
I Have A Cheat System In The Apocalypse

Hero? Villain? I don't care! I just want to survive in this cruel world... I want to stand at the apex and look down on those who dare to oppose me! Humans? Mutants? Variants? Deviants? As long as they're not on my side, I'll destroy them all! Being too ruthless? Being too merciless? I dare you to say that again! Felix, a special mutant with the telepathic ability wishes to become the strongest mutant in existence. He was blessed with three extraordinary abilities, unconventional good luck, and a cheat system that will help him grow stronger. Felix treads the path of darkness with no other help other than his amazing pistol, his lover and awe inspiring luck. He wishes to climb over the heads of countless powerhouses and successfully root himself at the top of the world as the one and only... Psychic! –Heroism Online– –You Have Levelled Up!– –You are asleep...– –Heroic Experience +50– 'I get stronger by just logging in to my capsule, I can even get stronger by just falling asleep!' 'This is too much! Who said mind readers are frail and weak? Who said we're just a glass tank? I'll become the strongest mutant!' So Felix continues on his path as the tyrannical ruler of Heroism. Cheating the laws of nature and becoming even stronger than the pathetic gods... The Strongest Mutant! ****** [This Is My WSA entry. All supports and motivation are welcome.] ****** Cover designed by Elixer_Yuu Discord Server: https://discord.gg/SZRVrkYaTg

DMC_MAX · Fantasy
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135 Chs

Chapter 4 - Killed By A Mutant Gorilla... What A World

Felix rose up from the ground with a fierce expression on his face. It was a fully evolved mutant gorilla!

Who let a creature of this magnitude into the base?! And how the f*ck did it know he was an anomaly? How could it even locate him in this huge place?!

Something is fishy here, but survival first!

Okay, time to draft a plan... First thing I should know before doing something really foolish:

'Fighting that tank head on is suicide!'

Second thing I should know:

'After the bluff with Avira, I'm drained. Weakness is a curse so mutant powers are weakened.'

Third and most important thing:

'If I survive this... Ray is my next target.'

Felix let out a sigh as he dashed for cover, quickly jumping out of the gorillas sight before he would become engaged in a melee.

After losing sight of it's target, the hot tempered gorilla decisively targeted the nearest living being away from him... Avira!

Letting out a beastly roared, the gorilla leaped towards Avira with outstretched arms, and a frenzied expression on it's face.

Avira was shocked. She- she was in it's side can't it see that? Oh f*ck it!

Seeing imminent danger, Avira leaped behind the charging gorilla like a phantom, then, like a bolt of lightning she landed four successive wind enhanced blows on it's tough hide.

After seeing how disgusting was the enemy's defence was, Avira nearly coughed out blood.

What kind of body does this creature have? She had infused her hand with a high concentration of wind - strong enough to tear apart steel - yet it was unable to leave a mark on this b*stard's hide!

"Master- Great Felix, why don't you use your power to restrict it's movement? I could fight it easier at that time." Avira points out as he threw out a fist again, this time connecting it with nothing but air.

The gorilla which was smarter than it's looks had pulled out of the hopeless melee. Unable to land a hit, not taking painful hits... This wasn't right!

Felix rolled his eyes. This woman was so damn stupid. He had tried that, but somehow his powers had grown weaker than before.

'Can't she tell when one is very tired?! If she's looking for an instant solution, then those piercing wind volleys would have been nice.' Felix thought to himself as he turned his back to Avira, only to let out a yawn soon after.

"Don't tell me you're already tired! What kind of anomaly are you?" Avira said with subtle fury flashing in her eyes as none of her attacks connected successfully to the gorilla's body. How is it this fast?

"Er..." Felix didn't say anything outside, but within himself he was like, 'Isn't that obvious? Besides, as long as you stall that beast it'll be fine.'

"Telepaths are useless at times." Avira grumbled to herself, but after receiving a piercing death gaze she improvised, "But you Felix are exceptionally useful all the time!"

'Hey airhead, that outburst from earlier drained up my energy! If you think I am useless why don't you use your full power, then, miss. Maybe you would understand my situation better!' Felix held back those thoughts with a frown on his face.

After some moments, the gorilla finally tilted back his head and struck down with closed eyes.


Avira was sent back meters by the explosive blow which would have completely obliterated any normal human being. She crashed into the ground besides Felix, blood streaming down her lips as she lay flat on the ground with a pale face.

