
I have a sacred tree in one piece

Klein realizes that now he is in the world of One Piece, dangerous futures will come into his life and he is just an extra in this world that already has main characters, the only thing he can trust is a small tree that simply feed it with simple fruits, or maybe they are not so simple....

pizzamozzarella · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

It's time

With the sound of trees shaking and birds flying, some heavy breathing could be heard with hurried footsteps.

Two young men who looked to be around 17 years old were running through a forest, one of the boys had blonde hair and was wearing a hat, the other boy had purple hair and pale skin, except for his right arm which was a dark metallic.

Behind them, a small army chased them, cursing and shouting.

Sabo and Klein were being chased, they don't know how many were following them but it seemed to be more than three hundred people.

The two of them were doing a mission that Dragon had entrusted to them, it was about recovering a small port that had been occupied by pirates.

"Klein, we are already inside the forest. It's time to counterattack!" Sabo clenched the iron in his hand as he prepared for what was to come.

Klein didn't need to listen anymore, he knew what he had to do.

Klain pulled a sword from his waist, gripping it with his metal arm, he turned to look at the wave of pirates coming towards them.

The tip of Klein's sword pointed at all the pirates who were coming, Klein spoke in a low voice and said with a cold voice.


After Klein blurted out those words, the ground suddenly began to shake.

Countless roots had jumped out in the forest, some were robust than two legs put together, while others looked like snakes that slithered nimbly.

"The trees are attacking us!"

"It's useless, even if we cut this, arrive more!"


"Help! Something just went up my anus!"

"I can't breathe..."


"Damn weaklings... Don't let a few weak roots kill you!"

Among the pirates, there were some who were not so nervous, cutting easily as they quickly while he advanced towards Klein, a bald man with a sword made a cut in the direction of Klein.

Just when it seemed like the man was going to reach Klein, a figure suddenly appeared and kicked the bald man flying.

"Klein we have to take care of those who managed to survive ourselves. Let's go!" Sabo didn't even look at Klein as he charged towards the group of people, there were men flying here and there.

Klein saw this scene and was not surprised, Sabo's strength was incredible as always, hitting with the iron and kicking, Sabo was not even sweating as he finished off several at the same time.

Klein was not far behind either, with a slight cut, several heads flew where he passed.

"Klein, you stay with that side while I take care of this other one."

Clashing back to back as they attacked the pirates, Klein and Sabo began a one-sided massacre.

The bald man had not died yet, seeing how all his men were being slaughtered, he became enraged and looked at Sabo.

"Damn brat, don't think you can defeat me so easily."

Sabo looked at the bald man and remembered the intelligence they gave him.

It seems that this bald man was the captain of this army of pirates, he had a reward of 30 million berries.

Sabo was not afraid and began to exchange blows with the bald man. Before, he had sent him flying with a kick because it took him by surprise, but this time it was different.

The bald man was very skilled with the sword, swinging it fiercely, Sabo did not stop defending himself with his iron weapon, his adversary took advantage of this and kicked Sabo while sending him flying a few meters back.

"I kicked you back, you damn kid." With a smile on his face, the bald man advanced again.

"Sabo, do you need help?" Klein had finished off all the other remaining pirates and watched Sabo with one eye.

"Not yet, I'll use this guy as a whetstone for training."

 Sabo stood up again with a smile, suddenly he approached the bald man again but this time, his hand was shaped like a dragon's grip.

Sabo suddenly launched a claw-shaped blow at the bald man, the bald man barely managed to prevent the blow from hitting a vital part, but his shoulder had been injured.

He almost broke his shoulder bone with that attack, cold sweat began to drip from his forehead, he had to get serious too.

Klein saw this scene and thought of something, the dragon fist, it was a technique that Sabo was learning for a short time and it was one of Sabo's iconic techniques in the anime.

"Okay brat, this time I'll be serious"

Suddenly the bald man's speed increased,

And with incredible speed, he appeared in front of Sabo.

Just as he was about to cut the blonde boy, a cold sword suddenly appeared in the bald man's vision.

"Sabo I think that's enough games, let's finish this quickly."

Klein swung his sword as he watched the bald man dodge to the side.

"Hahaha, Klein just say once and for all that you want to join the party too."


Klein smiled at Sabo's words but didn't say anything.

They both attacked the bald man, with punches and cuts, they were pushing the bald man back further and further.

The bald pirate couldn't stop sweating from the flurry of attacks.

"Where the hell did these monsters come from?" The pirate was starting to get more and more desperate, he thought about escaping, but they were blocking his escape route, and behind him there was only a ravine.

Just as Klein and Sabo were about to continue attacking, a female figure suddenly appeared.

Minelly entered the scene, looked at the three and then looked at the ravine that was close to her sight.

Pointing with one hand towards the bald pirate's feet, and with the other hand towards the ravine, a portal suddenly appeared where he pointed.

With a blink, the pirate suddenly found himself falling into the ravine...



"Hey guys, it was taking a long time so I came to help." Minelly put on an innocent smile as she looked at Klein and Sabo.

Sabo and Klein looked at each other and were both thinking the same thing right now.

"She did it on purpose!"

