

Mature content 18+ Erotica Novel!! Alohi Suarez had learned that her father was dying of leukemia, and if that weren't bad enough, his last wish was for her to marry a man she'd never met, Bram Moreno. But her father just wanted to see her settled before he passed on, so despite her reservations, Alohi moved forward with the wedding. A decision she soon came to regret when she learnt that that Bram already had a girlfriend on the side. Caught up in a whirlwind of lies, passion and betrayal, can Alohi indulge in every of his whims and caprices? or defend her marriage and win her husband's heart once and for all? Still, has she been chained to a man who will never love her back?

Pinky_Julie · Urban
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11 Chs

Rule number 1

Alohi struggled in her sleep, turned and tossed on the vast bed as she had a gross nightmare.

"No!" She woke up with a start, her whole body covered with sweat.

A tall silhouette stood by the door and by the looks of it, he was clearly disturbed from his morning nap.

"You can change a country bumpkin but can't remove the bumpkin in her. This is my house and you don't get to scream the way you want. Unless you're mad, I can call the psychiatrist and let him know you want to join your fellow psychos in the mental asylum." Came his husky voice.

"I'm sorry I just had a nightmare." She muttered politely.

"So what!" He suddenly thundered. "Listen to me very carefully, you dare defy my rules and get damped in the garbage where you belong!" He gripped her neck choking her for some time before finally letting her go.

Alohi coughed several times drawing air into her lungs.

"You can't die if you wish to. I'm not done with you yet. Now listen, while living in this house, there are rules which you should strictly adhere to. Rule number one, don't dare lay your filthy hands on me. Rule number two, don't you ever talk back when I'm talking. Rule number three, respect my girlfriend and do whatever she asks you to do. Last but not the least, don't be forget to abide by rule number one."

Alohi's breath became haggard as tears streamed down her cheeks. She had been holding back a lot of pain and now he was pushing her off limits. It was as if she was at the edge of the cliff and begging her perpetrator not to throw her down for the fear of dying. She whimpered softly while gawking at him and he did the same. However, he chuckled hard while watching his wife crying.

"You're a crybaby, wow! Just wow. What else should I know about you? Maybe you won't mind writing down a little biography of your shattered life back in the gutters." He mocked her. "Don't forget to include all the men you have slept with so far."

Alohi rubbed her running nose and wiped away her tears before getting up from the bed.

"Holy shit! Don't you have pads or something...you just stained my expensive sheets." He groaned disgustingly.

Alohi stopped in her tracks and felt something warm dripping down her thighs. She gasped when a drop of blood stained the fluffy white carpet. Out of fear and shame, she rushed to the bathroom with her head hang low to avoid meeting his cold gaze.

Bram chuckled hard wondering how he found himself entangled with a fragile woman who threw tantrums like a child, cried like a baby and stayed silent despite his stern and cold nature. He scanned her room quickly before stepping out and when Alohi had the door being closed, she sighed heavily and removed her nightgown. She turned on the shower and let the cold water wash away her dirt as she leaned against the shower wall.

Thinking of the blood stains on the sheets, she quickly rinsed the shampoo off her body and stepped out naked to remove the sheets before Bram could embarrass her further.

Untucking the sheets from the vast bed, the door suddenly squeaked and Bram barged in.

"Holy crap! Don't you know how to knock?" She shrilled quickly wrapping the sheets around her damp body.

"You're not the first woman I've seen going commando in front of a man. I see Blu's almond skin every day, so yours doesn't make any difference. Drop the act you foolish woman, I know you did that intentionally." He sneered as he drew closer to her. Alohi sensed that he was inching more closer almost breaching the gap between them and moved a few steps backwards. And having not seen the couch behind her, she tripped and fell down.

"Ouch!" She writhed in pain.

"You thought my arms would save you? Sorry woman, get up and clean this whole room. It stinks." He covered his nose while walking out.

Alohi tried to find her balance and struggled to stand up and soon floundered back to the bathroom to clean the sheets. Bram on the other hand, loosened the briefs of his sweatpants jerking out his perky cock that had grown hard in his pants.

"Fuck you silly woman!" He cursed out.

"Hey baby!" Blu startled the latter who fastened his briefs before turning around to see her.

"What are you doing here so early?" He asked confusedly hoping she didn't get to see his junk poking out of his pants.

"Why? I brought you breakfast since you don't like when your wife cooks for you. I asked Marina to set the table for two." She said excitedly wrapping her hands around his neck.

"Okay, I'll shower first before..."

"That's why I'm here. I don't wanna miss showering with you in the morning." She jolted up.

"No we can't, I'll be quick." He dismissed her and before she could protest, he had turned on the shower.

"I'll dress you up then." She mumbled to herself disappointed by his weird behavior. She was trying to make amends of something she clearly didn't know what it was and there he was, driving her away.

Alohi cleaned up her room even when the maids offered to help her out fearing Bram would scold her. She arranged everything in order and scurried to the ironing room to pick Bram's business suit unaware of Blu's presence in her husband's room.

She took the ironed outfit and knocked on his door but received no response and so she invited herself in only to find Bram and Blu making out. Bram was fresh and damp from the shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He had his hands in her inner thighs and she had her fingers burrowed in his wet hair. The whole scene was heartbreaking and she found herself clenching her hands and heaving hard.

She mustered enough courage and sauntered forward to his bed, placing down his clothes as Blu faked a moan to spite her.

"Ahh! Give me more Baby. I love it." She faked ambiguous sounds and Alohi stepped out without saying anything.

At the back of Bram's mind, he kept thinking of Alohi and when he heard her disappearing footsteps, he let go of Blu.

"Kiss me more, you're arousing in the morning...I need to take care of this bulge growing hard on my hands." Blu said seductively to distract him from other thoughts but what he did abruptly made her realize she could never completely win him over.

"I'm getting late for work." He took the clothes Alohi had placed on his bed and slipped into the dressing room. Blu took that opportunity to sneak out to look for her enemy who was clad in a pink apron busying herself in the kitchen.