan, how many do you have over there? How much do I want?" Marshal Tianpeng said.

  "Idiot, is it really that delicious?" At this time, the Monkey King asked curiously.

  "Brother Monkey, how can it be fake? It's comparable to ginseng fruit!" Zhu Bajie laughed, and it seemed that he could see his drooling through the screen.

  "Really? Idiot, if there are more, you can't snatch them from me this time, otherwise I will beat you to Gao Laozhuang." The Monkey King threatened.

  "Don't worry, Brother Monkey, as long as you are willing to bleed, I can't snatch them from you." Marshal Tianpeng felt very aggrieved. He just snatched a box of chocolates. Is it necessary to settle accounts with him?

  "Marshal, don't worry. I am also very curious about this chocolate. Please help me." Taishang Laojun said with a smile.

  "Is chocolate really so delicious?" At this time, a newcomer appeared. It was the fairy Chang'e.

  "Really, really, fairy, this time I, the old pig, took a picture of it and gave it to you to try." Marshal Tianpeng said immediately with a pig-like look.

  "Thank you very much, Marshal Tianpeng." The fairy Chang'e said with a smile.

  "Everyone, next we will start the first item of today's auction. I hope you will actively participate. There are only four items in this auction." Zhou Fan said.

  (End of this chapter)