Felix was shocked and frightened at the same time. A mutant wind user was blown away with only a headbutt... Why- why is my skin crawling?

Avira finally forced herself to sit up with a pale face, and blood on her lips. Her eyes was bloodshot as she lifted her head to glare at the mutant gorilla.

"Felix, are you ready to die? Cause I'm not. It seems like this might be our last day on earth." Avira said as she forced herself up, her lips quivering as she clenched her fists.

"Nah, I'm not ready to die yet. Besides, before you die you'll have to pay me my money!" Felix said as he looked around, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Avira forced a smile. This might be their end, and based on this kid's slow reaction speed, and low mutant power... it's coming sooner than she had expected.

Power Is Back Up! Felix flashed a smile as his once dull eyes lit up again, and began to glow. It was as if he had received multiple buffs at the same time:

INT +100 MND +100 Telepathic Genes - Reactivated!

The mutated gorilla dashed forward with an explosive 'bang' that resonated throughout the hall, leaving a 2inches deep footprint on the metal as it leaped off the ground.


Strength is one thing... intelligence is another. Fighting head-on is suicide, but do I have to fight you head-on?

Felix leaped into the air with a smirk on on his face. The monster was just too stupid for him.


The mutant gorilla forcefully crashed into a wall like a bolt of lightning. The wall was completely shattered from impact as broken shards of stone and debris flew about in the air.

Felix who was mid-air landed gracefully and, ran over to Avira frantically. Avira who saw the funny scene was grinning ear to ear. This Felix was good.

"Now quickly pay up, before it frees itself. Do a transfer, I'm in a rush." Felix said as he brought out his card, ready for the cash transfer when he suddenly felt a strong sense of danger.

"A- Anomaly!"

Felix was dumbfounded as Avira pushed him away, but was unable to dodge in time as a bright blue light suddenly blasted on her body. The force was enough to send her limp body skidding across the floor leaving Felix in a daze.

His money... gone... just like that? Why? Why?

Why do people always try to protect me, I don't need protection! Felix said madly as he turned around to face his enemy, swaying slightly under the pressure from his own raging energy as he struggled to stand on his feet.

"You stupid creature! How dare you attack my money ba- Avira! Absolute Telekinesis!" Felix roared as he glared at his target, his glowing blue eyes revealing a hint of murder intent.

To those who dare to cross me... death is the only judgement I lay upon them! How dare you attack the person who would hasn't paid for damages yet?!

Various inanimate objects in the area started to tremble slightly as Felix walked towards the mutant gorilla. His steps were light against the ground as he walked, as he was constantly swaying to the left or right.

The mutant gorilla roared madly as it dashed towards the annoying anomaly with a large mutant core, it's eyes failing to suppress the primal greed within.

If course no one could control a monster of this magnitude, but when you place a mutant beast right in a room full of mutants... it'll go straight for the weakest before striking the rest with better mutant genes.

Eating other mutants helps a mutant beast to evolve! Making it even more perverted than the Deviants and Variants!

"I will kill you!" Felix roared in fury. His entire body was shaking in anger as he got within striking range of the mutant gorilla.

Felix frowned as he waved his hand to the side, using his mutant ability, telekinesis to fling the mutant gorilla weighing about two hundred pounds to the side.

Like a loose cannon, the gorilla crashed fiercely into another wall with a loud 'Bang' as it's back was badly punctured. Black blood oozed out of the wounds, as it struggled to pull itself out of the wall.

Felix's expression was cold as he clenched his hand into claws and tugged at the wind, dragging the mutant out of the wall forcefully with his powers.

Like an enraged madman, Felix flung his claw like hands about with a ferocious glint in his eyes. Die~

Suddenly the mutant gorilla was flung about in all directions, crashing against the roof and walls as it sustained heavy injuries all over it's body.

Felix's eyes were bloodshot, and his head was aching as he finally clenched his clawed hand into fists. The poor mutant gorilla let out a loud roared as an invisible force began to press it's body on itself.

Without mercy, the gorilla was squashed like a bug under Felix's tight telekinetic grip as bloody matter sprayed everywhere.

"Gah!" Felix fell down on a knee as blood streamed down his nose. His ears rang, and eyes blurred.

Dun Dun Dun...

His heartbeat resounded in her ears as his vision began to fade.

He did it, he finally taken down the b*stard... now, he could rest for just a little while.

Slowly, Felix collapsed into the total abyss of never ending darkness.