"Guys, Koala is waiting for us at the port right now, let's go back"

Klein and Sabo just nodded, as they walked back Klein couldn't help but think.

Several years had passed since Klein joined the revolutionary army.

Klein had changed a lot in this time, he now had a mechanical arm, courtesy of the mechanic of the revolutionary army.

As for his right eye, he still couldn't see, he had a big scar on his right eye, he wasn't going to lie, Klein thought he looked more handsome with this scar.

In all this time that he was with the revolutionary army, he was training hard to increase his strength.

Klein's physical strength had increased quite a bit, but he also practiced with the sword during this time, improving his swordsmanship, Klein could be considered a swordsman at this time.

As for his power to control trees, it also improved, but unlike his physical strength, it is not a big deal. Klein realized that he could communicate from a great distance with plants, approximately 20. 000 square kilometers.

As for the sacred tree, he had also made progress with it.

He didn't get any relics that he can absorb, not that it's strange since Klein was focusing on training until now.

But I had noticed something else, the sacred tree could bear more than 1 type of fruit, one is by absorbing the essence of special relics, and the other way is by killing people, that's right, apparently the tree could also absorb the vital escense of people that Klein killed, thus giving another type of fruit.

But it's not that simple, so far he has killed more than 300 people in the missions he did regularly as a member of the revolutionary army. Klein realized that all the people he killed so far only managed to give him a fruit from the sacred tree.

The reality was that the weaker the person, the slower it would be to get such a ripe fruit. If Klein wanted more fruits like that, he had to face strong people.

Right now he could eat the fruit that had ripened, but first he had to finish his business at the port.

Arriving at the port, Klein and the others saw Koala.

"They already finished?" Koala had matured too, like Minelly, both had grown, you could say that they were both becoming beauties, especially Minelly.

Minelly still kept her shoulder-length light blue hair, her eyes were shining as always, her features had become more delicate as she grew older, her figure had become slender due to regular training.

The same with Sabo, this boy had become increasingly stronger, it was to be expected from someone talented taught by Dragon himself.

Klein had had several duels against Sabo, but he always lost, Klein just fought him without using his plant skills, maybe in a forest and using his skills, Klein could win.

After discussing among everyone and reporting on the success of the mission to obtain the port, they had already finished their work, now it was up to the other members of the revolutionary army to take care of the rest.

In a room, the four of them were gathered together with complex expressions.

Koala was the first to break the silence.

"Guys, are you seriously planning on becoming pirates?"

"That's right, it's something we had planned for a long time and you know it" Klein said bluntly, his plans to be a pirate were not a secret after all.

"But I don't understand the need for them to become pirates, I really don't."

Koala was against all this, he really appreciated these two friends of his after all.

"Koala, enough is enough, if Klein and Minelly have decided, we must respect it, after all everyone is free to try to fulfill their dreams and ambitions."

Sabo spoke suddenly, he didn't want them to leave either, he already considered Klein his best friend and wanted to continue fighting hand to hand with him, but he knew better than anyone that he must respect his friend's wishes.

"Sabo is right, that's enough Koala, although I'm going to become a pirate, I'll still be part of the revolutionary army at the end of the day."

Klein was not going to change his mind, he was determined to follow this course.

"Koala, why don't you come with us?" Minelly asked suddenly.

"I can't, I have duties that I fulfilled even in the revolutionary army" Koala said sighing, she couldn't travel with Klein, after all, she also had a role to fulfill in the revolutionary army.

Sabo is the same, he couldn't go with them either.

He was being taught and trained to become the next leader of the revolutionary army after all.

"It's okay, let's go to sleep, I'm tired from everything today and I think it's the same for you, tomorrow we'll say goodbye guys."

Klein said with a relaxed smile as he returned to his room, the rest also returned with complex emotions.

Once in his room, Klein stared at the ceiling.

Tomorrow he will begin his adventure with Minelly. He had already had certain objectives in mind after separating from the revolutionary army.

"I can't help but get excited hahaha"


The next day, at the port, four people were saying goodbye.

Klein had already prepared a ship in advance, along with a log pose to guide it, he also brought various ingredients, food, and personal items.

Looking at Sabo and Koala who were in front of him, Klein valued these 2 friends of his quite a bit.

He looked at Koala and said.

"Koala, make sure you take care of yourself and keep Sabo grounded."

Koala smiled upon hearing this.

"Sure, leave it to me."

Sabo had a rough look upon hearing this, but he didn't say anything.

Klein set his sights on his good friend Sabo.

"Sabo, I consider you like a brother, I hope you continue training, the next time we meet and fight, victory may not be yours again..."

Klein shook his hand while looking into his eyes.

"Klein, rest assured that I will win again next time, for me you are the best friend I have, if one day you need help, do not hesitate to contact me"

Shaking hands, they both smiled.

Sabo suddenly remembered something, took out a paper from his pocket and handed it to Klein.

"Klein here, this is a life paper, we can know if the other's life is in danger with this"

"Okay, I got it." Klein already knew about the existence of this so he accepted it.

After Minelly also said goodbye, they both entered the boat and began to move further and further away from the port.

"Let's start then"

Klein looked towards the vast sea with excitement.

Okay, the pirates are trash but i want to do this anyways.

pizzamozzarellacreators' thoughts