
I Guess I’m Leading a Settlement Now

Wyatt lived a normal life, but out of the blue one day, everyone on earth gets teleported to a “Contest of Worth” where everyone is forced to contest against each other by forming their own respective settlements\factions. Can he survive and lead his settlement to glory?

i_prefer_the_north · Action
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What in the World just happened?

Wyatt woke up abruptly. It didn't take long until he burst into joy like a little kid on Christmas. The previous night he got news that he had won a fifty million dollar lottery. He would be a millionaire! He quickly changed into his clothes, black training pants and a white t-shirt.

He rushes to his apartment door, grabs his wallet, a skinny blue sweater, and his car keys and heads down the stairs, due to his excitement he felt like the elevator was traveling at a sloth's pace. He rushes to his car inhaling the oxygen of a new day, turns it on and he departs. He had always dreamed of redeeming a huge check that would provide him wealth that could quell all of his worries. But to his annoyance the moment he hits the streets with his now 5 year-old car to his displeasure he hits some serious traffic.

He decided to slowly pass the time while the traffic cleared by binge-reading his online web-novels. A honk hit him out of his reading, as he saw that the traffic jam had mostly cleared.

He reaccelerates his car, 40 minutes of driving later he arrives at the place where his dream would become a reality. He parks his car, and just as he steps out of the car everything turns white.

"DID I JUST DIE!" He yells in complete fury. He was about to have everything and then he just DIES! Just when he was questioning his life decisions a low voice spoke from the abyss of white, [ We your divine guardians have shielded you from extra-terrestrials, so you can form a recognizable force and be able to stand on your own in this vast universe. But all you do is fight against each other, and we can't shield you for much longer and your race will very likely go extinct the moment the extraterrestrial factions come to invade your resource packed planet. So in order to decide worthy leader for you troublesome bunch we have decided to create a contest.]

[One million of you will be divided evenly between eight continents on a small world we forged for this contest, with 125,000 of you in each continent, and there will also be 25 territories inside the continents where 5,000 of the chosen ones with above average intellect, wisdom, and strength will be placed inside each territory. Each Territory will have one leader who will decide where and what your home base, roles, laws. Etc will be. A territory will have it's own unique perks for example one may be a jungle, while another might be a tundra. There will also be unique wildlife in your respective territories, that range from squirrels to dinosaurs, also a territory is 250 acres. If chosen your goal is to conquer all other territories under the guidance of your leader. If killed you won't actually be dead, it will just decide your position when this all over and one faction has conquered all 8 continents. The leader who wins the this contest will be the ruler of the human race. If you are not contesting that means your role is already decided in the new world after the contest is over. I wish all of you contesting luck, let the game begin!]