
Bad Day

Adeline's POV

I'm having a bad day. Again. Actually, I'm kind of on a roll, this is my third bad day in a week. It all started when my alarm clock stopped working due to Lucy, my marmalade kitten. Lucy had never really liked the alarm clock... correction, she hated the clock. Mostly because the first day it started working it had scared the hell out of her.

Out of curiosity, Lucy had climbed my bedside cabinet to inspect the new device on it. After walking around it five times, she then sniffed it and finally decided to sit on it. That was a bad idea because about 2 minutes after she sat on it, it began to belt out Sia's Chandelier. In fear, Lucy leaped off it and landed (claws extended) on my face. I was still half asleep and tried to fling her across the room, key word; tried. Now that I think about it... that was another bad day and I have the scars to prove it.

Ever since then, Lucy waged an all out war at the alarm clock. When it woke me up in the morning, she'd respond by hissing at it and when I came back from school, I'd find the poor machine on the floor with new scratches on its body. But no matter how many times she threw it down, scratched it or how many murderous glares she shot it, it would come out victorious and sing Chandelier to me the next morning. So when I found it on the floor on Tuesday night, I dusted it and put it back where it should be.

I had no idea that, unfortunately my alarm clock had lost the war.

It had finally given up the ghost.

And that was the reason why I was having a bad day.

When I woke up on Wednesday morning, not only was I late. I had also skipped first period, it was about 20 minutes to the end of the class (Don't judge me, my body likes sleep). By the time I got to school, I was late for English, in which I was supposed to be giving a presentation. I got there late and not only did I miss my presentation, I also got detention. If you've ever had a bad day, you know that it takes just one event to trigger a whole other set of events which will all inevitably send that day to hell. When I got home I was exhausted, so I crashed straight into bed. Since my alarm clock had stopped working, you can imagine how wonderful the next day was (in case you didn't get it, I had a terrible day).

And today was worse than both days combined.

Ironically, I woke up early enough. That fact was enough to put a smile on my face. I had been convinced that I was going to break the spell. Today would be a good day, I believed it, right until Lucy stole my phone from the dining table. I spent about thirty minutes searching for my deranged cat and when I finally found her, I spent thirty more minutes convincing her to give me back my phone. After she was convinced it wasn't edible, she gave it to me and I ran out of my house. At this point I was a bit unsure about my dreams of having a good day. I could make it to the school in 10 minutes, so I pushed on. But when the rain came, there was no doubt about it. I was having a bad day. The rain wasn't even little. No... it poured, the way water might run out of a tap.

So here I am, wet and trembling (just in case you were wondering, a tree doesn't count as shelter when it rains). I walked toward my school and my legs felt like lead. Mostly because rain water had gotten into my converse and formed a small pool. As I got close to the school, there was only one thing on my mind. Stupid cat. Stupid cat.

At that moment, a particularly large drop of water landed right in the middle of my head. Really stupid cat. I got to school and made for the restroom. As I turned a corner, I walked into someone.

"Owww! Where are your eyes Lina ?"

I rubbed my head and looked up into the sparkly blue eyes of one of my best friends, Josh. He blinked back at me.

''Where are your eyes?'' I retorted. '' Well, someone's in a foul mood.'' he said stepping back to study me. ''Don't tell me you're having another bad day.''

"Okay , I won't.'' I told him as I attempted to walk past him. Instead he grabbed my hand and started walking in the opposite direction. We walked quickly and then stopped in front of his locker. He dug around in it and brought out a baby blue hoodie and a pair of socks. ' These should keep you warm ' he said, as he handed them to me. 'Thanks, you're the best.' I told him. 'No problem' he replied and placed a kiss on the side of my head. 'I have to get to class' he said and ran off. I smiled and made my way to the restroom.

When I came out I had the hoodie and socks on. I hurried to class expecting to get detention but when I entered the room, it was chaos. In the right corner of the class, a couple of guys were playing truth or dare, though I'm sure it's only dare, mostly because one of them was currently attempting to dive into the air vent, while others hailed him and chanted his name, like he was a sacrifice. In the left corner about four couples were sucking face like there was no tomorrow. It looked like a competition between couples to see who could swallow their partner whole. A large group of people were playing spin the bottle right in the middle of the class. I came into class expecting to have History, but I was this close to having Sex Ed.

Since my classmates had decided to use my seat to play spin the bottle, I sat down on another seat somewhere between them and the face suckers. Immediately I settled down, my friend Leah appeared beside me.

'' Hey, hey.'' she says, as way of greeting. Her brown eyes are twinkling with excitement and a bit of mischief. Her hair is a warm chocolate brown, wavy and stops at the nape of her neck. All of it gives her an impish look, but then again that's who she is.

''You're late again'' she said with a smile. I turned to look at her.

''Not on purpose.'' knowing Leah, she probably thinks it's my way of defying authority or something.

She sighs at me, then pouts.

''And here I thought I was actually beginning to rub off on you. By the way you're welcome.''

I blink at her.'' Uhm, what exactly am I thanking you for? '' I ask.

She smirks.' Well, you're late, yet you don't have detention.'

I sigh and ask, ''What did you do to poor Mr. Leonard.''

"I didn't do anything to him. '' she says looking a bit upset. I feel guilty and I'm about to apologise, when she adds, ''But I can't say the same for his substitute.'' My mind goes to work immediately, thinking of a lecture that will make her desist from her impish ways.

I open my mouth, ready to scold her, when I hear a loud crash. We both turn to the source of the noise. There was a guy on the floor, surrounded by people. Unsurprisingly, he was from the group playing dare. Blondie had been dared to ride the ceiling fan. I didn't know that was possible, but he had just completed the feat. Apparently, he had hung on for about five seconds before he was thrown off and landed where he is now. He still hadn't moved and everyone held their breath in anticipation. Even the face suckers stopped to see if he was alive. Suddenly, he opens his eyes and jumps up and the whole class erupts into cheers and whoops like he'd won an Olympic medal. I shake my head at the class, only to turn and see Leah dancing. She grabs my hand and I end up dancing with my idiot friend.

The rest of the day goes by quickly and despite my crazy morning, I end up having a good day. I walk home alone because Josh has football practice and Leah, of course has detention. I'm just about to plug in my earphones when I hear thunder. I am not getting drenched twice in one day, so i start running.

I get home and Lucy greets me by sitting on my feet. I pick her up, change then fix lunch for the both of us. I'm about to binge watch One Piece on my laptop when Lucy starts dancing, jumps on the couch, climb into my lap and blinks at me with her grey eyes. I push her away, she comes back, I push her again and she gives me a look that tells me; I need to pee. I give up and take her outside to the backyard. The sky bellows angrily and looks ready to dump its contents and Lucy is still looking for the perfect spot to pee.

Why she refuses to use her litter box is beyond me. She finishes her business and to my surprise ducks under the low wooden fence and runs into the street.

I run after her and find her a block away. I pick her up and give her a good scolding as I walk back to the house. I'm almost home when I notice a black van coming in my direction, I move out of the way, still walking. In the second the van passes, I feel a pair of hands around me. Before I know it, i'm in the van with Lucy in my arms trying to comprehend what just happened.