

Mature content 18+ Erotica Novel!! Alohi Suarez had learned that her father was dying of leukemia, and if that weren't bad enough, his last wish was for her to marry a man she'd never met, Bram Moreno. But her father just wanted to see her settled before he passed on, so despite her reservations, Alohi moved forward with the wedding. A decision she soon came to regret when she learnt that that Bram already had a girlfriend on the side. Caught up in a whirlwind of lies, passion and betrayal, can Alohi indulge in every of his whims and caprices? or defend her marriage and win her husband's heart once and for all? Still, has she been chained to a man who will never love her back?

Pinky_Julie · Urban
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11 Chs

Protecting what is his

Alohi clad in a figure hugging dress, having felt better, stepped out of the villa in one of Bram's jeep to visit Blay, her best friend. Blay ran a small restaurant in town and it was flooding with customers because of how sparkling clean it was. Moreover, Blay was a single beautiful woman in her early thirties and she had a lot of suitors wanting to bed her.

Alohi parked outside her restaurant and sauntered into the counter in search of Blay.

"You finally showed up huh?" Blay, out of the blues, appeared in front of her. "Where have you been hiding all this while? Did he finally stretch your hot core?"

"Jeez Blay! Keep it down, someone might hear you." Alohi squinted her eyes dreading the couple sitting opposite the counter might have had their conversation.

"Seriously, how have you been? Should I beat that asshole for you? Is he mistreating you?"

"Don't start with me, Blay. I'm having my menses and they're messing me up." Alohi scorned.

"Whoa! And here I thought you'd be carrying my Godchild by now. Does he have a low stamina? Tell me because I can get you a sexy hunk for you. You just have to say yes and I'll be on it." Blay offered.

"Marriage is not something to joke around with."

"And you think I'm joking? Get your shit together and leave that bastard once and for all." Blay acted so serious as if her life depended on it.

"Easier said than done. I'm safe with him, besides you know my father didn't leave anything behind for me to hold on to. I'm penniless and I don't know where to go if I decide to leave Bram."

"You have me, what else do you want? If it's good sex, I can hook you up with the hottest guys in town. C'mon Alohi, leave that man." She begged of him but the latter remained firm on her decision.

"I think I'm falling..."

"No way! That motherfucker doesn't deserve your love. Omg! You really have to wake up, can't you see he's in love with someone else? How do you feel when he fuck's that skinny blonde in your presence? Perhaps I should consider teaching that good for nothing moron a lesson."

"You don't mean it, do you?" Alohi chuckled.

"I've never seen you smile like that. Leave that prick and come live with me. I heard Mateo is back in Acapulco. Don't you wanna see him?"

"We broke up, which was in a good way." Alohi said.

"For you to suddenly marry Bram Moreno? You always carry your brain in your hand, I don't blame you. I blame Rosa for having raised a resilient daughter." Blay shook her head in disbelief.

"Hey man, what's up?" A man bear hugged a tall handsome young man at one table and Blay was quick to notice who it was.


"Speak of the devil...." She smiled to herself.

"Oh no," Alohi sighed deeply.

"You aren't over him after all, believe me when I say you'd still love to have his cock in your mouth." Blay teased.

"Cut it out, I have to go." Alohi pulled the stool aside and rose up to leave only to feel familiar hands roaming around her waist. Her heart throbbed fastly as Blay chortled.

"I don't like it when people pry on your beautiful ass...does it hurt?" Mateo whispered into her ear sending chills down her spine. He wrapped his jacket around her waist and that's when she realized she had messed her dress.

"Thank you." Alohi muttered politely stepping a little further away from him. Mateo was disheartened by the way she preferred interacting with him from a distance. He couldn't believe that Alohi could throw away all the love they once shared just because she was now a married woman. Mateo knew who Bram Moreno was and even if Alohi had ended things with him, he'd still go out of his way to protect her. He was still very much in love with her. Something Alohi didn't get the chance to comprehend how he adored her and wanted to make her his wife. Take her to Seoul for a wonderful honeymoon and spend every night making love to her.

A distance from where Mateo and Alohi stood, there was a man clad in a blue business suit ordering his personal assistant around while gawking at the two ex-lovers.

Bram who had treated his staff to a meal on their way to the main office in the city, didn't expect to be surprised in any way. He took out his phone and texted his estranged wife who snubbed his text and didn't bother to even have a look on her cell phone. Her eyes were glued on her first love.

"Let's go." He said to his assistant who had seen how the latter was affected having seen his wife, allowing another man to roam freely all over her body. Alejandro, a man who always obeyed Bram's orders, trailed behind him as he stepped on the gas pulling away from the restaurant. His employees who were getting to eat, were puzzled to find their Boss gone and so they had to hurry up before he could unleash his wrath on them.

On the counter, there was eering silence that Blay decided to keep herself busy leaving the the duo to talk things out.

"Thanks for the jacket, I'll wash it and have it returned to you." She muttered.

"I want you to have it. Keep it safe." Mateo suddenly held her hand in his. "Can we talk? It'll be quick, I promise."

"Fine." She simply said following him to his car parked outside.

"Does it hurt?" Mateo asked out of concern abruptly caressing her tummy.

"Mateo, we're over and I shouldn't be seen with you. What did you want to talk about?" Alohi assumed his feelings for her and appeared calm even if Mateo's presence was starting to stir something she wasn't supposed to feel. She now belonged to another man and as a married woman, it'd be wrong to be seen in company of another man who wasn't her husband.