
chocolate love...?

first day of my high school..

Itz a quite day...

I still remember the day, It was Monday

exactly at 11:15...

It was a language class....

a little bit boring...😒

My name Tanya,

I was the class representative...

little bit interested in drawing...

so I can't cut my classes..😭

I started to feel sleepy....

I started rubbing my eyes..

At that time I suddenly noticed that

someone was looking at me from the side

At the opp side it was school office...

I rubbed at my sleepy eyes ...

and looked at him....

he smiled at me I just startled at that second

I don't know who he was...

But I know one thing that

he is still looking at me

without knowing anything

I looked at him seriously...

and he suddenly turned his face..

(started blushing at other side)

suddenly someone hit my shoulder

from the back I just startled...

seriously that was my stupid friend

Tina ....

From that day she started teasing me....

whenever he cross my class room .she was the first one to notify me.....

she already became his apprentice😁

whenever I saw him ...

he always smiled at me ..

one truth I have to admit ... whenever he smiles he looks little cute...

one day I noticed that ..He Always arrives ten minutes before me Daily watching me through his class window....

It was first time I smiled at him..

I don't who he was....

after I smiled at him

everything changed

my name in the school too...

some of his friends started call me Nanjil....(his name) instead of my name

whenever I walked across his class room

his friends started shouting his name....

I feel irritated...

on the nxt day, I annoyed to the extreme level...

on seeing

my class room board ...

full of my name and his name...

My anger reaches the top level...

I walked straight to his class room....

his class room was empty..

They are in the computer lab....

I want to shout but I can't

suddenly I thought of something....

I started writing at his class blackboard...

after I wrote that, I laughed at seeing the board... and went to my class room...

after half an hour.....

There is some noise in his class....

everyone went to their class room and

started laughing on seeing the blackboard...

he was standing near the black board ....

then suddenly looked at me ...

and smiles....

( I draw a Rabbit with his face..... and wrote that he was a idiot....

It seems to be childish.. but I feel that was interesting at that time.....)

he suddenly took the chalk piece and wrote something on the board...(smiles at me)

I rushed to the board and

I was shocked.....

It was a story of a puppy lovers...

without knowing anything they fallen for each other.... experienced a new world ....

overcome many difficulties.....

overall it's a cute love story...

read my story and give me suggestions plz..

Sandy_Sakthicreators' thoughts