Felix opened his eyes slowly, confusion flickered in his eyes as he looked around himself. Was this Heaven? Hell? Or The Afterlife?

Cold... Weak... Darkness...

Felix was a vast dark world. It wasn't illuminated so all Felix could do was stand in one place as he slowly shut his eyes again.


His eyes sprang open... who? Who was calling him?

The voice was distant and unclear, but despite that, Felix could tell his name was being called. This... Wasn't that Jacob's voice?

"Wake up!" Jacob called from the outside world, his voice distorted in the dark space Felix was in.

Felix took a step towards the voice and stumbled down on one knee. Beads of sweat had already started running down his head as he struggled to breathe. Where was he? Is this a dream?

Suddenly Felix felt as if the darkness was crawling up to him. Coiling round his fingers and legs, penetrating deep into his skin. He finally began to feel fear... fear of true and final death.

'No I won't die here!' Felix screamed in his head as he became very weak and out of breath. He won't... no he can't!

Felix wanted to protest or fight, but he was finding it difficult to move. The darkness finally swallowed him as Felix closed his eyes. If only I had been a bit stronger...


"He might be dead Jacob." Nix said coldly as she examined Felix's body with a frown on her face. He had no pulse, and his entire body temperature had dropped below 30 degrees.

"H-He's dead?" Jacob said in a daze as his eyes welled up, then, after he had processed the information he continued "No, it can't be! How can it be?!"

"He might have died from over exerting up his mutant cell energy, causing an internal reaction within himself. The cells would work double what their supposed to, and slowly degenerate in the process." Nix replied with an ashen face. She stared at the bloody pile of guts, and gore laying at the side and had the urge to just hang herself.

All this wouldn't have happened if she was a bit stricter with the security... a minor mistake took the life of a friend.

Jacob paled at this response. His brain went berserk trying to process this vital information.

Felix used up his energy? Jacob went berserk. Used up his energy!

'Using up his mutant energy?! Who do you-' Jacob was about to argue when he suddenly paused as he looked behind him.

Footsteps approached them from afar. Nix who was squatting down besides Jacob got up almost instantly and stood up with her back straightened and her chest pushed out. Her face was now stern and cold, nothing like the Nix at the hospital.

Jacob who lifted his head to stare at Nix beheld a nose-bleeding sight, but quickly averted his gaze before he gets into trouble. Wow... what a chest.

A giant walked into the room wearing the mutant military uniform. He was about three metres tall with the body of greek god. His black hair swept across his face as he looked down on to Nix with a cold and calculative gaze.

"What happened here, Nix?" The man said with a poker face as he towered over the two mutants with his body as unshakeable as a mountain. He was none other than Skycolm and the general of this mutant base. A true Super-strenght mutant at the peak of his prodigy genes!

"A mutated gorilla was smuggled into the school and allowed on a rampage. It attacked and killed this anomaly." Nix said with her heart beating out of her chest. She clenched her fists as her eyes were fixed on the ground. 'It attacked and killed a brother!'

"Oh...This might not be a coincidence. The humans might have a hand in this. Ever since they learned how to harness the benefits of the cosmic dimensional energies, they have become increasingly haughty, nevertheless, targeting an anomaly is equivalent to courting death." Skycolm said without any change in his expression as he looked directly at Nix.

Jacob and Nix froze up upon hearing that. Jacob froze because he thought Ray had a hand in this, but humans? Nix on the other hand was shocked by the boldness of the humans.

Whoever thinks he or she can stand before the anomalies must be definitely stupid. A true retard.

"I don't think he is dead though... If he was actually dead, his mutant core would have disintegrated." Skycolm said as he approached Felix. He bent down and, and lightly grabbed Felix's wrist. "But, I can still feel his energy flowing in his body."

"What?" Nix almost jumped as she heard that. Felix? Energy? Chance he was alive?

"We need to hurry up, he might be undergoing a forced state of second stage awakening. We have to make sure he doesn't die before he absolutely awakens his power. It'll be interesting to have another powerful anomaly in his base." Skycolm sighed as he stood up with a frown on his face.

"He can't die! F*ck! We have to do something!" Jacob spat out as he instantly regained his senses. He just discovered happily his best buddy wasn't dead and now the boss says there's a chance for him to really die?

Why is this world so f*cked up?!

The end... Or is it? Don't forget to drop something after reading! My goals for this book would soon be published!

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