

Adrian finds himself unexpectedly catapulted into the world of "One Piece," waking up on Dawn Island with no memory of how he got there. Believing it to be a prank, he soon discovers the reality is far more complex. As he encounters figures like Makino, Dadan, and the formidable Garp, he realizes he's not just in any world, but inside his favorite anime. Under Garp's mentorship, Adrian navigates the dangerous seas as a Marine, equipped with a mysterious power called the Shadow Monarch System that allows him to summon and command shadows of the deceased. As he subtly influences events and raises powerful allies from the shadows, Adrian must balance his knowledge of the series' future with the unpredictable twists his presence introduces. Caught between the worlds of Marines and pirates, and wielding powers that could alter the course of the story, Adrian must decide where his loyalties lie and how to use his unique abilities without disrupting the foundational elements of the world he loves. ------ 3 chapters every week. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the One Piece characters, only the one's that I have made up or the main character. I apologize if the it doesn't match the One Piece lore as it was based on my knowledge.

Drewy2cold · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Joining Garp

As Adrian wandered through the village after his conversation with Garp, he was struck by the rustic simplicity and the vivid reality of the world around him. The absence of modern conveniences, something he had taken for granted, now loomed large in his mind.

His inner thoughts raced, This isn't just an adventure in a story. It's real life here, and life here isn't easy. There are deadly creatures in the sea, notorious pirates roaming free, and even the authorities like the Marines have their share of corruption.

He noticed the villagers going about their daily tasks with a resilience that seemed bred from living in such a world. Back home, I never had to deal with anything remotely this dangerous. The modern world made everything too safe, too easy. Here, survival is an actual concern, not just a backdrop for a story.

As he continued his walk, Adrian realized he had no money to buy food or necessities. Feeling a pang of hunger, he decided to return to Makino's bar. Upon arriving, he saw that Garp was still there, his presence somehow reassuring in this unfamiliar world.

Standing at the doorway, Adrian watched Garp laugh heartily with some locals, his iconic "Haha!" resonating through the room. The sound of Garp's laughter made Adrian momentarily forget his predicament, but the reality of his situation quickly set back in.

If I'm going to survive here, I need protection and a way to learn how to handle this world. Maybe it's not the worst idea to stay close to someone like Garp. The thought of joining the Marines had never crossed his mind before; back home, it was just another part of the show. But here, it could mean safety—and survival.

With a deep breath, Adrian approached Garp, waiting for a break in the conversation. "Sir Garp, can I speak with you for a moment?" he asked, his voice steady despite his nerves.

Garp turned to him, his expression open and inviting. "Of course, young man. What's on your mind?"

Adrian hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "I've been thinking about what you said earlier, about choosing our paths and dealing with the dangers of this world. I realize I'm not prepared to face this world on my own. I have no experience with... well, anything here. I was wondering—" he took a breath, "—if it might be possible for me to join you. To become a Marine, under your guidance."

Garp's eyebrows rose slightly, a mixture of surprise and contemplation coloring his features. After a moment, his face broke into a broad grin, and he let out his booming laugh. "Haha! That's a bold request, lad! But I admire your spirit. If you're serious about this, I can use someone eager to learn and willing to work hard. The path of a Marine isn't easy, but it's a way to make a difference."

Adrian felt a wave of relief wash over him. "I'm serious, sir. I want to learn, and I want to help. I might not know much right now, but I'm willing to learn everything I need to."

Garp clapped him on the shoulder, his grip firm and reassuring. "Then consider yourself under my wing, boy. We'll start your training soon. For now, get yourself settled and ready for a whole new life."

Adrian nodded, a mix of excitement and anxiety filling him as he processed the enormity of what he'd just signed up for. I'm actually going to be a Marine. In another world. This is either the craziest or the smartest thing I've ever done. But with Garp's laughter echoing in his ears, he felt that maybe, just maybe, he had made the right choice.

After Garp agreed to take Adrian under his wing, the two of them joined others at Makino's bar for a meal. Garp's appetite was astonishing; he devoured the food with a gusto that could rival even that of the legendary competitive eater Matt Stonie, whom Adrian remembered watching back on Earth. The sight was something to behold, and Adrian couldn't help but stare in amazement.

Feeling his own hunger stir, Adrian decided to join in and eat, but a sudden realization stopped him in his tracks—he had no money to pay for the meal. His heart sank as he contemplated the situation, unfamiliar with relying on the kindness of strangers in such a straightforward way.

Sensing his hesitation, Makino approached with a gentle smile. "Don't worry about it," she said, her voice soothing and kind. "Just eat. You can pay me back once you're a full-fledged Marine."

Adrian was taken aback by her generosity. In his life back home, the concept of eating without immediate payment was almost unheard of; it was not just uncommon but often not allowed. Here, however, Makino's simple kindness felt like a beacon in a world that was still so new and often daunting.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Adrian nodded, his emotions welling up. As he took his first bites of the simple yet delicious meal, he thought to himself, Thank you, Oda Sensei, for creating characters like Makino. In a world filled with danger and uncertainty, it's people like her that make all the difference. His heart felt a little lighter, a mix of thankfulness and resolve settling in as he considered the path that lay ahead of him as a Marine-in-training.

After their meal at Makino's bar, Garp led Adrian out of the village and towards the docks where the Marine ships were anchored. As they approached, Adrian's gaze was drawn to a particularly large vessel that dwarfed the others around it. The ship was massive, easily rivaling the largest cruise ships Adrian had known from Earth.

"This here is one of the Marine's battle ships," Garp explained proudly as they walked closer. "It's like a floating fortress, equipped to handle all sorts of situations—peacekeeping, combat, you name it."

Adrian looked up in awe. The ship's towering masts and expansive decks reminded him of a small floating city rather than just a ship. He couldn't help but marvel at the sheer scale of everything in this world; it was as if every element had been magnified to match the grandeur of the sea itself.

Garp, noticing Adrian's astonishment, chuckled. "Impressive, isn't it? These ships need to be large—they're the backbone of our operations across the seas. They house hundreds of Marines, supplies, and all the artillery we need to maintain order."

As they boarded the ship, Adrian saw groups of Marines engaged in various forms of training. Some were practicing with swords, others were maneuvering through obstacle courses, and a few were engaged in marksmanship drills. The energy was infectious, and Adrian felt a surge of excitement mixed with a bit of apprehension about joining their ranks.

Garp led him to the upper deck, where they had a clear view of the entire ship. "Training will be tough," Garp said, turning to Adrian with a serious look. "But I believe you have the determination to make it. Remember, being a Marine is not just about fighting pirates; it's about upholding justice and protecting the innocent."

Adrian nodded, his mind racing with thoughts of the future. He was far from home, in a world where the scale of everything—from the people to the ships—was colossal. He thought of Garp, towering over him like a giant. The man was not just big in stature but also had a presence that seemed to command respect naturally. Adrian had never encountered anyone as imposing back home, not even the tallest athletes like Tacko Fall.

Keeping his origin from another world a secret, Adrian focused on absorbing everything he could learn about this new life. The enormity of his decision to join the Marines began to settle in, and he knew that keeping his knowledge of this world's future to himself was crucial. He would have to navigate his new life carefully, learning from Garp and the other Marines without revealing too much about how much he already knew.

"Let's start your training tomorrow, bright and early," Garp said with a firm nod. "For today, get to know the ship and your fellow trainees."

"Yes, sir," Adrian responded, his voice steady, betraying none of his internal turmoil. As he walked among the Marines, watching and learning, he realized that this ship, this floating island, was now his new home.