
But First, Coffee

Lee's Cafe was popular for its amazing selection of pastries and great coffee. They even had great tea. Hanging bulbs and overhead lamps illuminated the cozy interior while potted plants and brick walls increased its charm. The owner, Lee was a devoted lover of indie music. Albums of artists such as Bon Iver and Lord Huron were proudly displayed on the brick walls. Lee's personality shone through his café making the place cozy yet eclectic.

It was, however also a little too far away from any of us to become a regular hang out spot. Which makes it just perfect for our meeting with Cayson because I really don't need him to know any places we're frequent at. The scent of sugar and coffee filled our senses as walked inside and headed for our favorite seat. Lee approached as were settling in to greet us with a grin, despite the fact we weren't regulars he could always remember us. We exchanged greetings, gave our orders and resumed high alert.

"It's 5 minutes to go time." Josh announced, before biting into his croissant and in reply, I twisted my fingers at the announcement. We'd decided to get here earlier than the meeting time so we could watch him come and take time to study him. I also thought I'd feel more at ease having had more time to settle in.

Instead here I am, feeling like I'm about to puke. I relish the scent of my cup as I attempt to wash down the doubt niggling in my stomach.

Owl City's Fireflies comes accross the speakers and I absentmindedly tap my fingers along. As we sing along, I focus on the song and enjoy the moment with my friends.

"It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep

'Cause everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)".

A shadow falls over the table as I sing the last verse and the words die on my tongue.

"Daaamn girl.", Leah whispers out loud.

For once, I have to agree. When relating my experience, I'd cut out the minor detail that he was extremely good looking because I thought surely that had to be a mistake.

I couldn't possibly have found my kidnapper attractive. Right?

Yet here he was, looking as incredible as my supposed daydream. His dark wavy hair was pushed back to expose his face fully. His eyes appeared lighter today, almost ethereal in their brightness. He took a seat across from me and for a moment I forgot how to breathe.

"Atchooo!!" Josh's violent sneeze quickly slapped me back into reality.

I grabbed a couple of tissues from my bag and handed them to him while Leah started thwacking his back. For whatever reason.

"I don't think you've introduced us." came from Leah in a sing song voice. The dimples in her cheeks punctuated her smile and she would've looked like a sweet angel. If only she wasn't still pounding Josh's back. For whatever reason.

I clear my throat nervously and make the introductions.

"Leah and Josh meet Cayson."

"Cayson... meet my best friends."

Both sides look at each other and silent judgments are made.

Leah promptly approves because she abandons Josh's back in order to grasp Cayson's hands.

"I've heard sooo much about you and yet not a word about how handsome you are. I wonder why.", the last part said with a smirk directed at me.

I eye the charming little plate holding my chocolate chip muffin and wonder how much damage it would do if I threw it at her. My eyes narrow even further as Josh takes his second hand and begins to ramble about how amazing Cayson's watch is.

Not for the first time, I wondered how I even met these people.

Soft rumbly laughter reached my ears and my attention returned to Cayson as he replied both their questions and started discussing watch collections with Josh.

I watch him dole out pretty little smiles to them and animatedly answer their questions. A little wisp of hair beside his right ear flutters with each movement and corresponding flutters tingle in my stomach.

'You're treading on fine ice honey.'

I inhaled sharply as the warning rang in my mom's voice.

And a timely warming it is because this guy is doing strange things to my system.

Very strange things.

I look out to the sky in an attempt to clear my thoughts. The clouds are streaked a faded orange by the descending sun and a flock of birds flap by quickly to their abode.

I push aside thoughts of amber eyes and sweet lips and lock my glaring attraction to him deep within my chest.

I'm called the sensible one in this group for a reason.

Recalling the reason for our meeting, I get everyone's attention by saying,

"Soo. Let's get down to business."