

Adrian finds himself unexpectedly catapulted into the world of "One Piece," waking up on Dawn Island with no memory of how he got there. Believing it to be a prank, he soon discovers the reality is far more complex. As he encounters figures like Makino, Dadan, and the formidable Garp, he realizes he's not just in any world, but inside his favorite anime. Under Garp's mentorship, Adrian navigates the dangerous seas as a Marine, equipped with a mysterious power called the Shadow Monarch System that allows him to summon and command shadows of the deceased. As he subtly influences events and raises powerful allies from the shadows, Adrian must balance his knowledge of the series' future with the unpredictable twists his presence introduces. Caught between the worlds of Marines and pirates, and wielding powers that could alter the course of the story, Adrian must decide where his loyalties lie and how to use his unique abilities without disrupting the foundational elements of the world he loves. ------ 3 chapters every week. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the One Piece characters, only the one's that I have made up or the main character. I apologize if the it doesn't match the One Piece lore as it was based on my knowledge.

Drewy2cold · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Adrian stood alone in the ancient graveyard on Mystoria Island. The silence enveloped him as he delved into the high-stakes gamble of extracting forgotten souls, driven by a hunch that they might harbor secrets or immense power.

"Initiate extraction sequence," Adrian commanded, his voice steady amidst growing uncertainty. The system responded with soft hums and whirs, invisible energy probing the soil's depths, searching for a viable connection.

[Extraction failed. Attempting next...]

[Extraction failed. Attempting next...]

The messages flickered one after another on the interface, each failure a sharp reminder of the risks involved. The graveyard, a resting place for thousands of potential powerful souls—likely remnants of a massive, forgotten battle—offered both opportunity and monumental challenge.

Meanwhile, back with the reinforcements, Koby and Helmeppo faced inquiries about Adrian's whereabouts. "Lieutenant Adrian said he wanted to check something out," Helmeppo explained, masking his concern with a shrug.

"Is he always like this? Going off on his own?" a reinforcement Marine asked, half-amused, half-concerned.

"Yeah, he's got a knack for finding trouble—or maybe it's trouble that finds him," Koby replied, forcing a laugh, though his eyes darted towards the jungle, filled with worry for his mentor.

Back in the graveyard, hours had passed, and Adrian's patience thinned. Each failed attempt layered frustration upon disappointment. But just as he considered halting the operations, the system chimed differently, signaling a change.

[Extraction successful. Entity profile: High strength, unknown affiliations.]

Adrian's heart raced. "Arise," he commanded, his voice echoing in the open air.

Before him, a figure materialized from the shadows, its presence commanding. The man who appeared was towering, built like a titan, with long, flowing crimson hair that fluttered in the island breeze. His eyes opened, revealing a gaze that spanned centuries.

[Extraction complete. Would you like to access entity's memories?]

the system inquired.

"Yes, show me what he knew. It might give us clues about what happened here," Adrian responded, curiosity piqued. Understanding Mystoria Island's history during the Void Century could be crucial.

The system processed the request, and Adrian's vision blurred momentarily as he was transported into the memories of the shadow. Images and sounds cascaded around him—battles raged, ships approached the island, and strategic discussions among what appeared to be powerful pirates or warriors occurred. The scenes were disjointed, scattered across the floor of time like puzzle pieces.

As the vision cleared, Adrian found himself back in the graveyard, the reality of the island pressing in around him. The newly resurrected shadow stood silently, waiting for commands, its own history now partially revealed to Adrian.

"I need to analyze this further," Adrian muttered, contemplating the strategic and historical implications of his discovery. Could this shadow be a key player from an important battle? How did this connect to the known history of the Grand Line?

As Adrian stood in the stillness of the graveyard, the revelation of his new shadow commander's identity began to sink in. The figure, known as Ogre, revealed through the chaotic montage of memories, was not just any pirate. He had been the Grand Overseer of the Delian Alliance and secretly the Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Sparta, entities that aimed to challenge the foundations of the World Government.

The implications of Ogre's history and his connection to the Void Century were immense. Adrian realized that Ogre might hold keys to some of the greatest mysteries within the One Piece world. Yet, the weight of this knowledge also brought a heavy responsibility.

"Could bringing him back change the course of history?" Adrian pondered, his mind racing with possibilities. "And what about the story unfolding right now with Luffy? I can't risk altering that."

The gravity of his discovery made Adrian uneasy. Luffy's journey, one that he had followed long before he found himself living within its world, was not something he wanted to tamper with. The adventure, the dreams, the destined encounters—they needed to unfold as intended, without interference from the shadows of the past.

With a heavy heart but a clear resolve, Adrian turned to his Shadow Monarch System.

[Absorb shadow: Ogre.]

The command was simple yet laden with regret, knowing the depth of history he was choosing to set aside.

The system hummed softly, the air shimmering around Ogre as he began to dissolve into wisps of shadow, each strand curling back into the device in Adrian's hand. Within moments, the powerful figure of Ogre was no more, his essence recaptured into the confines of the Shadow Monarch System.

Adrian stood alone once more, the echoes of Ogre's memories fading like ghosts. He looked back toward the ship, its silhouette visible through the trees, a silent beacon calling him back to reality and away from the brink of world-altering decisions.

As he made his way back through the jungle, Adrian's thoughts were a tumultuous sea. He mulled over everything Ogre had represented—power, rebellion, secrets of ages past—but reaffirmed his commitment to maintain the balance of the world he now inhabited. The path he walked was lined with potential for great influence, and with that, the necessity for restraint.

"Keeping Luffy's story intact is crucial," Adrian reminded himself, his resolve firming with each step. "The adventures of the Straw Hats must unfold as they should, without the shadows of forgotten titans altering their course."

Upon reaching the ship, Adrian was greeted by the concerned faces of Koby and Helmeppo. "Everything okay, Lieutenant?" Koby asked, eyeing Adrian's somber expression.

Adrian managed a small smile, clapping both on their shoulders. "Just a lot to think about from today's expedition. Let's get ready to set sail. There's much more ahead for us."

Helmeppo nodded, his earlier awe of Adrian mixed now with a deeper respect. "We're with you, all the way," he said, a sentiment echoed by Koby's firm nod.